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   "Ahem." Song Yachao, who was cooking, reminded Tony to pay attention to the feelings of others.

   Al has been eating and drinking at his house until now, and has not gone to the restaurant to work. If it weren't for some cooking skills, Aunt Susie would want to drive people away.

"How do you say? Al, go back with me. Next we are going to run out of Illinois for publicity. The manpower is tight." Tony came with a task, "Pablo asked me to tell you something, UU Reading wwwww .uukanshu.com is your agent and will take care of you."

   "He is afraid that I will talk nonsense and ruin Lori's good future, right?"

   Al clinked the pot, and replied silently, "I should have my share of everything."

   "Don't you still have a copy now?" Tony was unhappy, "You have to face reality."

   "The reality is that I was kicked out like a dog."

"Uh... Al." Song Ya decided to fool this guy away. It is too sad to play games every day until late at night, and affects his learning state. "Don't be stupid again, you have to know that the little singer actually The share that can be obtained in record sales is quite small. The bulk of it is the future performance compensation, concert income, appearance fees and so on. You only need to go back, as long as your voice is still on the little Lori album, and you will have to perform on stage. It’s a shame to give up like you, and you have a share in those incomes."

   "It should have been a big portion." Al was still struggling with this.

   "What the **** are you talking about now?" Tony couldn't help but explode.

   "A small portion is a lot of money." Song Ya persuaded.

   Al stopped speaking, dropped the pan, went upstairs and closed the door.

   "This guy! I really treat this as my own home, right?" Tony was helpless.

  Al did not go back with Tony after all.

At night, Song Ya faintly heard someone crying in his sleep. He got up and stretched out his head to look down the bunk. Al was holding the quilt, "I can't stand it, I can't stand it..." His tears slipped, "I am Nger grew up in Nancheng, I can’t stand these guys who are full of business and lies. I can’t stand the thought of going back and pretending to be a okay person and getting along with them... I’m afraid one day I’ll take a gun and destroy them all. It's..."

Chicago 1990 Chapter 21: Next week

   Song Ya can understand the motives of Al's ‘axis’, but he can’t agree. What’s wrong with being aggrieved? It’s a common social phenomenon to work with people you don’t like, and it’s the same in the United States. Such a large sum of money is in sight. You can earn it without earning others, but it will be cheaper than Pablo those people you hate. I am afraid that the beneficiaries will count the money and laugh at you stupidly. This makes sense. Don't understand?

   But he didn't want to persuade him anymore. If he persuaded Al, if one day he didn't control the actual use of a gun to sweep people, Tony's brother would still be a follower in front of Little Lori... Oh no, partner.

Safety first.

   In the second week, the DJs of Chicago Radio began to analyze the second-hand store’s song objectively and calmly after the second week, but the overall situation was still very high. Supermarkets, restaurants and other stores have successively included this song in the background music playlist, and familiar melody sounded in the students’ Walkman from time to time, especially in second-hand stores large and small. They loved this song and opened it directly. Infinite brainwashing cycle mode.

  In Illinois alone, the first batch of 7,000 cassettes was sold out in about ten days, and the subsequent 10,000 cassettes have been restocked.

Old Joe and Pablo were very encouraged, and put the next step of publicity directly on the Greater New York area in the Northeast..., the core area of ​​the U.S. recording industry. They plan to travel to New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore and Washington in six days. City, directly arched the album of Lori II into the TOP200 bulletin board, which is the top position of the weekly album sales chart.

   Song Ya feels that the song "Own" is already on the eve of the sky.

   However, the reality is cruel.

   On Friday night, Tony called and they bumped their heads on the iron plate this time.

   At the first stop, they were lost in the endless ocean of media in New York. Two radio interviews and a small-scale performance did not even stir the slight waves.

   In Philadelphia, Old Joe was ridiculed in public by the well-known DJ Philby in an interview. Because Philby's words were too harsh, the two sides almost staged a full-fledged action outside the broadcast room.

   In Baltimore, when Little Lori performed in a nightclub, he was disturbed by an unknown rapper. The young and energetic man agreed to the impromptu battle request. Unexpectedly, he was speechless within a few rounds.

"on the stage?"

"On the stage, Little Lori was holding the microphone, his mouth was moving, but there was no sound at all. I felt his tears swirling in his eyes, and people were already shaking. I was about to rush up and punch the guy opposite. Get down, Pablo caught me."

   From Tony's description on the phone, Song Ya substituted himself to feel the embarrassment of Little Lori at the time, emmmm...the goose bumps were about to rise.

  More than that, the propaganda team also had problems internally. Old Joe and Pablo broke out in violent quarrels several times, and Lori was dissatisfied with the lack of physical strength of Old Morgan, which dragged down the progress of the whole group.

"Don't blame them, they are so tired. We have to sleep on the plane. We have to go to the airport when we get off the plane. We have to turn around and have time to eat and go to the toilet. In this state, everyone is in a bad mood. There’s something wrong with Joe’s propaganda strategy. Maybe we shouldn’t go to New York first, and the schedule shouldn’t be too tight... Well... Pablo said." Tony found a reason, "You don’t arrange anything else on Sunday, they I want to have a meeting with you."

   "All right..." Song Ya could say anything else, it was all grasshoppers on a boat.

  On Sunday, Song Ya called his agent Hayden to come to Old Joe Music.

However, the atmosphere of Lao Qiao Music today is a bit wrong. There are two black men standing outside the door, one of them is very vigilant to observe the surroundings, the other is responsible for searching Song Ya and Hayden, searching very carefully, opposite the vehicle at the entrance of the underground nightclub Also a lot more.

   "This job..." After entering the door, Hayden seemed to regret taking over Song Ya as a client.

   "It's okay, the gang should be reasonable." Song Ya can only comfort him like this.

Old Qiao’s office was full of people. Behind the boss’s desk, a thirty-year-old black guy with a scalp turban and a cigar in his mouth leaned lazily against the back of the chair, "Are you all here? Then? Let's start, you all go out." He waved.

Song Ya, who has more and more experience in life, can recognize the hidden meanings of the various flower headscarves in Nancheng, which is the same as the dead'ET', with the swash of'HellBobcat' on it, indicating that the name of the gang belongs to Hell Short The tail cat, and the six-pointed star pattern on the turban represents its submission to the larger gang GD, and then GD leads a gang alliance FN, Folk. FN is currently hostile to another gang alliance, PN, People.

  People walked away for more than half an instant, "Tony, you go out too." Pablo drove out Tony who was still stuck in place.

   "This white guy is?" The big guy pointed to Hayden.

   Song Ya replied: "He is my agent."

   "Is it my own?" the boss asked.