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   As soon as the prelude started, the ‘silencer’ started to turn the station around, twisting back and forth and not finding what I liked, the radio continued to make sore noises.

   "Just listen to MJ, isn't it?"

   Michael Jackson is now in full swing. His song Song Ya was actively and passively listened to after passing through, and he liked it very much. The words of the person in the mirror are very deep and the impression is particularly deep.

   "He betrayed us!"

Tony suddenly became a little agitated, "For so many years, we have given him wholehearted support, and the result! What did he get in exchange!? He is ashamed of us! Ashamed of being a black man!" He pointed out the car window, " Look! Look at him now!"

   Song Ya looked over, there happened to be a huge MJ Pepsi advertisement on the side of the road, that face, um, was really white.

   "Traitor." The ‘silencer’ uttered a word, and he finally chose his favorite channel, which was still a rap music.

   "Are you bullshit?"

  A black man can please a white man by turning himself white? Doesn't this only make black people upset and look down on white people? Song Ya's instinct thinks Tony's statement is illogical.

   "Everyone says that anyway."

   Tony continued: "The white people control the world. They do this to dampen our self-esteem. Let us continue to be their slaves. Do you understand? Faces can be changed, and it's not difficult to bleach individuals."

   "Area 51." Another word came out from ‘Muffler’.

"Yes! In fact, the white people have caught aliens long ago! But they chose to hide the alien's technology, never for the benefit of the people, but to use it to fight a world war!" Tony became more and more boundless. "When they decide a victory or defeat, they will definitely turn around to deal with us and let the black people continue to be slaves to them!"

   "Uh... okay." Song Ya was convinced and decided not to talk to him.

   Tony is still thinking about it, "It’s not a good thing to have Mike, I heard, I heard that many big guys in Nancheng want his life!"


   Song Ya was shocked. Michael Jordan is now the main player of the Bulls and the darling of Chicago.

   "It's not Michael, it's Mike! Mike Tyson!" Tony corrected.

   "I know, I know this."

   A few days ago, boxing champion Tyson was beaten upset by a 42-1 loss. Song Ya heard that many gangsters have lost money on this matter.

   Not far from the place agreed upon with Little Lori, the three people of two songs arrived at the destination, a public basketball court surrounded by barbed wire next to a small park. The surrounding environment here is much better than near Song Ya's home. Not far from the commercial street, there are high-rise apartments nearby. Police cars pass by the intersection from time to time, and the people playing inside are also much more trendy.

Little Lori is already waiting. He is about the same age as Tony. He is shorter than Song Ya and very thin. He looks rare among blacks. He has dirty braids on his head. He is listening to music while wearing headphones to warm up leisurely. . Not far from the basketball hoop stood two chatting black men. One was about twenty-five or six years old, and the other seemed to be in his thirties.

   Find a place to park the car, Tony gets off the car first and greets loudly: "Hey! Bro~"


   Little Lori took off the earphones, smiled and greeted him, and had a complicated fist with Tony and the Silencer.

When it was Song Ya’s turn, the two of them made the first gesture, and then when they collided up and down, because Song Ya reversed the order, the two of them swung their fists back and forth several times, but they didn’t get it right. Point.

   Song Ya retracted his fist and smiled awkwardly and politely.

   Little Lori smiled, "Forget it, don't care about those." Then he patted Song Ya on the shoulder, "Come, introduce everyone."

   The two people who had just stood by the basketball hoop came over. The younger one was Lori’s band partner, who called himself Al.

"You're the one..." Tony saw Al's enthusiasm, and one hand imitated holding the microphone, and put his mouth together, "Bump times and times, dong dong dong..." learned Duan's incomprehensible ventriloquism .

   "ye..." Al smiled and then acted for a while.

   He is much more professional. If he closes his eyes, Song Ya might really suspect that there is an extra drum set beside him.

   Tony gave him a thumbs up.

   Older people are from record companies, not as easy-going as Al, "Everyone calls me AK." Then they fisted against the three.

   The six people all knew each other. Little Lori threw the CD Walkman and jacket to AK. The others also took off the jacket and other burdens and put them under the basketball hoop.

Ordinary three-on-three halftime, it’s unrealistic for Lori’s small body to match Tony and the'silencer', two tall and strong rugby players. Song Ya also knows that this is Tony, why must he be The reason for the pull, so he took the initiative to go over and confront him.

   To put it bluntly, except for Lori, the real purpose of the other five people on the court is not to play basketball, but to accompany them. Since it's an accompaniment, it must be to make the accompany happy, so they are all in a tacit understanding. When Little Lori holds the ball, they all pull far away and let Song Ya play with him.

Cross step, dribble from behind, turn around vacantly, change direction in front of body, Little Lori obviously has a good foundation, a set of ball control skills, turning speed and dribbling speed are very fast, Song Ya after crossing He was blown up in the matchup, and this time he improved slightly, but that was all.

   Time slowly passed, and the yelling and yelling on the court matched the buzzing sound of basketball.

   To say that the foundation of this body is really good, Song Ya has been passed over and over again, followed by Xiao Luo Rui to eat ashes, except for the tiredness of the heart, there is no problem with physical strength.

   "Maybe my sports credits can be rescued?"

   After a little distraction, he ate a shake, lost his balance and sat on the ground. Looking back, Lori had a successful layup, and he was learning from Jordan to celebrate.

   "Pause! Pause for a break."

At this time, AK, who was facing the'silencer', couldn't hold on for the first time. The'silencer' was not as sleek as Tony. The inside line was solid, and his running back's body carried it. The AK was worn down by carrying it, and Al, who was in opposition to Tony, was still as okay.

   "Don't! AK! I just warmed up!" Little Lori shouted disappointedly with the ball. He really likes to play against Song Ya.

   "I can't do it, I can't do it." AK raised his hands and retreated to the sidelines.

   The ‘silencer’ chuckled in place.

   "Shall we come?" At this time, three black guys were waiting for the next place to come over and asked.

   "Okay." Little Lori agreed.

   "Ali!" Tony gave Song Ya a look.

   "Then you guys can play first."

   Song Ya followed Tony off the court, leaving Lori, Al and Silencer on the court.

Less than ten minutes after the three of them sat down to rest, an accident happened on the court. Probably, Lori was intercepted continuously by the opponent. When he was anxious to break, he bumped his head into the opponent's elbow, which he did not know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Fell to the ground on the spot.

   "FXXX!" He got up and pushed him over in anger.

   I didn't expect that the other party would not get used to it, "Can't afford to lose? Like a twat?" Her mouth was not clean and she pushed back.

  The six people on the field quickly assembled, the "war" expanded, and AK also quickly got up to support on the field.