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After the adjustment period after crossing, Song Ya feels that she is not eager to fly, but is assimilated by this life with no hope of seeing a little bit of hope. After another year or a half of this life, as long as there is someone The little star hooked his finger at him. He absolutely couldn't resist the temptation. It would be better to stay here as a follower than to stay here and copy a gun on the impulse for drug trafficking.

   "Okay, let's close!"

   After four o'clock, the director announced that the shooting of the MV was officially completed, and everyone cheered on the dance floor.

   "Thank you Tony, you are so kind."

   Tony's ex-girlfriend jumps over and hangs on Tony, and keeps kissing his face.

   "Small." Tony was almost floating to the sky, "It's not time yet, let's find a place..." He became interested, took off the headset, and took the other party to ‘find a place’ directly.

   Connie stared at the back of the two people again, and gave Emily, who was exhausted in her arms, to Song Ya's hands. "Leave them alone, you accompany me to return the clothes." She said while putting on her coat.

   is like the end of watching a movie, the crowd starts to leave after a simple social interaction.

   Song Ya turned his head and saw that Little Lori and Al were talking to two older black men, one fat and one thin. According to their voices, as expected, they were the two people in the office he overheard.

The fatter one is just the bass. According to the conversation, he should be the owner of the record company. His speech and manners have the aura of a big man. A pink suit doesn't look half girly on him, a big gold chain and a gold ring. Gold watches, a lot of black three-piece suits.

   That 廋子 should be Lori's agent, dressed in a very well-fitting dark suit, elegant in conversation, meticulous in his big back, and looks like a very old-school person.

   Little Lori and Al definitely don't have time to take care of themselves now. Tony naturally doesn't have to wait any longer. Song Ya hugs Emily and leaves with Connie.

   "Hey, APLUS!"

   went out of the door, the ‘silencer’ was helping the photographer to carry the equipment, and a few people greeted them. AK chased them out and stopped them.

   "Is there still Connie? Come here! Come here."

AK called Song Ya and Connie to his side, blocked the eyes of others with his body, and drew three from the stack of twenty yuan he held in his hand, one for Connie and one for Song Ya, "Xiao Ai Mili has it too." He smiled and stuffed the last one into Emily's hand.

   "Don't everyone have it?" Connie stuffed the money into her chest.

   "Only for their own people, it would be nice for those guys to show their faces in the MV." AK replied.

   "Uh..." Song Ya felt that he was a little bit useless, "but I didn't jump, this money..." He handed the money back to AK.

"Hahaha, Tony is right, you have a problem here." AK smiled and nodded at Song Ya's forehead. "Don't be stupid, the money is not mine. You are Tony's brother, we are one family. People, take care of each other, OK?"

   "You leave him alone."

   Connie glared at Song Ya, "Thank you." Teacher Emily thanked her, "Let's go, today I want to go shopping!" She exclaimed happily. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

   "I want to buy a pettiskirt!" Emily also shouted after her.

   Song Ya could only say goodbye to AK with the money, and then went to the platform with Connie to wait for the bus.

Twenty knives are the biggest'big money' he has after crossing. Of course, he can't count the huge sums of money. Nowadays, a knife in the black market in China can be exchanged for ten soft dollars. Twenty knives are more than one month's salary for ordinary people in China. .

  The second-hand shops that provide evening wear rental services are generally not small in scale. "Tutu!" Emily slipped off Song Ya and quickly ran towards the target.

   "Look at her, I'll change my clothes." Connie walked to the changing room inside.

   Song Ya followed Emily through the rows of hangers, suddenly felt that this situation seemed to be seen somewhere.

   "But this shop hasn't been here before?"

   He was puzzled, and suddenly the corner of his eyes swept over a pink suit hanging on the wall, which was slightly similar to the one on Boss Lori just now.


   He recalled desperately, and suddenly touched the twenty dollars in his pocket, "Twenty dollars, Shopping, pink suit, bass, rap... Together, it's..."

   His figure was shocked, as if it were a revelation from heaven. Numerous MV pictures accompanied by rhythmic rap and music instantly burst into his mind.

  I'mgonnapopsometags, onlygottwentyinmypocket

  I'm, I'm, I'mhunting, lookingforacomeup


   "This is ThriftShop! This is! Second-hand shop!"

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Chicago 1990 Chapter 8: GOODMAN

As a traverser, these iron laws of keeping secrets and acting after making decisions must be obeyed. Two days later, Song Ya felt that according to his current ability, the preparation work he could do was almost done, so the whole family took advantage of the dinner. Now, decisively implement the plan: "I need money." He is straight to the point.

   "How much?" Aunt Susie handed the little Freddie in her arms to Connie and took out the change clip.

   "About seventy to one hundred dollars." Song Ya replied.

   The sound of tableware colliding, the sound of chewing food disappeared instantly, and everyone's eyes focused on him.

   "I will pay it back, with interest." He added.

   "Damn it!"

   A few seconds later, Aunt Susie reacted, furious, "Whose belly have you made?"

   "Where did you think of it!" Song Ya was speechless.

   "He? Impossible." Connie likes to screw it with her mother, but she looks at the problem from a different angle, "The girls in school don't look at him directly."

   Uh... Forget it, Song Ya didn't want to explain her ‘little transparency’ strategy to her, but felt a little bit heartbroken.

"Why? Yali looks good?" Aunt Susie's attention was deflected again. "Yesterday I met a school teacher on the road. She liked Yali very much and said that Yali's academic performance has improved rapidly... "

   "Aren't you trying to make trouble?!"

Tony, who had remained silent, remembered something and interjected: "You have been inquiring about Little Lori, about Al, about AK, about the record company for the past two days..." He stared at Song Ya's eyes, "I warn. You, don't mess with your brain!"

   "Am I that kind of person?"

   Song Ya does not plan to showdown to Tony now, "I will have a good talk with you tomorrow night."

   "It's time for the two of us to have a good talk, you have been very wrong lately, very wrong..."

Tony and the former Alexander Song slept in the same room since they were young. They know him best. Naturally, they have the deepest feelings about Song Ya’s changes in behavior, personality and way of thinking after crossing. They have been talking about something wrong in recent days. As for why something is wrong, He couldn't explain it again, people were a little bit dazed.