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«My heartfelt apologies, brethren», he murmured, sweeping into the seat between Dominy and Barrett. «My eldest niece chose tonight to present us with her chosen husband. It would be an understatement to say that my esteemed brother was somewhat taken aback».

A frown creased Dominy’s fair brow. «Not Sofiana? Surely she cannot be old enough to marry!»

Khoren simply sighed and raised an eyebrow. «That was certainly her father’s impression. But as incredible as it may sound, she will attain her majority on her next birthday, six months hence. I know», he added, lifting both hands in deference to Dominy’s scandalized expression. «Fourteen is young to marry, but Sofiana has always known her mind. She avers that she will have none other than Reyhan of Jaca as her consort — and soon. The choice itself hardly comes as any surprise, of course. She and Reyhan have been inseparable since childhood».

«He is of royal blood himself, as I recall», Seisyll murmured. «Some cousin of the Prince of Jaca?»

«Aye, there was a daughter of my grandfather’s line who married a grandson of a Prince of Jaca», Khoren replied. «Royal and Deryni blood on both sides, though through the female lines. Still, a suitable match. And they are fond of one another».

«He was an early pupil of the Duc du Joux, was he not?» Barrett asked. «And I seem to recall hearing that he spent a term or two at Nur Sayyid — though that was before I came. Still, his training should match well with Sofiana’s».

«There is no doubt of his competence — or hers», Michon said. «I take it that Mikhail gave his consent to the union?»

«Aye, but they must wait for the formal betrothal until July, when she comes of age», Khoren replied. «The marriage will take place at next year’s Twelfth Night Court. She seemed happy enough with the arrangement, as did Reyhan».

«I hope, then, that you will be certain she continues her studies during this last year before her marriage», Michon said. «When I had her under my tutelage, she was one of my most promising pupils. I should hate to think that she might fail to reach her full potential because of the distractions of marriage. After all, it is likely that she shall rule Andelon one day».

«She understands that», Khoren replied. «And I have already spoken with her about the importance of completing her training».

«I am happy to hear it», Seisyll said. «And speaking of pupils, Khoren, we were discussing some of the more worrisome pupils of Camille Furstána. Her nephews, in particular, appear to be heading in dangerous directions. And there is another: a Zachris Pomeroy…»

«Zachris Pomeroy is one of the instigators of this folly», Rhydon broke in, speaking for the first time.

Every head turned in his direction.

«You know him?» Seisyll said.

Rhydon inclined his head. «It would be more accurate to say that we are acquainted; I would not regard him as a friend. He holds lands bordering on my father’s estate. And as Master Barrett has said, he is foster brother to Prince Hogan, who is my friend».

«Ah», said Michon. «And you do not like him, this Zachris Pomeroy».

«Whether or not I like him has no bearing on the matter», Rhydon replied. «What they are playing with is dangerous».

«So it is», Michon agreed. «Just how dangerous, you have no idea».

As he glanced away, obviously troubled, Dominy gently laid a hand over one of Rhydon’s.

«Rhydon, are you involved in this?» she asked gently.

He shook his head. «I have done only as the Council bade me. Studying with Camille was a way to make the acquaintance of the Torenthi princes».

«Then perhaps you know them well enough to warn them off this folly», Michon said, «and to warn off their friend Pomeroy as well, even if you do not like him. It can only go ill for any of them who take up Lewys ap Norfal’s line of research».

Rhydon looked doubtful, resentment in the pale grey eyes. «They are neither of them inclined to listen to the opinions of others, my lord», he murmured.

«Well, they would be advised to start listening», Khoren muttered. «I cannot speak for the Torenthi princes, but I can tell you that Pomeroy’s activities in the Cardosa area have begun to attract unwelcome notice — and from the Church. I will grant you that Cardosa is one of the few places in Gwynedd where Deryni may be relatively open, but that does not give license to abuse one’s powers — and Pomeroy, in particular, has been entirely too open, of late. Flagrant, in fact. It can come to no good».

Seisyll snorted derisively and leaned back in his chair. «Camille needs to rein him in hard. She, of all people, is well aware what can happen».

«Aye, she is», Khoren agreed, glancing at the others. «You did know, I trust, that she was present when Lewys ap Norfal’s final experiment went awry?»

«Was she?» Dominy murmured, intrigued, as Oisín also leaned forward expectantly and Rhydon raised an eyebrow in surprise.

«Aye, she was briefly one of his students — and had hoped to be his wife as well».

«Surely you jest!» Barrett repeated, cocking his head intently. «But she was a princess of Torenth before she took the veil».

«And he was of princely blood as well», Michon said impatiently, «of the line of the Dukes du Joux. She was one-and-twenty, and very ambitious. But she lost heart when Lewys died — or at least I hope he died, because any existence he might have retained would have been far worse than any death».

«Did she not also set her cap for you for a time?» Khoren asked gently. «There were rumors for many years afterward. I remember my parents discussing it, when they thought I was asleep».

Michon quirked a mirthless smile. «She…made it clear that such a match would be agreeable — though I knew that her real motives lay in her hunger for the powers I might help her unleash». He glanced aside wistfully. «It was shortly after I married that she took the veil and became Sister Serafina».

«And eventually surpassed most of her teachers», Seisyll reminded them, «and became herself a teacher — sometimes of dangerous students».

«Unfortunately, that is true», Michon agreed. «And while it is, indeed, worrying that the heirs of Torenth may be putting themselves at risk, it is perhaps of more concern that this Zachris Pomeroy may be putting ideas into Prince Hogan’s head. If Hogan should decide to assert his claim to Gwynedd, slender though that might be, it could be disastrous right now, with Donal no longer fit enough to lead an army and Prince Brion still too young. Best if we can delay that folly for at least a decade».

«There is Duke Richard», Oisín reminded him.

«Aye», said Seisyll, «he could lead an army. But whether or not he could assume the Haldane powers, I have no idea. Presumably, Donal has made or is making provisions for Prince Brion to do so, in due course, but the prince is young yet. Best if Prince Hogan can be discouraged indefinitely from exercising his very dubious claim to Gwynedd’s crown, and spare Prince Brion the need to meet a magical challenge».

«Then it appears», said Barrett, «that we must take steps to do exactly that. Khoren, might it be feasible for you to approach Camille about our concerns?»

«If you deem it necessary», came Khoren’s terse reply. «Geographically, the task logically falls to me. I must warn you, however, that she will see it as meddling. She is not a subject of Gwynedd. Nor are any of her nephews».

«No, but Zachris Pomeroy is», Rhydon muttered.

«True enough», Barrett agreed. «But I doubt Pomeroy knows anything of this Council — unless Camille has told him, of course. But I expect she may consider herself outside our jurisdiction».