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«Dear Michon», the man said, holding out both his hands to his visitor, eyes smiling as well as lips. «Allow me to guess the reason for your late-night visit. You have come about Prince Nimur».

Inclining his head both in agreement and respect, Michon came to take the two slender hands in his and kiss them, looking up then into the brown eyes.

«Is it true?» he asked quietly.

«Yes, it is. Please, sit», the man replied, at the same time signing for Michon’s guide to leave them.

Michon did as he was told, settling into a high-backed chair with broad arms, similar to the one in which Master Isaiya now resumed his seat, but he knew it was not his place to speak further, until the master proceeded.

«News only reached us yesterday», Isaiya said, «but I suspected that it would soon bring you here as well. I am aware that you were concerned about the direction Prince Nimur’s experiments were taking him. I regret I must confirm that your fears for his safety were well-founded».

«May I ask what happened?» Michon asked, when the master did not immediately continue.

«I do not have details of the experiment itself, or what went wrong», the old man replied. «Perhaps we shall never know — nor would wish to — for Prince Torval witnessed it, or perhaps even assisted his brother, and went quite mad. I do not have specific details of that, either, but sufficient to say that the masters in Beldour felt it a serious enough affliction that they barred him from the succession, permanently. The Patriarch came in person to seek our guidance, and reluctantly accepted that this was the wisest course for all concerned».

Michon had visibly recoiled at this revelation, and lifted a hand in apology for his lapse, but Isaiya only nodded his understanding.

«Perhaps you will have heard that the third brother, Károly, now is the Torenthi heir», the master went on. «Quite candidly, I am not certain such will prove beneficial for Torenth, for Károly has had no preparation for this new role thrust upon him. The next brother, Wencit, perhaps is the more accomplished of the remaining Furstán males, so far as power is concerned, but I have heard misgivings expressed about his scruples. But perhaps Károly will surprise us all, if he has time and the will to augment his training. His father could have another twenty years of vigorous good health. The same probably cannot be said of your king». He cocked his head. «But that is not something he will wish to hear, I think».

Michon had steepled his fingers as Isaiya spoke, elbows braced against the arms of his chair and thumbs resting taut against his breastbone, but now he briefly bowed his head over his joined forefingers, briefly rubbing them against tight-clenched lips.

«The relative ages of both crown princes have been noted already in Rhemuth», he said. «If both their fathers live another twenty years, or even another decade, the two heirs will be somewhat evenly matched. But what concerns me far more at the moment is the incident that claimed Prince Nimur’s life. You are aware, I expect, that he was receiving training from Camille Furstána?»

«So I have been told», Isaiya said neutrally.

«What you may not have been told is that she has also been training a young Cardosan mage called Zachris Pomeroy».

«I have heard the name», Isaiya allowed.

«He, in turn, has been putting ideas into the head of Prince Hogan».

«Ah, the current Festillic Pretender to the throne of Gwynedd».

«You see the reason for my concern», Michon said.

«I do, indeed. And you intend to do…what?»

Michon sighed, wearily lowering his hands to both chair arms. «I haven’t yet decided. I very much doubt that Hogan will make any move against Gwynedd while Donal is alive; he is in his vigorous prime, and has only to wait, in hope that Prince Brion will succeed while still a minor. If that occurs, I very much fear the outcome».

«Has Donal made provision for securing his son’s magic?» Isaiya asked.

«Unknown», Michon replied. «There was to be a Deryni protector for the prince, who presumably would have been instructed in how to bring him to his father’s power at the appointed time; you may have heard how Donal Haldane fathered a son on the daughter of Lewys ap Norfal, intending that the boy should be groomed to serve as Prince Brion’s Deryni companion and mentor». At Isaiya’s nod, Michon went on.

«Unfortunately for Donal’s hopes, the boy was killed a few years ago — a dreadful affair that may have reached your ears, and apparently done, at least in part, because he was known to be Deryni, though no one was aware of his true paternity. I had hoped the mother might be entrusted with the appropriate knowledge, in case her son did not survive to accomplish his mission; but she, too, is dead».

Michon’s old teacher was shaking his head, tsk-tsking over the waste of it all, but listened attentively as Michon continued.

«There is more. The king is nothing if not audacious. He had planned to attempt getting another such child on the Heiress de Corwyn, who is now the wife of Sir Kenneth Morgan, who last year was created Earl of Lendour for life, de jure uxoris. It is not entirely certain how Donal was thwarted in his plan, but Alyce de Corwyn did bear a half-breed son by her husband. Fortunately, Sir Kenneth is an honorable man, and utterly devoted to the king’s service».

«And the king?» Isaiya murmured.

«He seems unconcerned», Michon replied. «Despite this alteration of his plan, he dotes on the boy, who is being brought up in the company of the royal princes. But the boy, called Alaric, was only three in September. It will be some time before he is old enough for us to determine how powerful a half-breed Deryni might be, if he can even learn to wield sufficient power to be useful».

«A complex and perplexing situation», Isaiya allowed, himself now gazing at Michon over interlaced fingers. «What do you propose to do?»

«What can I do?» Michon replied. «For now, I had simply come to find out more about Prince Nimur’s passing — and to throw myself on the mercy of my old master, in hopes that he might have further wisdom to impart».

Isaiya’s hands parted in a gesture of helplessness. «I have told you what I know, my son. I was not aware of the involvement of Zachris Pomeroy, or that he was encouraging Prince Hogan — though I shall certainly see what I may learn concerning them».

* * *

After leaving Master Isaiya’s quarters at Rhanamé, Michon reported back to his colleagues in the Camberian Council, sharing the intelligence he had gleaned. By then, Seisyll Arilan had gathered all five of the others around the eight-sided ivory table, where Prince Khoren Vastouni had only been able to confirm what Seisyll had already learned in the king’s presence.

«My informant was present in Hagia Job when Prince Károly was invested as the new heir», he had informed them, «but I learned nothing further of substance. Prince Nimur’s burial had been private, several weeks before, and no cause of death was given. Nor was anything said of the reason for Prince Torval’s removal from the succession».

But Michon’s new information made the reason far clearer.

«Driven mad», Barrett murmured, briefly closing his emerald eyes. «Far better to perish, I think. What he must have seen…»

«Best not to speculate», Vivienne said sharply.

Rhydon Sasillion, now fully installed in the chair recently vacated by Dominy de Laney, looked white-faced and stunned, for he had claimed acquaintance with one of the men who presumably had encouraged Prince Nimur to his fatal experiment. Oisín Adair was shaking his head in bewilderment.