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Richard inclined his head in acknowledgment, smiling faintly. «Thank you, Lucien. It is always heartening to have one’s own opinion confirmed by an unbiased source».

«But do the Mearans agree?» Brion said impatiently. «One day I shall have to govern these people, Lord Lucien. And Uncle, you are all but obliged to tell me I am doing well, because you are my teacher».

His smile broadening, Richard leaned closer to lightly punch the prince in the left bicep. «It is precisely because I am your teacher that I must be honest in my assessment, Nephew. But granted that you still have much to learn — as have we all — your instincts are sound, and you have a good heart. Your father may be justly proud, and I am proud. I think you will make a more than passable king».

«From you, Uncle, that is high praise, indeed», Brion replied with a grin.

* * *

Another week they stayed in Ratharkin, making short excursions into the surrounding countryside to meet a few of the local folk and assess the local temper, then headed northeastward. They stopped the first night out at Oisín Adair’s stud farm of Haut Emeraud, where Brion inspected some of the other horses in Oisín’s distinguished string of breeding stock, and thanked Oisín again for finding the incomparable Sevalla.

Following the river seaward through the earldoms of Trurill and Transha, the prince and his uncle paid courtesy calls at both courts, then continued across the lush plains of the Purple March and thence northward into the mountainous lands of old Kheldour, where they spent several weeks in the company of Ewan Duke of Claibourne, come into his title earlier in the year.

«I cannot tell you how honored I am, my lords, to have two Haldane princes at my table», the duke said, after the final day’s successful hunting. Three deerhounds lay at their master’s feet, but they were dining on wild boar tonight, not venison, brought down by Duke Richard’s spear in the culmination of a most satisfactory chase. Earlier in the evening, Duke Ewan’s duchess had joined them briefly so that their six-year-old heir, Lord Graham, could bid the company good night, but now only the three men remained, two princes and a duke, savoring the last of the meal and a fine flask of Bremagni wine.

«It has been an instructive visit», Richard replied, lifting his cup in salute, «and we thank you for your hospitality».

* * *

The remainder of Kenneth’s summer was likewise well occupied with important work. In the several months after Prince Brion’s coming of age, the Earl of Lendour undertook several embassies for the king, traveling to Joux, Vezaire, and twice to the Hort of Orsal’s summer residence at Horthánthy, across the straits from Coroth, where he also met with Corwyn’s fellow regents. Interspersed amid trade negotiations with the nearest of the Forcinn states, he had hoped he might learn more about the death of Prince Nimur of Torenth and, more important, gain some indication of the sort of man Brion eventually would have to face in Prince Károly, the new Torenthi heir; but even the Orsal’s agents could tell him little regarding the change of succession, or Károly the man.

In all, it could be counted as a successful season’s work, though he had managed only two short side trips to Culdi to visit his family. Toward the end of September, therefore, having reported to the king on his latest mission, he requested and obtained leave to make a more extended visit, for the end of the month would see Alaric’s fourth birthday.

«Did you bring me a present, Papa?» the boy asked, tugging at his father’s boot as Kenneth dismounted.

«Oh, I think I might have a present for you», Kenneth replied. He swept the boy into a hug, returning the enthusiastic kiss that Alaric planted on his cheek, then set him down to take Alyce into his arms.

«Mmmm», he said, when he had kissed her soundly. «And here is my dearest wife, and our daughter as well», he added with a smile, splaying the fingers of one hand over her rounded belly and then bending to kiss the bulge. «Are both of you well, darling?»

«We are well, indeed, now that you are here», she replied. «Are you permitted to stay for a while?»

«Not as long as I would like», he said, bending to scoop up Alaric again and brace him on his hip, «but longer than before. But I could hardly miss being here to celebrate the natal day of our little man». He gently tousled Alaric’s white-blond head. «Has he been behaving in my absence?»

«He has, indeed», Alyce replied, «though he and Duncan together do lead poor Llion a merry chase, and sometimes they lure Kevin into trouble as well».

«They shall be leaders among men!» Kenneth declared, giving his son another hug. «And Llion is pleased with his progress?»

She glanced back to where the young knight was bantering with Trevor Udaut, who had accompanied Kenneth and was holding their two horses, one with a large wicker pannier strapped to its saddle’s cantle.

«I believe you can go ahead with your plans», she said, smiling.


* * *

The next day was Alaric’s birthday. It began like most days, with Melissa helping him to dress while they chattered about what the day might bring. As a special treat, he was allowed to go downstairs with his parents to eat in the great hall with the adults — a privilege not often granted, though he managed to acquit himself with grace and good manners. Porridge was easy enough to master, and ended up mostly in his stomach, sparing his clean tunic. The honey drizzled on his chunk of fresh bread proved somewhat more challenging, but he managed to confine the few wayward smears to his face and hands, which his father helped him wash off when he was finished.

«That was very nicely done», Kenneth told him as he set aside the damp cloth he had used for the deed. «You’re becoming quite the young man».

Alaric merely gazed up at him hopefully, well aware what day it was, and that gifts were customary on one’s birthday.

«Now», said Kenneth, setting his balled fists on his hips in a pose that reminded Alyce where their son had learned that same posture. «You asked yesterday about a present».

The boy’s eyes lit, and he grinned as he glanced at his mother.

«Well, you’d better go out to the stables and speak to Llion», Kenneth told him. «I think he got little sleep last night, looking after it for you».

The boy took off at a dead run, Kenneth and Alyce following more sedately, so that by the time they reached the stable yard, Alaric was staggering from the stable arch with a long-eared brindle puppy clasped under its front legs, the hind legs and tail dangling nearly to the ground.

«Papa, he’s wonderful! Thank you!» the boy cried.

«I’m glad you like him», Kenneth replied, coming to catch up the animal’s hind end. «But you must support his weight, if you’re going to pick him up. It makes him feel more secure. Better yet, let’s put him down on the ground».

Watching earnestly, young Alaric released his end of the dog as his father set the back legs on the ground. The puppy immediately squirmed around to start licking his face, staggering with the ferocity of his tail-wagging as the boy hugged him close.

«He likes me!» Alaric laughed, face scrunched up against the puppy’s kisses. «What’s his name, Papa?»

«Well, he hasn’t got one just yet», Kenneth replied, «so I reckon you’ll have to give him one». He smiled. «You should also know that Prince Brion picked him out especially for you. The mother is one of the prince’s own favorite hounds, and he thought you would like a royal dog. He should be quite a hunter when he’s grown — and he’ll get quite large. Prince Nigel has one of his littermates».