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«I don’t know that, either. It was only after he was long dead that I began to understand what he had taught me — and poor Marie never did manage to learn it. Now she is gone, and I dare not use it myself except to enhance my wifely pastimes, as you see here». She indicated the tapestry with a sweep of her hand. «I sometimes wonder why we are given such training, if we may never use it».

She fell silent at that, and Vera did not speak. In that instant they had passed from idle reminiscence to consideration of one of the greatest enigmas of their lives. After a moment, Alyce glanced at the doorway again, then scooted her stool closer to Vera’s with a rasp of wood against stone.

«I’ve had a message from the king», she said.

Vera looked at her sharply, apprehension stiffening her fair features.


«’Tis nothing ill», Alyce assured her, «other than the timing, perhaps. Sooner than I had hoped, but» — She kept her eyes on her weaving as she took up her shuttle again and continued.

«Before Alaric was born, Kenneth and I…made an agreement with the king that our son should serve his son. It was an easy enough promise then, and even while he was still an infant.

«But when we brought him to court for Prince Brion’s coming of age this summer, the king informed us that he wishes Alaric to come to court as page to Prince Brion as soon as he reaches his tenth birthday — sooner, if anything should happen to me or to Kenneth».

«Page to the prince!» Vera relaxed visibly and nodded. «But, that’s welcome news — or, do you fear his reasons, that he simply wants Alaric nearby, where he can be watched more closely? After all, ’tis no secret what he is».

Alyce shook her head again. «No, it is not that». She drew a deep breath and let it out in an effort to relax, carefully setting aside her shuttle. «Vera, he intends that Alaric should be…bound to Prince Brion’s service by magic, not just as page and future squire and knight, but to assist when the time comes for Brion to assume his father’s full power».

«He would trust a Deryni with this?» Vera breathed.

«It is only a Deryni who can do this», Alyce said softly. «It is what Alaric was born to do». She did not add that the king very nearly had been the boy’s father. «Kenneth and I agreed to this, soon after I discovered I was with child. The time now has come to begin his preparation».

Wide-eyed, Vera sat back and merely gazed at her twin, trying to take it all in, too stunned for speech. Then she came to slide her arms around her sister’s shoulders and they simply held one another, clinging together in fear and futile comfort.

A little later, when their fears had been somewhat assuaged by creature comfort in one another’s company, they drew apart to dry their eyes and sniffle forlornly and force reason to prevail once again over human doubts and worries. Alyce swallowed with difficulty and drew herself up straighter, still clinging to her sister’s hand, and forced a tight, desperate smile.

«Foolish women, we, to weep when there is a chance to give our sons a better life. We are of the High Deryni born. We were bred to better things».

Vera nodded: a curt, constrained dip of her chin, trying to match her sister’s bravery. «You speak truly. Has…has the king yet told you what must be done?»

«Aye, some. He commands that first of all Alaric must be Named, according to the ancient traditions of our people — though how he has learned of this custom, I know not».

«Is it wise to Name so young a child as Alaric?» Vera asked. «He is only just four. By tradition, he should have near twice the years».

«The essential element is that he understands the difference between right and wrong — not his years», Alyce replied. «What concerns me most is that he not be frightened at his first encounter with serious magic. The ritual is not dangerous, as you know, but it could be very alien to a four-year-old, even one as precocious as my Alaric».

After a few seconds, Vera said, «Suppose I were to Name Duncan at the same time. Would that help?»

Alyce snorted softly. «Did I not just hear you say that even Alaric is young for this, and that a child should have twice the years before he is Named?»

«Well, I cannot let you do this alone», Vera said reasonably. «Or Alaric. At least if the boys are together, they will have one another to make it seem less strange».

Hardly daring to believe it, Alyce gently laid a hand on her sister’s shoulder.

«I prayed that you would say that», she whispered. «Would you really agree to do this for us?»

«How could I not?» Vera replied.

Alyce smiled and shook her head slowly. «How I do love you, dear sister».

«And I, you».

«Enough to do this thing tonight?»

«Tonight? So soon?»

Alyce nodded and took a deep breath. «I know it isn’t much time, but who knows what the future may bring? I could die in childbirth — and the king is not young. But now, tonight, you and I are both here, and the boys are here, and — please say you’ll do it, Vera».

Vera sighed wearily, suddenly looking far older than her twenty-five years, then nodded.

«Tonight. So be it».

* * *

For their working place, Alyce chose the tiny Lady chapel that Earl Jared had caused to be built the previous summer, in the heart of the castle gardens. It was there that he and Vera had finally laid their stillborn daughter to rest, at the feet of the chapel’s statue of the Blessed Virgin; and it was there that Alyce had already spent many hours pondering her situation and what they must do.

Later that afternoon, while the maids tackled the task of scrubbing the mud off two exuberant boys — Kevin declared himself grown enough to take his own bath — the two mothers brought baskets of «sewing» into the shade of the garden, there to disappear for a time into the chapel’s cool recesses and make their preparations. Kenneth and Jared had gone out with a hunting party around noon, and returned early in the evening.

After they all had supped, Alyce drew her husband aside and told him privily what he must know of the evening’s plans. Alaric had been long ago tucked up in bed and was sleeping peacefully. Sir Llion did not question that the puppy had been relegated to his room for the night, and would ask no questions in the morning.

«I never guessed that Vera is your sister», Kenneth said to her in a low voice, as they gazed down at their sleeping son. «Does Jared know?»

Alyce shook her head. «Nay, and he must not know», she replied. «Not because he might think the lesser of Vera, or of Duncan — he is a good man — but because all of them will be safer that way. Right now, you are one of only three people who know the truth — and Vera and I are the other two». She closed her eyes briefly. «Actually, I lied; there may be four. I’m sure you remember Father Paschal, who was my family’s household chaplain. He knows, or knew. But I am not certain he is even still alive…though I hope I would have heard, if he had passed on».

Kenneth glanced away briefly, pondering what she had said, then took both her hands and grazed her knuckles with his lips before raising his gaze to hers again.

«I remember Paschal, of course. Is he…one of you?»

She nodded.


«I know», she whispered. «And I know that we are supposedly barred from the priesthood. But Paschal is Bremagni-born, and R’Kassan-trained. Matters in the East are not the same as here». She shrugged. «But I have not heard from him in some time. He is quite elderly by now, if he still lives».

«And he knows about Vera», Kenneth said.

«Yes». She leaned her cheek against his hand and closed her eyes, shivering, and he briefly stroked her hair. Then:

«Dearest Alyce», he murmured. «I think I understand some of what you are doing, and a little of the why. Both would be dangerous, if found out. But if one does not know, one cannot betray that knowledge, even under coercion. Can you…block me so that I may not speak of this? Please. Do this for all of us», he added, when her expression mirrored her reluctance.