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Vera smiled and nodded, basking in the sunshine and inhaling deeply of the musky stable-scent and the tang of autumn leaves burning in the nearby garden.

«It might be possible», she replied. «It would certainly be pleasant. Maybe I will…»

In that moment, as the two sisters sat in the autumn sun and dreamed of the future, all things seemed possible.

Chapter 19

«Whom, being his firstborn, he nourisheth with discipline, and giving him the light of his love doth not forsake him».[20]

The work on Delphine Morgan’s manuscript occupied much of Alyce’s time in the weeks that followed, as her pregnancy advanced and sitting became preferable to more strenuous exertion. She was obliged to hastily put the manuscript aside, however, when her husband paid her a surprise visit late in October.

«I think our daughter may arrive early», she told him, later that night, as she lay contentedly in the curve of his arm after a day spent watching him interact with their son. «She is certainly very active. Here, feel». She took his hand and placed it on her abdomen so he could feel the baby moving.

«Maybe you miscalculated», Kenneth said, though a delighted grin creased his face at this tangible evidence of the new life his wife was carrying.

«It’s possible. I had thought she might be born around Christmas, but now…»

«So long as she and you are healthy», Kenneth said happily. «And I will try to be here for the birth. Incidentally, I had a letter from Jovett last week, tucked in with more official correspondence from Cynfyn. He tells me that both Kailan and Zoë are getting bigger by the day, and she says she thinks the new baby is determined to kick out her ribs. They both seem certain that it will be another boy. Could they really know that?»

Alyce shrugged, smiling. «I knew; but Zoë isn’t Deryni. Heaven knows whether Jovett has the skill. Men usually don’t, since they don’t bear. Now, if Sé were to put his mind to it…»

«Is that an Anviller talent? Determining the sex of babies?» Kenneth asked, grinning.

«I doubt it», Alyce replied, «though they are very talented. I don’t suppose you’ve heard from him?»

Kenneth shook his head. «I had thought he might make an appearance in June, for Prince Brion’s coming of age. It’s the sort of thing that his order tends to keep track of. But I suppose he was otherwise occupied».

«And Brion — is he still on his progress?» she asked.

«Aye, but they should be heading south any time now. The weather will turn very soon. The last I heard, they were up in Claibourne».

«Duke Ewan probably has him out hunting», she replied, snuggling closer to his side. «He’ll probably catch his death of cold. The queen told me once that Haldane males are about the most stubborn men in all of creation, and she long ago despaired of making them dress sensibly or come indoors when the weather is foul!»

«They do love their hunting», Kenneth agreed. «In Brion’s case, though, I can hardly blame him. Duke Richard’s last letter said that the new mare is absolutely sensational in the hunting field. Brion couldn’t be more pleased. It seems that Oisín Adair’s reputation is well deserved».

«So it seems», Alyce agreed, shifting to ease her back. «In the spring, after I’m more of a size to consider getting on a horse again, perhaps you might have him look for a nice Llanner mare for me. And it won’t be long before Alaric will need a proper pony: something gentle and reliable. There’s only so much he can do with Cockleburr, though Llion swears that horse treats the boy like he was made of glass».

«I’ll mention your concerns to Master Oisín the next time I see him», Kenneth agreed. «And I think I’ll see about getting Llion a better mount as well. I should’ve done it months ago. Cockleburr really is about ready for honorable retirement».

«So long as you keep him around for Alaric’s sake», Alyce replied. «He’s still worth his keep — a fine old beast for a beginning rider».

«I promise you he shall have a place with us for the rest of his life», Kenneth agreed sleepily.

* * *

Kenneth stayed only two days before returning to the capital, for he had no leave to remain longer. A letter from Zoë arrived two days after his departure, though it mostly confirmed news that Kenneth had already shared with Alyce. It did, however, include a quick sketch of an emaciated lion chewing on the tail of a very fat squirrel, alluding to the teasing artistic assessments the two of them had made regarding one another’s work during the many hours they had shared in the scriptorium at Arc-en-Ciel.

Alyce wrote back that very day, reporting her progress on Delphine Morgan’s scrivening project — nearly complete — and adding her own, less competent drawing of a very fat lion with several squirrels’ tails in its teeth.

I wish you were here, she added in a postscript. We could compare fat bellies, and our babies could have kicking contests to see which one bruises its mother’s innards the most! Your A.

The weather turned the next day, but Alyce sent the letter off by courier nonetheless. With luck, Zoë would have it by mid-November. Another day saw Delphine’s project completed.

«And in good time», she told her husband’s sister by the fire that night, as she watched Delphine turn the pages and admire the fine calligraphy and embellished capitals. «I shan’t be comfortable bent over a writing desk again until after this baby is born!»

«This is beautiful, Alyce», Delphine murmured. «Thank you so much. I know Kenneth will be pleased».

It was early in November, only a few days later, when late-night visitors clattered into the yard at Morganhall, unannounced and unexpected. The night was brittle with cold, and Alyce had been reading by the fire in her bed-chamber, drowsing over a difficult passage in the writings of Pharaïlde ní Padramos — a gift from her husband on his last visit. She looked up at an urgent knock on her door, somewhat startled when Sir Llion then slipped inside without waiting for permission.

«Llion?» she said somewhat reproachfully, drawing a fur-lined robe more closely around her shoulders, for she was in her night shift.

«Riders in the yard, my lady», he murmured breathlessly, his eyes wide and awed. «It’s Lord Kenneth, with three others. I–I think one of them may be the king!»

At once Alyce put aside her manuscript and rose, one hand drawing the outer robe more protectively over her pregnant belly as she slid her feet into fleece-lined slippers. Her hair was braided for the night, its heavy plait spilling over one shoulder.

«Something has happened», she murmured, half to herself. «Go attend them. I’ll be down directly».

The young knight dipped his chin in agreement and withdrew, but before Alyce could do more than slip her arms into the sleeve-slits of the outer robe, her mind racing over conjectures about the reason for another royal visit, the door opened again.

She turned to see Kenneth framed in the oak-limned doorway, still cloaked and booted and spurred, a fur-lined cap in his gloved hands. His handsome face was taut, devoid of expression.

«The king is here», he said, closing the door behind him. «I’ve left him in my writing room. He’s…not well, Alyce. There’s been a tragic accident at Rhemuth. Prince Jathan is dead».

«Jathan?» She sank back onto her chair. «Dear God, he can’t be. What happened?»

Shaking his head, looking near to collapse himself, Kenneth braced one arm along the mantel, fingering the cap in his other hand.

«He had begged for a pony for his birthday, but Donal said he was too young». He sighed heavily, closing his eyes, not wanting to remember.
