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They all looked much alike, of course, thus uniformly arrayed, so Alyce sought out the red and white of the Lendour banner rather than any individual — and spotted it in one of the niches toward the rear of the hall. Cradling its staff in one green-clad arm was Sir Jovett Chandos, Alyce’s childhood friend and a stalwart defender of her rights in Lendour — and also, of late, a young man of particular interest to Zoë Morgan.

«Alyce, there’s Jovett!» Zoë breathed.

«Oh, my goodness!» the younger Alazais whispered, eyes wide as saucers as she cast her gaze at the two young candidates standing near Jovett.

Alyce laughed gently, setting her free hand under the younger girl’s elbow as she began to press her and Zoë in the direction of the three. Young Alaric looked up at all of them in some bewilderment as he let his mother draw him along.

«I seem to recall a somewhat different opinion two summers ago, when you came with us to Lendour», Alyce teased. «‘Silly boys,’ I believe you called them».

«I never!» Alazais began somewhat indignantly. «No, wait…Not Yves and Xander?»

«The very same», Alyce replied. «And I’m told that both of them are now become quite excellent swordsmen, well deserving of the accolade. Nor have I heard that either of them is yet spoken for», she added sotto voce, with a wink at her youngest stepdaughter.

«Alyce, stop it!» Alazais hissed, blushing prettily.

Jovett had noticed their approach, and immediately called his two charges to attention, for Alyce was Lady of Lendour, even if her sex denied her title to the earldom in her own right. Tall and straight in his court robe of emerald green, with his coppery hair sleeked back in a warrior’s knot, it was easy to see how Sir Jovett Chandos had caught Zoë’s fancy; and his mind and soul were no less comely than his appearance. As Alyce and her companions drew near, the two incipient knights sank to one knee and bowed their heads, and Jovett dipped the Lendour banner in salute.

«Lady of Lendour!»

«Sir Jovett», Alyce replied, smiling as she caught the billow of red and white silk in one arm and let him take her other hand to salute it with a kiss. He was Deryni like herself, though secretly so, and his unspoken greeting flashed across the bond of their physical contact, even as his fond glance brushed Zoë.

You look well and happy, dear Alyce — and young Alaric has grown.

Sometimes by the day, it seems, came her grateful reply. Do be certain to admire his shoes, she added mischievously.

«My lady», he said aloud, bending again in a bow to include all of them. «And can this really be young Master Alaric?» he added, as he righted the Lendour banner. «Why, what handsome shoes you wear today, my lord. Do you think they might fit me?» He drew back the skirt of his long court robe to reveal plain black boots with slightly pointed toes, gold spurs affixed to the heels.

The boy’s look of bemusement went briefly calculating, then shifted to pleased recognition. «You’re Sir Jovett!» he declared, setting balled fists on both hips. «You have a big spotted horse!»

«Spotted horse?» Alyce murmured, as she and Zoë exchanged puzzled glances.

Feigning wide-eyed surprise, Jovett crouched down to the boy’s level, handing off the banner to one of the candidates as he did so.

«Why, I do, indeed, have a spotted horse, young master. And she now has a spotted foal. I’m surprised that you remember».

«I’m not a baby!» Alaric said indignantly. «Mama wouldn’t let me ride with you. She said I wasn’t big enough».

With a glance up at Alyce and a suppressed smile, Jovett said, «Well, you’re much bigger now, so perhaps the next time you’re in Cynfyn, your mama will let you ride with me. But meanwhile, I should like to present two more of your knights». He straightened and jutted his chin toward the still-kneeling pair. «Or at least they’ll be knights in a little while».

«Papa told me all about that», Alaric said wisely. «The king hits them three times with his sword an’ says, ‘You’re a knight.’ An’ they get gold spurs an’ a white belt an’ a sword, an’ then everybody says, ‘Hurrah!’»

«Indeed, they do», Jovett agreed, as the boy’s mother and his half-sisters did their best not to laugh. (Both candidates had ducked their heads to cover their own grins.) «But he doesn’t hit them very hard — and not with the sharp edge. It’s done with the flat of the blade, like so».

A dagger suddenly appeared in his right hand from a hidden wrist sheath, and he solemnly reached out to tap Alaric lightly on the right shoulder, the left shoulder, and then on the top of the head. A look of awe came over the boy’s face, and he glanced first at his mother, then back at Jovett.

«Am I a knight now?» he whispered.

«No, not yet», Jovett replied with a chuckle, making the blade disappear again. «It has to be done with a sword; and it takes more than just the sword-touch to make a man a knight. But when you’re grown, you will be a knight, I promise you. And though I should be delighted to confer that honor when the time comes, I rather think it will be the king who knights you — or maybe Prince Brion».

«But he’s only a boy», Alaric said, confused.

«Well, yes, but he’s going to be the king someday, just like his father. But before he can knight anyone else, someone older will knight him — because only another knight can make a knight».

«Oh», said Alaric. «Could Papa knight me?» he asked, twisting to look up at his mother.

«Well, he could, darling», Alyce replied. «He is a knight. But someday you’ll be a duke, and the king usually likes to knight dukes himself. However, when you are grown», she added, at signs of incipient rebellion on the upturned face, «and you’re a knight, too, you will make knights — because dukes and earls have the right to knight their own men. If you were a knight now, it would be your honor to knight Yves and Xander here».

She jutted her chin toward the two candidates still kneeling beyond Jovett, who both saluted the boy with a right fist to the breast — and did their best to restrain grins of honest delight. Alaric gazed at them appraisingly for a long moment, then drew himself to attention and gravely saluted them back.

«Well done!» Jovett declared, chuckling as he clapped the boy on the shoulder in approval. «My lady, he already has command presence».

«Aye, he does», she replied, ruffling the boy’s hair fondly. «But now, Alaric, you must give these young gentlemen permission to rise. They’ve been kneeling quite long enough, though I’m sure they were happy to do so. A nod or a slight bow is sufficient».

Very soberly, the boy made the two candidates a very proper bow, also gesturing with both hands that they should stand. Obediently the pair rose, also bowing to Alyce and the two women with her. Alazais flushed prettily as Alyce turned to motion her forward.

«My dear, permit me to make these gentlemen known to you: Yves de Tremelan and Xander of Torrylin, soon to be knights of Lendour. Gentlemen, my husband’s youngest daughter, Alazais Morgan. And I believe you know his eldest, Lady Zoë».

Amid the murmured exchanges of courtesy, Alyce became aware of a heightened buzz of conversation rippling through the hall and then a gradual quieting. Simultaneously, those milling in the center of the hall began to drift to the sides, clearing a center aisle and also the space directly before the dais. Being already withdrawn into a far window embrasure, Alyce and her Lendour party had only to turn their attention toward the dais where, very shortly, a chamberlain came forth with his staff of office and rapped smartly on the oak floor of the dais.