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Duke Richard raised an appraising eyebrow, seeing much of the young king’s father in him. «If that is what you intend, Sire» — the preamble left no doubt that he accepted the boy’s authority — «then we must make certain that you remain safe for your journey. I would advise taking troops with you to Valoret — perhaps a score, in addition to a modest household». He held up a hand to stave off the objection about to leave Seisyll’s lips. «Any more would make it impossible to travel quickly, and would take more time to organize than is possible, with the coronation but a few weeks away. Less might be foolish, from the standpoint of safety».

Brion glanced in question at Kenneth, who inclined his head in agreement.

«It seems a reasonable plan to me, my prince. But if you plan to do it, best we ride straight through, and leave this very afternoon, before word can get out of your plans. That will also lessen the possibility of ambush along the way».

«Surely you don’t fear that?» Queen Richeldis said, wide-eyed at what had already been said — and not said.

Kenneth shrugged. «He is yet an uncrowned king, my lady. And if aught should happen to him, his heir is only nine. I think I understand why he wishes to do this thing — and I cannot fault his reasons, having myself suffered the less-than-welcome attention of bishops in the past — but there is a danger. That is a part of the lot of kings, but at least we can minimize it, if His Majesty agrees».

«His Majesty certainly agrees!» Brion retorted. «The sooner we leave, the better! I’ve been waiting for weeks! It’s time to start acting like the king you all believe me to be».

«And he is, indeed, acting like a king», Richard said mildly, though he was smiling as he rose. «I advise you all to travel light», he continued. «Kenneth, if you’ll help my eager nephew to pack what he’ll need, I shall see to the lancer escort. Tiarnán and Jiri, you’ll accompany us».

«Take my nephew as well, Your Highness, to see to the king’s squiring», Seisyll quickly interjected.

Richard inclined his head in agreement. «I will welcome an Arilan on this venture — and I know that you yourself do not relish the idea of a two-day dash upriver in the spring snows».

«No, those days are behind me, I fear», Seisyll replied, smiling. «Besides, Her Majesty may have need of my counsel in your absence».

* * *

Later that night, when the royal troop had ridden out, Seisyll Arilan assembled the Camberian Council in their domed meeting place.

«I should prefer that he weren’t going», he told the six others seated around the octagonal table, «but his reasons are sound. And while Paul Tollendal would not have been my first choice as archbishop, I can think of several worse».

Michon de Courcy snorted and leaned back in his high-backed chair. «So can I», he replied, «and one of them is now become Bishop of Nyford. Someone really must do something about that man».

«You cannot just assassinate a bishop!» Vivienne retorted. «That would be sacrilege».

«And so is regicide», Barrett countered.

«So far as I know», Oisín Adair drawled, «it isn’t bishops who might be trying to assassinate the king».

Rhydon sat forward impatiently. «No, it’s Zachris Pomeroy and his associates, and there is no ‘might’ about it. I am confident that is what he intends to do, and this is exactly the sort of opportunity he’ll have been waiting for». At the others’ looks of question, he went on.

«Surely you don’t think he would show up at the coronation, not knowing whether Brion Haldane has his father’s powers. Besides, he isn’t after Brion for his own cause; he wants to put the Festillic Pretender on the throne — and Prince Hogan certainly isn’t yet ready to face down a fully-functional Haldane king».

«He has told you this?» Vivienne asked, aghast.

«Not in so many words, no», Rhydon replied. «But killing Brion now, before he has settled into his kingship, would certainly make it easier for the future. The heir is underage; and his heir is Duke Richard Haldane, a childless bachelor. It would take only a few deaths to leave Gwynedd without a clear heir, open for a king of the old Festillic line to take back the throne».

Michon chuckled, then lifted a hand, half in apology. «You have spent too much time with Camille Furstána and her nephews, Rhydon. You make this sound almost a good thing, though I know you do not mean that». He drew a deep breath and settled slightly forward, fingers interlaced before him.

«The question is, will Zachris Pomeroy take advantage of the king’s presence to make his move in Valoret?» he went on. «It is, after all, closer to the border, and closer to Cardosa, where Pomeroy has been building his power base for Hogan and the other Furstáns. We can take no overt action, of course — nothing that would reveal our existence to the human population — but it seems to me a wise thing for several of us to make ourselves present at the cathedral, especially at the time of the archbishop’s enthronement. For if I were Zachris Pomeroy, that is when and where I would strike, heedless of the fact that to do so would be to desecrate holy ground. I do not think that would much matter to such as he».

Silence greeted this declaration, but it was of the thoughtful sort rather than born out of any disagreement. After a moment, Seisyll gave a heavy sigh.

«I made certain that Jamyl was included in the king’s party», he said quietly, «just in case Pomeroy should get wind of the king’s visit to Valoret and try to apprehend him there. If he does, we may rely on Jamyl to do what is necessary from within, though we shall have to be careful to ensure that he is not discovered as Deryni. I do not know the king’s status, regarding the Haldane powers, but I have hope that at least some of them have been awakened. It is little known, but he made a secret visit to the Lady Alyce de Corwyn as she lay dying. Given her involvement with the late king, it is possible that she was able to help Prince Brion».

«You have a plan?» Oisín asked quietly.

Michon nodded. «I do».

Chapter 27

«For they intended evil against thee: they imagined a mischievous device, which they were not able to perform».[28]

They had reckoned that for the next day or two, at least until the king arrived in Valoret, he would be in no particular danger, since he was on the move and no one knew he was coming. That gave the Camberian Council time to organize their strategy, for Rhydon to assemble his operatives, and for Seisyll to contact his nephew, already on the road with the king, concerning Zachris Pomeroy. Jamyl dared not pass on the warning to anyone in the royal party, lest he be obliged to reveal his source — and himself as Deryni — but he assured his uncle that he would maintain particular vigilance, and would somehow make contact with Rhydon once they arrived in Valoret.

Which occurred just at dusk on the afternoon before Paul Tollendal was to be installed as Archbishop and Primate. The arrival of twenty Haldane lancers in the cathedral’s stable yard, and with the king among them, provoked a flurry of initial alarm followed by consternation, as men in black habits and then a few in episcopal purple poked their heads from the chapter house doorway and then began spilling onto its steps, for no one had reckoned that the king might venture out of Rhemuth before his coronation, and certainly not as far north as Valoret.



PSALM 21:11