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ARTHEN TALBOT, SIR — newly knighted youngest son of Sir Lucien Talbot, royal governor of Ratharkin.

AURIEL, ARCHANGEL — Torenthi name for Uriel.

BAIRBRE — maid to Vera Countess of Kierney, who also looks after Duncan and Kevin McLain.

BARRETT DE LANEY — blind member of the Camberian Council; brother of Dominy de Laney.

*BEARAND HALDANE, KING SAINT — pre-Interregnum Haldane king who pushed back the Moorish sea lords and consolidated Gwynedd.

*BLAINE EMANUEL RICHARD CINHIL HALDANE, PRINCE — second son of Donal King of Gwynedd, 1083–1092.

BRION DONAL CINHIL URIEN HALDANE, PRINCE — firstborn son and heir of King Donal; later, King of Gwynedd.

*BRIONA, PRINCESS — only child of the last Prince of Mooryn, wife of Prince Festil Augustus.

*BRONWYN MORGAN — a sister of Charlan Kai Morgan, who died in the service of King Javan Haldane.

BRONWYN RHETICE MORGAN, LADY — infant daughter of Alyce and Kenneth Morgan, younger sister of Alaric.

CAMILLE FURSTÁNA, PRINCESS — daughter of Prince Zimri Furstán and Chriselle, a Festillic heiress; aunt of Prince Hogan Furstán; now known as Mother Serafina, a nun at Saint-Sasile, an all-Deryni monastic establishment at Furstánan, in Torenth.

CASPAR TALBOT, SIR — third son of Sir Lucien Talbot, brother of Sir Arthen Talbot.

*CHARLAN MORGAN, SIR — distant cousin of Sir Kenneth Morgan, loyal knight in the service of King Javan Haldane, with whom he died in battle.

CILLIAN, MASTER — a royal physician at Rhemuth Castle.

CLAARA MORGAN WINSLOW, LADY — widowed younger sister of Sir Kenneth Morgan.

CLARICE — a granddaughter of Claara, and grand-niece of Sir Kenneth Morgan.

*CLUIM HALDANE, KING — great-grandfather of King Donal.

COCKLEBURR — a retired warhorse selected by Sir Llion as a first training mount for Alaric Morgan.

COSMO MURRAY, BISHOP — Bishop of Nyford; dies during the synod convened to elect a successor to Archbishop William MacCartney in 1096.

CRESCENCE DE NAVERIE, SIR — special counsel to the Regents of Corwyn.

DEINOL HARTMANN, SIR — seneschal at Castle Cynfyn.

DELPHINE MORGAN — unmarried older sister of Sir Kenneth Morgan, chatelaine of Morganhall in his absence; an accomplished poet.

DESMOND MACCARTNEY, ARCHBISHOP — Archbishop of Rhemuth, brother of Archbishop William.

*DOMINIC DU JOUX, SIEUR — son of Richard du Joux, a follower of Prince Festil of Torenth, and Princess Tayce Furstána, a first cousin of the new Festillic king; first Duke of Corwyn.

DOMINY DE LANEY — sister of Barrett, member of the Camberian Council.

DONAL BLAINE AIDAN CINHIL HALDANE, KING — King of Gwynedd, Prince of Meara, and Lord of the Purple March.

*DUCHAD MOR — Torenthi Deryni general who unsuccessfully attempted to invade Gwynedd in 985 on behalf of the Festillic Pretender of the day.

*DULCHESSE, QUEEN — childless first queen of Donal Haldane.

DUNCAN HOWARD MCLAIN, MASTER — son of Jared Earl of Kierney and Vera, Alyce’s twin sister; cousin of Alaric.

*ELAINE MACINNIS, LADY — first wife of Jared Earl of Kierney, and mother of Kevin McLain; died in childbirth.

ESMÉ HARRIS, BISHOP — Bishop of Coroth, and member of Corwyn’s council of regents.

ESTÈPHE DE COURCY, SIR — a young cousin of Michon de Courcy.

EWAN DE TRAHERNE, SIR — Earl of Rhendall, a new-made knight.

EWAN MACEWAN, DUKE — Duke of Claibourne.

FAXON HOWARD, BISHOP — an itinerant bishop, kin to Vera Howard McLain.

*FESTIL, KING — first of the Interregnum kings of Gwynedd, a younger son of the King of Torenth.

*FESTIL AUGUSTUS, PRINCE — son of Festil, later Festil II.

FISKEN CROMARTY, BISHOP — itinerant bishop elected Bishop of Marbury in 1096, in succession to Paul Tollendal.

GABRIEL, ARCHANGEL — guardian of the element of water.

GEILL MORGAN, LADY — middle daughter of Sir Kenneth Morgan, married to Sir Walter, a young knight of Kierney.

GEOFFREY DE MAIN, SIR — a new-made knight, non-identical twin to Thomas.

GRAHAM MACEWAN, LORD — six-year-old heir of Ewan Duke of Claibourne.

HAMILTON, LORD — seneschal of Coroth Castle.

HARKNESS, LORD — visiting lord put to sleep by Jamyl Arilan.

HOGAN FURSTÁN, PRINCE — Festillic Pretender to the throne of Gwynedd, posthumous son of Prince Marcus, nephew of Princess Camille/Sister Serafina, and Jonelle Heiress of Gwernach, by which right he was sometimes known in later life as Hogan Gwernach.

HORT OF ORSAL — ruler of the Principality of Tralia, premier of the Forcinn Buffer States.

ILLANN, KING — King of Howicce and, after the death of his mother, Queen Gwenaël, King of Llannedd; brother of Queen Richeldis and uncle of Brion and Nigel.

*IMRE FURSTÁN OF FESTIL — last Interregnum King of Gwynedd.

IRIS CERYS, SISTER — a professed nun at Arc-en-Ciel, formerly Cerys Devane, former roommate to Alyce de Corwyn.

IRIS JESSILDE, SISTER — second daughter of Jessamy MacAthan, a professed nun at Arc-en-Ciel.

IRIS JUDIANA, MOTHER — Superior at Arc-en-Ciel; daughter of a Bremagni duke, educated at Rhanamé.

IRIS ROSE, SISTER — a professed nun at Arc-en-Ciel.

ISAIYA, MASTER — a Master of the Deryni Inner Order at the University of Rhanamé.

JAMES OF TENDAL, SIR — hereditary Chancellor of Corwyn.

JAMYL ARILAN, MASTER — nephew of Sir Seisyll Arilan, Deryni; a squire to King Donal and Prince Brion.

JÁNOS SOKRAT, COUNT — a Torenthi courtier.

JARED MCLAIN, EARL OF KIERNEY — only son and heir of Andrew Duke of Cassan; husband of Vera, father of Kevin and Duncan.

*JASHER HALDANE, KING — younger brother of King Nygel and elder of King Cluim, who helped repel the armored infantry of Duchad Mor in 985.

JASKA COLLINS, SIR — a new-made knight of Gwynedd, known for his horsemanship.

JATHAN, PRINCE — youngest son of King Donal and Queen Richeldis.

*JERNIAN, DUKE — fifth Duke of Corwyn, a comrade of Kings Nygel, Jasher, and Cluim; father of Stíofan Anthony.

*JESSAMY FERCH LEWYS MACATHAN, LADY — deceased daughter of Lewys ap Norfal and wife of Sir Sief MacAthan, all of them Deryni; mother of the murdered Krispin MacAthan by Donal Haldane.

JIRI REDFEARN, SIR — an aide to King Donal.

JORIS TALBOT, SIR — eldest son of Sir Lucien Talbot, royal governor of Meara at Ratharkin.

JOVETT CHANDOS, SIR — childhood friend of Alyce de Corwyn, secretly Deryni; close friend of Sir Sé Trelawney; marries Lady Zoë Morgan.

JUDIANA, MOTHER — see Iris Judiana, Mother.

JULIAN TALBOT, SIR — second son of Sir Lucien Talbot, royal governor of Meara at Ratharkin.

KAILAN PETER CHANDOS, MASTER — infant son of Zoë Morgan and Sir Jovett Chandos.

KÁROLY FURSTÁN, PRINCE — third son of King Nimur of Torenth; later, Crown Prince.

KENNETH KAI MORGAN, SIR — an aide to King Donal; husband of Lady Alyce de Corwyn, father of Alaric and Bronwyn, plus Zoë and two more daughters by a first marriage; created Earl of Lendour for life, in right of his wife.

*KERYELL OF LENDOUR, EARL — Deryni Earl of Lendour and husband of Stevana de Corwyn, Heiress of Corwyn; father of Alyce and Vera.

KEVIN DOUGLAS MCLAIN, MASTER — son of Jared Earl of Kierney by his first wife, Elaine MacInnis; Master of Kierney.

KHOREN VASTOUNI, PRINCE — brother of the Prince of Andelon, member of the Camberian Council.

*KITRON — an ancient Deryni mage-scholar.

*KRISPIN SIEF MACATHAN — murdered son of Jessamy MacAthan by King Donal, secretly sired to be a Deryni protector for the royal princes.

LAURENZ UDAUT, SIR — father of Sir Trevor and special counsel to the Duchy of Corwyn.