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LEONARD — a guard in the service of King Donal, who accompanied him to Morganhall.

LEOPOLD, MASTER — steward of Morganhall.

*LEWYS AP NORFAL — infamous Deryni who died in a forbidden magical experiment; father of Jessamy and Morian.

LLION FARQUAHAR, SIR — a young knight of Corwyn, selected to be Alaric’s governor and companion.

LUCIEN TALBOT, BARON — a baron of the Purple March, permanent royal governor of Meara at Ratharkin replacing the murdered Iolo Melandry.

*MARCUS FURSTÁN, PRINCE — father of Prince Hogan and brother to Camille.

*MARIE STEPHANIA DE CORWYN — younger daughter of Keryell Earl of Lendour and Stevana de Corwyn; murdered younger sister of Alyce and twin to Ahern de Corwyn.

MELISSA — a maid to Alyce.

MICHAEL, ARCHANGEL — guardian of the element of fire.

MICHAEL O’FLYNN, EARL OF DERRY — special counsel to the Duchy of Corwyn; father of Sir Seamus O’Flynn.

MICHON DE COURCY, LORD — member of the Camberian Council.

MIKHAIL VASTOUNI, PRINCE — sovereign Prince of Andelon, father of Sofiana, brother of Khoren; Deryni.

MILES CHOPARD, SIR — secretary to Corwyn’s council of regents.

MILO GUTHRIE — Haldane lancer killed in Valoret.

MORAG FURSTÁNA, PRINCESS — daughter of the King of Torenth, sister of Princes Károly, Wencit, Festil, and Torval.

MORIAN DU JOUX (AP LEWYS), SIR — son of Lewys ap Norfal and brother of Jessamy, and Deryni.

NESTA MCLAIN, LADY — sister of Sir Kenneth Morgan’s first wife, and aunt to his three daughters.

NIGEL CLUIM GWYDION RHYS HALDANE, PRINCE — younger son of King Donal and Queen Richeldis; later, heir presumptive to King Brion.

NIMUR FURSTÁN, CROWN PRINCE — eldest son of Nimur King of Torenth.


O’BEIRNE, BISHOP (NEIL) — Bishop of Dhassa.

OISÍN ADAIR — a horse breeder, member of the Camberian Council.

OLIVER DE NORE, BISHOP — itinerant bishop in Carthane, elder brother of the late Father Septimus; later, Bishop of Nyford.

ORBAN HOWARD, SIR — «father» of Vera (de Corwyn) Howard.

PASCHAL DIDIER, FATHER — R’Kassan-trained former chaplain to Keryell Earl of Lendour and tutor to his children; Deryni.

PATRICK CORRIGAN, BISHOP — auxiliary bishop in Rhemuth.

PAUL TOLLENDAL, BISHOP — Bishop of Marbury, elected Archbishop of Valoret in succession to William MacCartney.

PEDUR CHANDOS, SIR — a Lendouri knight, father of Sir Jovett.

*PHARAÏLDE NÍ PADRAMOS — author of a treatise on Deryni magic.

PHARES DONOVAN, SIR — a new-made knight from Marley, former squire to Prince Brion, a keen archer.

PHELIM — magical name given to Duncan McLain by his mother.

RAPHAEL, ARCHANGEL — guardian of the element of air.

RATHER DE CORBIE, LORD — an emissary of the Hort of Orsal.

RATHOLD, LORD — counsel to the Duchy of Corwyn.

REYHAN OF JÁCA — future consort of Princess Sofiana of Andelon.

*RHETICE — wife to Corwyn’s second duke.

RHYDON SASILLION, SIR — junior member of the Camberian Council.

RICHARD BEARAND RHUPERT CINHIL HALDANE, PRINCE — unmarried half-brother of King Donal, Duke of Carthmoor and Earl of Culdi.

*RICHARD DU JOUX, LORD — father of Dominic, died fighting at the side of Prince Festil of Torenth in the conquest of Gwynedd; husband of Princess Tayce Furstána, a cousin of the new King of Gwynedd.

RICHELDIS, QUEEN — second wife of King Donal and mother of his children, a princess of Howicce and Llannedd.

ROBERT OF TENDAL, SIR — son of Sir James, the hereditary chancellor of Corwyn, whom he serves as an aide.

RODDER GILLESPIE, FATHER — a priest of the Diocese of Nyford, and secretary to Bishop Oliver de Nore.

RORIK HOWELL, LORD — Earl of Eastmarch.

*ROSMERTA — third wife of Keryell of Lendour, and stepmother to Alyce, Marie, and Ahern, returned to her own family after Keryell’s death.

Seamus O’FLYNN, SIR — son of Michael O’Flynn Earl of Derry.

SEISYLL ARILAN, LORD — member of King Donal’s council of state and also the Camberian Council; uncle of Jamyl and Denis Arilan.

*SEPTIMUS (SEPP) DE NORE, FATHER — late brother of Bishop Oliver de Nore, executed for his part in the murder of Krispin MacAthan.

SERAFINA, SISTER/MOTHER — see Camille, Princess.

SÉ TRELAWNEY, SIR — childhood friend of Alyce, secretly Deryni; formerly in the service of Lendour, but now a fully vowed Knight of the Anvil, Incus Domini, the Anvil of the Lord.

SEVALLA — the bloodred R’Kassan mare acquired for Prince Brion for his coming of age by Master Oisín Adair.

*SIEF MACATHAN — deceased husband of Jessamy; a former member of King Donal’s council of state and also the Camberian Council.

SILKE HALDANE, PRINCESS — second daughter of Donal King of Gwynedd and Queen Richeldis.

SÍODA KUSHANNAN, LORD — Earl of Airnis, who served Duke Stíofan, Alyce’s grandfather; a Grecotha scholar, and special counsel to the Duchy of Corwyn.

SOBBON, PRINCE — sovereign Prince of Tralia, also known as the Hort of Orsal.

*SOFFRID — an ancient Deryni sage.

SOFIANA VASTOUNI, PRINCESS — elder daughter of Prince Mikhail of Andelon and Princess Ysabeau; niece of Prince Khoren.

*STEVANA DE CORWYN, LADY — deceased heiress of Corwyn, granddaughter of Stíofan Duke of Corwyn; second wife of Keryell Earl of Lendour, mother of Alyce, Vera, Ahern, and Marie.

*STÍOFAN ANTHONY, DUKE — Duke of Corwyn, and Alyce’s grandfather.

SWITHUN, FATHER — chaplain at Morganhall.

SYLVAN — a squire at Castle Coroth.

*TAYCE FURSTÁNA, LADY — first cousin of Festil I King of Gwynedd, wife of Lord Richard du Joux; their son was Dominic du Joux, first Duke of Corwyn.

THOMAS, SIR — a senior Kierney knight, captain of the guard escort that accompanied Countess Vera McLain to Zoë Morgan’s wedding in Cynfyn.

THOMAS DE MAIN, SIR — a new-made knight, non-identical twin to Geoffrey, noted for his swordsmanship.

TIARNÁN MACRAE, SIR — a senior aide to King Donal.

TIVADAN, FATHER — Chancellor of the Exchequer of Corwyn.

TORVAL, PRINCE — second son of the King of Torenth.

TREVOR UDAUT, SIR — a young knight of Corwyn, son of Sir Laurenz Udaut; assigned to Sir Kenneth Morgan’s service.

ULF CAREY, SIR — a new-made knight of Gwynedd, known for his keen horsemanship.

URIEL, ARCHANGEL — guardian of the element of earth.

VERA LAURELA (DE CORWYN) HOWARD MCLAIN, COUNTESS — younger twin sister of Alyce, but raised by and believed to be the daughter of Lord Orban Howard and Lady Laurela; wife of Jared Earl of Kierney and mother of Duncan.

VIVIENNE DE JORDANET, LADY — member of the Camberian Council.

WALTER, SIR — a knight of Kierney, husband of Geill Morgan.

WENCIT, PRINCE — fourth son of King Nimur of Torenth.


XANDER OF TORRYLIN, SIR — a young knight of Lendour.

XENIA, PRINCESS — first daughter and third child of Donal King of Gwynedd and Richeldis.

YVES DE TREMELAN, SIR — a young knight of Lendour.

ZACHRIS POMEROY — Deryni foster brother of Hogan Furstán, and also a student of Mother Serafina, holding lands adjacent to those of Rhydon’s father.

ZAIZIE — family pet-name of Alazais Morgan, Kenneth’s youngest daughter by his first marriage.

*ZEFIRYN — an ancient Deryni sage of Caeriesse.

ZOË BRONWYN MORGAN, LADY — eldest daughter of Sir Kenneth Morgan, a former student at Arc-en-Ciel; heart-sister (and stepdaughter!) to Alyce de Corwyn.