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«Sire, I am yours to command», Kenneth murmured with a taut bow.

«Then I trust you will not object when I tell you that I have this day determined to create you Earl of Lendour for life, by right of your wife». A collective gasp whispered through the hall, but the king only flicked a steely glance out over the assembled court to silence it, and went on.

«Will you, then, accept this honor from my hand, and be my man for Lendour, and continue serving as principal regent of Corwyn?» He smiled and shrugged. «It means that someday, your son will be your feudal superior, when he takes up his ducal coronet — but by then, perhaps you will be ready to retire to some quiet spot with your lovely wife, to enjoy the delights of grandchildren. It is a pleasure I have not yet tasted for myself, but I am assured by my governor in Meara and others who have them that the experience is altogether agreeable».

His droll smile and wink at Sir Lucien and several of his senior council lords who did have grandchildren was answered by gentle chuckles of honest amusement from most in the hall, and defused what might have been an awkward moment regarding Kenneth’s good fortune.

«But, enough of this», Donal said, rising. «Kenneth, I’ll thank you to kneel». As Kenneth hastily did so, the king shifted the Haldane sword into his right hand and briskly touched it to Kenneth’s right shoulder, left shoulder. «I create you Earl of Lendour for life, with all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities that entails. Will you now do homage for your lands?»

«I will, Sire, most gladly», Kenneth replied, lifting his joined hands in an attitude of prayer.

Smiling faintly, the king handed the sword off to Prince Brion and took Kenneth’s hands between his own, nodding for him to speak.

«I, Kenneth Kai Morgan, do enter your homage and become your liege man for Lendour, reaffirming the vows I made when your father knighted me. Faith and truth will I bear to you, and to your sons, and to your house, in all things, so help me God».

«And I receive your homage most gladly, Kenneth Morgan Earl of Lendour, and pledge you my loyalty and protection for so long as you keep faith with me».

So saying, the king released Kenneth’s hands and dipped into a pocket within his sleeve, producing a gold signet, which he slid onto Kenneth’s left forefinger.

«Wear this ring as a seal of fidelity to the oaths you have sworn, and a symbol of your authority», the king said, also receiving from the queen a hammered silver circlet the width of two fingers, set with flat cabochon garnets all around. «And receive this coronet as a mark of my esteem and trust».

He set the coronet on Kenneth’s brow, then kissed him on both cheeks and nodded for him to rise.

«That’s done, then. You may stand, Earl of Lendour. And for your first official act, if it is your pleasure and that of these young men, I give you leave to bestow the accolade on these, your knights of Lendour».

Kenneth rose uncertainly at the king’s gesture, looking both pleased and somewhat taken aback by this further demonstration of royal favor.

«Sire, it is an honor I am right willing to confer in your name, but surely they would prefer to receive it from the hand of their king».

«I should think that, given a choice, they would prefer to receive it from the hand of a loyal and noble knight who has many times saved the life of that king», Donal countered, with a measuring glance at the two kneeling candidates. «And this is fitting, since it is you they should emulate, rather than a warrior no longer in his prime. Sir Jovett, is this acceptable to Lendour’s candidates?»

Jovett glanced at the Lendour sponsors, who clearly approved, then made a graceful bow, taking his cue from Alyce’s unperturbed expression and the lightning thought she sent his way.

«Sire, it has long been the honor of Lendour’s knights to receive the accolade from Lendour’s earl, when that has been possible. When young Alaric attains his majority and is himself a knight, such will be his happy duty. But until that day arrives, I can think of few finer exemplars for our young knights than the noble father of their future earl».

«Then, let it be done», the king replied, extending the hilt of the Haldane sword across his forearm to Kenneth. «You may use this».

Kenneth knelt briefly to receive it, reverently touching his lips to the holy relic enclosed in the hilt, then moved beside the throne and turned to face the candidates and assembled court, indicating that Alyce and Alaric should stand to his other side. He occasionally had knighted men in the field before, but the hilt of the Haldane sword in his fist made concrete just how different this was, and would be henceforth. As the first candidate, Yves de Tremelan, came to kneel before him, his older brother following with sword and spurs, Kenneth leaned down to whisper to his son in a sudden flash of inspiration.

«Son, would you like to help Sir Jovett with the spurs?»

The boy grinned delightedly, scurrying to Jovett’s side to receive one of the spurs. He watched with grave attentiveness as Jovett affixed the first spur, then knelt to do the same with the second. The straps and buckles were a little stiff, the spurs being new and never worn, but the boy very nearly managed on his own, so that Jovett only had to help him with the final adjustment.

Their whispered consultation brought a smile to the candidate’s lips, but he did not speak or turn to look. When the two had finished, the pair of them stood to either side of the candidate and Alaric shyly slipped his hand into Yves’s large one as he gazed up expectantly at his father, obviously aware of the solemnity of what was about to occur. Alyce, watching from Kenneth’s side, could only barely contain her smile and her pride. Tears were glistening in the candidate’s eyes.

«Yves de Tremelan», Kenneth declared, lowering the Haldane blade to touch the young man’s right shoulder, «in the name of the Father, and of the Son», the blade arched to the left shoulder, «and of the Holy Spirit», the flat of the blade rested briefly on the bowed head, «be thou a good knight and true». He brought the blade to his lips in salute. «Arise, Sir Yves».

He offered the new knight his hand and raised him up.

«And now, since I am Earl of Lendour by the grace of my lady wife as well as the king’s favor, perhaps it would be fitting that you be invested with the further symbols of your rank by the Lady of Lendour — if Her Majesty will allow», he added, with a glance at the queen.

«Most certainly», Richeldis replied, extending the strip of white leather to Alyce, who nodded thanks and moved closer to Yves. Young Alaric stayed beside Jovett, now under Jovett’s hands, watching as his mother girded the new-made knight with the white belt.

«Sir Yves, I gird you with this symbol of your unstained honor», Alyce murmured, as she leaned close to pass the belt around his waist. «And I am very happy that you should have received this honor from my own dear husband’s hand».

«So am I, my lady», he whispered, hastily knuckling at a tear as she fastened the buckle.

When she had finished, he bowed over her hand and kissed it, then waited as his elder brother brought forth the goodly sword to be presented, laying it into Alyce’s hands with a bow. At the king’s nod, she gave it into the keeping of Sir Yves, who slipped it into its hangers and then sank to his knees uncertainly between Kenneth and the king, glancing at both of them as he lifted joined hands.

«Sire», he said steadily, «I am now prepared to offer my fealty».

«He is your knight, Lord Kenneth», the king said quietly. «It is you who should receive his oath».

«It would be my honor and privilege, Sire», Kenneth murmured. «But is this acceptable to you, Sir Yves? I know that you were expecting to give your oath to the king».