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“Hold on tight, honey. Don’t let go.”

She gave the swing a gentle push. Then another.

Sunlight danced in Sam’s black hair and he closed his eyes and leaned backward. He rose higher and higher, pumping his legs in delight. One of his boots slipped off and landed a few yards away. Sam didn’t even notice.

“You’re flying,” Sadie said, grinning. “Like a bat, Sam.”

Watching him, she had a sudden urge to freeze the moment, savor it forever. Times such as these made her wish she had brought a camera.

She heard his soft giggle. It built slowly, then exploded into a bout of contagious laughter.

Even the young mother next to her couldn’t help but smile.

“He’s having a good time,” the woman said.

Sadie nodded. “Oh, to be young and carefree.”

“You got that right—Andrew!”

Distracted by the antics of a lanky, freckle-faced boy climbing on top of the covered slide, the woman rushed off, leaving her daughter—still a toddler—in the baby swing next to Sam.

Sadie stared after her in disbelief. What on earth was the woman thinking? How could she leave her daughter with a complete stranger after a girl had been kidnapped?

Her gaze drifted over the school park.

A cluster of mothers chatted at a picnic table, while an olive-skinned boy of about four wandered precariously close to the busy parking lot. A few feet away, an older boy—maybe thirteen—pushed a chubby girl off the steps to the slide, and a toddler of indiscriminate gender played in the sandbox, feasting on gourmet dirt laced with God knows what else. And all of that, ignored by the women at the table.

The child in the baby swing let out a soft cry.

Shaking her head in frustration, Sadie slowed Sam’s swing. As she helped him down, she was torn between wanting to take him home and not wanting to leave the little girl alone.

Huge brown eyes captured hers. “Mama?”

Sadie sensed her fear. “Your mommy will be back soon.”

The girl whimpered, her eyes pooling with tears.

A few minutes later, the mother rushed over. “Jeez, you’d think he’d been killed, the way he was carrying on.” She nudged her head in the direction of the freckled boy.

Sadie’s lips thinned. “Your daughter was getting worried.”

The young woman’s eyes widened as she let out a coarse snicker. “Daughter? She’s not my kid. Neither of ’en are. I’m their nanny.”

Sadie was shocked. “Their nanny?”

“Hey, people mistake me for their mom all the time,” the woman said, as though motherhood were nothing more than a badge one could buy at the local Dollar Store.

While the woman helped the toddler from the swing, Sadie gave her a disparaging look and bit back a reply. Without another word, she took Sam’s hand and led him back to the car.

“Snug as a bug,” she said, clicking his seatbelt into place.

She climbed into the driver’s seat. As she reached for the door, something made her look across the street.

A lone man wearing reflective sunglasses and a cowboy hat pulled low over his face waited in a gray sedan with the window rolled halfway down. She couldn’t make out his features, but she did see the proud smile on his face as he watched his son or daughter playing in the park.

I wish Philip would take the time to bring Sam here.

She backed out and eased toward the parking lot exit.

That’s when she noticed the man in the car again. He wasn’t looking toward the playground anymore. His shadowed gaze was directed at her. Passing the man, she was relieved when he looked away.


“Give me a call and let me know if you’ll be home for supper,” Sadie said in response to Philip’s voice mail greeting.

Despondent, she hung up the phone.

It was almost six and she needed to talk to him—before things got further out of hand.

Maybe therapy would help.

She let out a huff.

The day Philip went for any kind of counseling would be the day that pigs, sheep and cows flew.

A dull thump came from Sam’s room.

“Honey, you okay?”

She listened at the bottom of the stairs, but he wasn’t crying so she strolled back into the living room.

The phone rang. “Hello?”

All she heard was breathing—heavy breathing.

She hung up. She’d been getting a lot of crank calls lately.

The phone rang a second time.

She picked it up. “Hello?”

More breathing.

“Is anyone there?” She sighed, irritated by the silence. “Is that the best you can do?” When there was still no response, she said, “I hope this is as good for you as it is for me.”

A hooting laugh erupted on the other end.

“Leah,” she muttered.

“Hey, Sadie,” her friend said with a snort. “What’ve you got planned for tonight?”

“I’m not sure. I was hoping Philip would be home early for a change. What about you?”

“I need to get out. My neighbor has a party every Friday night and I swear they’re going to come through the ceiling any minute. Of course, it wouldn’t be so bad if they invited me.”

Sadie heard the frustration in Leah’s voice.

“Why don’t you come here for supper then?” she said.

“You don’t mind?”

“Of course not, you twit.” But Philip might.

Although she’d never say that to Leah—even though her friend already knew that Philip wasn’t her number one fan. He had issues with Leah. He didn’t agree with her lifestyle, her fashion, or her influence on Sadie. He’d been trying for years to get Sadie to hook up with some of the wives from the firm. It would look good for him.

“Well…” Leah drawled, pretending to ponder the offer of free food. “Okay, I’ll come over. I’ll be there in twenty minutes. But as soon as Phil the Pill shows up, I’m outta there. Got it?”

“Got it.”

“What’s for dinner anyway?”

Sadie smiled. “Sam’s favorite.”

“KD?” Leah whined.

“No,” Sadie said, chuckling. “His other favorite. KFC.”

“Awesome! I’ll be there in ten.”

Leah showed up at the door, wearing a pair of tight black pants that flared at the ankles and a flamboyant gypsy-style blouse in colorful bronzes and silver trim.

“Hey, it’s Friday night,” she said when she saw Sadie’s raised brow. “I’m going out later. Now, where’s the man of the house?”

“Sam! Auntie Leah’s here!”

A ball of energy flew down the stairs and landed in her friend’s outstretched arms.

Leah groaned. “You’re getting big, buddy.”

Sam looked up at Leah and a devilish grin developed.

“Tomorrow you’ll be six,” she said, kissing his cheek.

“Well, officially he’s six on Monday,” Sadie reminded her.

Leah lifted a slim shoulder. “Semantics.” She set Sam down. “Are you excited for your birthday?”

He nodded, then giggled and raced back upstairs.

“Supper’ll be here soon,” Sadie said, heading for the kitchen.

Leah followed her. “I take it the esteemed legal eagle isn’t back yet?”


“You still thinking he’s—”

Sadie’s prickly gaze halted her.

“Ah…” Leah murmured. “You know, until you have proof, I wouldn’t get too hung up on this idea. For all you know it could be perfectly innocent.”

Sadie made a sour face.

“Or you could be right,” Leah added quickly.

“I don’t know what to do.”

“You gotta talk to the man. But be prepared. You might not like what you hear.” Leah’s voice softened. “God, you don’t deserve—”