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"We're both naked and excited, Mike," she whispered, taking gentle hold of his stiffened young cock again, and rubbing it between her teasingly clenching fingers. "What would you like to do about it, darling? What do you think it would be fun to try?"

"Oh! Wow! I do-don't know…" the boy choked, his straining eyes feasting on her softly swaying breasts as she leaned closer to him. His immature brain reeled with confusion, unable to fathom what she was asking. His eyes flew around the vast, deserted ocean around him – everything was silent and empty around them… Still, he couldn't forget the fear of what would happen if they were discovered.

The voluptuous woman lay down on the soft bed of moss, still warm from the day's sun, and gently pulled Mike down alongside her. She held him close to her and circled her long legs around his narrow young waist. Then she steered his boyish penis into her cuntal slit until he could feel the swollen head of his wildly pulsing cock touching the soft pussy hairs covering her fevered vaginal lips. She used her fingers to move the blunt tip of his slender hardness up and down between her wetly throbbing cunt, provocatively undulating her hips in a circular motion beneath him as she locked her legs tightly around the boy.

"What's the matter, Mike?" she moaned against his ear, breathing liquid fire along his beardless cheeks. "Haven't you ever heard of fucking?"

"Jesus! Mrs. Wong!" Mike gasped in shock from her obscenity. This was one hell of a lot more than he'd ever wished for, even when beating his own cock at night in bed. But Goddamnit! He was scared! Scared shitless! He hated to admit it, but crap, this was too much to take. And yet the delicious pressure of his girlfriend's aunt fondling his cock and whispering lewd words into his ear was more than he could fight against! What's gotten into everyone anyway? Christ, the whole fucking world seemed to have gone crazy – wild!

"Fucking!" Suzie hissed invitingly. "Fucking into a beautiful woman's cunt with that wonderfully hard young prick of yours! Don't you know what fucking is, Mike?"

"W-well yes, sure I do, Mrs. Wong," he blurted out with stunned passion, his face aflame with embarrassment. "But I… I've never done it before."

"All the better dear boy, I'll show you all about fucking," she promised sensuously.

Mike realized suddenly that she was quivering violently against him, her thighs moving harder and more urgently into his loins. "You want to fuck me, darling child?" he heard the woman breathe deeper this time. "You want me to show you how?"

"I-I," Mike stammered, the obscene temptations she was offering exciting him senseless. "I guess I do."

"Then tell me, Mike! Tell me!"

"Crap, I… I wanna fuck you, Mrs. Wong! I wanna fuck!" The words flowed out of him in a hoarse cry of lust. Shit, he was so excited he was already about to cum.

"Oh God, then let's do it!" Suzie mewled out into the air, unable to hold back another second. She flicked her naked hips up with a sudden thrust, driving his youthful cock into the hungrily gaping mouth of love-starved pussy. Little warm waves from the ocean washed up onto the moss and then subsided.

"Ahhhh," she moaned as Mike felt the warm elastic-like sheath of her cunt slip wetly over the swollen head of his penis. Then, miraculously, his painfully aching cock was roaring up into her hotly clasping pussy to the full depth of her belly. It seemed tight at first as her cuntal muscles clasped the full length of his rigidly throbbing hardness, but then it abruptly became easier as the heated slickness of her passage surrounding him lubricated the way. Jeez, he was fucking her! He actually had his pecker up inside Wendy's aunt and was fucking her just like his uncle had fucked his girlfriend. Crazy! And man, it was damned good… and he didn't want it to be the one and only time either. To think that he had been missing something like this wild, hot-feeling all this time! Well, he wasn't going to let it get away from him ever again, no sireee!

"Oh. Mrs. Wong! Oh, I like it! I like it!" he gasped breathlessly, flexing the head of his cock with eager experimentation. "I like fucking you!"

"Ohhh, I knew you would, lover-boy!" she moaned back in squiring delight. "Now, move back and forth, in and out of my cunt! That's it, that's the way! Now you're fucking. Oooohhhh! God! In and out! Pump me, Mike! Pump my cunt with your prick until your sweet cum fills my pussy!"

"Yes, ma'am! I'll do it just like you say to!" The fourteen year old boy needed no coaxing, feeling the hot fleshy mouth of her pussy gliding against his rock-hard penis while he thrust in and out between her opened thighs over and over again. Wow! Nothing had ever felt so wonderful to him before in all his life! He strained with his hardened shaft forward with all the young strength in his lean hips and thighs, reveling in the forbidden act of which he was a part, deriving further sensations and just tonight he had watched his uncle fucking his girlfriend, just like this!

Suzie continued moaning her enrapturement, her smooth velvety legs enveloping the teenager's waist in a death-like grip of passion, her hips churning around and around. The hot satiny folds of her hair-lined vagina held him, squeezing tightly around his virile column and milking it already of its first tentative dribblings of seminal lubrication. Now she felt like a woman, healthy and enjoying sex at last, loving this handsome young boy's magnificent penis as it drove ceaselessly in and out of her erotically quivering belly with growing skill. She reveled in the abandoned lust she had been trying so hard to deny herself! It was passion alone, passion for its own sake, and that was all she cared about!

Mike could feel his wildly beating cock growing and expanding up inside of her soft fleshy warmth until it felt as if it were going to burst from the pressures building in his cumfilled balls. He rammed into her with increasingly hard strokes, his slim hips pounding wildly as he tried to bury more and more of his adolescent erection deep up into the hotly moistened walls of the older woman's tightly clasping pussy. Crap, any second now and he was going to cum! He was going to cum right up inside of Mrs. Wong's snatch and fill up belly like he'd always wanted to do to her niece's cunt! Man, of man, was it ever gooooddddd…

"Ohhhh, fuck me, lover-boy! Fuck me and cummmmmm!" Suzie wailed into his ear, her hips like a separate entity now, her churning ass-cheeks gone mad as she twisted and contorted, opening her legs around his waist and squeezing them closed, endeavoring to take even more of his hard pistoning shaft into her belly.

Suddenly she cried out, "Ohhh, I… I'm almost cumming. You're making me… cummm! Almost… yesss! Yes, oh yes! Aggghhhh!"

Her naked body heaved towards his as the first delicious throes of her orgasm rocketed through her, spurring the youth on, locking him into her insanely quivering cuntal flesh. In that moment, Mike felt his own cum boil over, exploding along the passage within his wildly jerking penis and bursting forth from the widened opening in the tip like a volcanic eruption, flooding her inner cuntal walls with hot, boiling semen. The older woman was mewling with total surrender, total satisfaction, total satiation, urging him incoherently never to stop filling her cunt with his fresh, wonderful young sperm.

Finally the boy collapsed on top of his girlfriend's aunt. His penis began to deflate, and finally slid out of her tightly clasping cunt to trail long sinuous strands of his sperm like thin, white sea weed from her vaginal opening. Shit, what a ride! He couldn't wait to get a hardon again so he could screw Mrs. Wong some more! But a warm lethargy poured numbingly over his flesh as his passion waned, and the boy nestled in contentment against her warm naked breasts while Suzie held him tightly, a great sigh of contentment escaping from his lips.

Suzie's mind was slowly returning to the reality of the situation. She had just been fucked and fucked damn well by a fourteen year old boy. She knew that she could never erase that memory from her conscience. She looked down at their naked bodies still entwined upon the moss. She looked at her teenage lover, the nephew of the man who had almost raped her that very day and she realized that she would never be the same. Her sense of decency and respectability had gone forever, now filled with the warm, innocent sperm of an unsuspecting child, she searched the recesses of her wicked mind for an answer to her actions. She should feel ashamed and disgusted only… Only…