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Somewhere, in the depths of her consciousness, Suzie felt the tempting awareness of Russ' arousing kisses, the gentle yet massaging pressure of his clenching fingers around her buttocks and slender waist, and the insistent throb of his excitedly jerking hardness against the nakedly yielding flesh of her belly… but she was still too afraid, afraid of the pain and heartless treatment she had endured twice before, to allow herself to give in now. The dedication which had turned her into an independent and self-reliant woman was built on the need to prove her worth, after men had made her doubt it.

"No… no, Russ, please, no…" she moaned, her words lost from the constriction of his lips.

"Why not, Suzie? Why not, just like men and women do all the time… what nature built them to do?" His hand continued to stroke her hotly pulsating thigh and buttocks, and then he lowered his lips to her pleading mouth once again, his tongue darting out to slip between her teeth. Suzie moaned, a mixture of desperation and passion. He was too strong for her physically, and now her body was a loose bundle of throbbing sensations, her mind rapidly losing control over it… Then suddenly his other hand snaked up along her quivering belly to cup one of her full, naked breasts beneath her robe, sending tiny licking flames of unwanted excitement rushing over her vulnerable flesh. Small pinpricks of delicious feeling raced through the softly pulsing lips of her awakening pussy, until, abruptly, the realization of what she was allowing to happen struck her. Again, the old fears and hesitations returned! She thought about breaking away and running… running to escape this man… but she doubted that her legs would support her now. He held her tight, his hands hot and smooth on her breast and her buttocks, and he ground his loins strongly against her thigh. She could tell that his penis was hard and that it had expanded into the full blood-engorged erection that was bursting to get out of his pants and crawl insidiously up into her nakedly waiting cunt.

"Stop!" she cried. "Oh no… no!" With near superhuman strength, she squirmed away from his grip. "Let's… calm down, Russ! Not here, not now! I'm not just one of those desperate spinsters you've been screwing all week!"

"I know you're not, Suzie," Russ breathed into her ear. God, how his cock ached, and his balls were crying out from the pressure of his thickly building cum! "But you are a woman," he said with slow thick desire. "And someday you'll give yourself in love again… And I want it to be to me!"

Those tender words reminded her of Randy Newhouse… That was how he had spoken to her, and then he had just fucked her and left her belly filled with semen and unsatisfied. Selfish brutes! All of them nothing but wild, sexual beasts.

Her body stiffened as Russ began pulling her loins harder than ever against his own. He massaged the soft yielding cheeks of her buttocks from behind once more, his mouth locking down again upon hers with a frantic urgency. She heard her breath coming in tiny mewling gasps, and the muscles of her body were as taut as a bow-string as they reacted of their own volition to the delicious teasings of Russ' warmly gripping fingers. She clenched her teeth together, fighting the surging emotions of her flesh with all of her might, but the pervading fingers of his one hand nipping against her breasts, and the hardness of his penis against her trembling belly, brought further moans of helpless submission from deep in her throat. God, in spite of her past, Russ was succeeding in arousing her! Maybe there was hope yet… he was being so tender in his passion… and she was becoming excited in the way a healthy female ought to! Perhaps she would become normal and not let her fear of masculine betrayal keep her trapped in her loneliness! But all the while, there was a frightening hollowness alive in the pit of her stomach, fighting off the intensity of her response…

"Ohhhh, Russ! Please don't do this!" she pleaded, almost close to tears from her conflict of emotions. But the man's hands fondled the tight cloth encased cheeks of her buttocks, unaware of the battle which was raging in Suzie's mind. Suzie struggled harder… but his kisses burned hots and his left hand closed teasingly over her throbbing breast, absorbing it voluptuously firm flesh…

"Oh… oooooooh…" she chanted almost mindlessly now, alive with the forbidden and fearful sensations. His hands, his tongue, his whole enveloping body enflamed her, and she gasped from the sudden craving which was rapidly overcoming her resistance. And still came the pungent thought that she didn't want to stop him or herself… that, this time perhaps, she would learn to trust a man…

The troubled woman made no effort toward stopping the hotly aroused professor, as his hand traveled tauntingly around her buttocks, down her leg to the hem of her robe and then up underneath it along the trembling satin flesh of her naked thigh… then up to the warmly moist pubic hair as she stood naked beneath the garment. A panicky shiver raced through Suzie's sex-inflamed mind. No…! No, she couldn't let this happen… But yes! Oh God, his fingers feel so good… So warm and gentle and good…

A low purring of hungered abandonment escaped from the tormented woman's lips, and her breath came in increasingly heavy spurts, erotic passion surging through her veins. Russ smiled lustfully down at her, and then pressed her back against the nearby dresser, leaning over her until she was forced to slide up onto its top and lie back with her legs dangling over the edge.

"Yes, Suzie, yes…" he intoned softly with heavily panting breath. "We're finally going to make it, you and I… We're finally going to break down that barrier of yours…"

Gently he pushed her down until her head rested against the wall. She undulated her buttocks with rising passion, as if her body were responding to some mind other than her own, and raised her arms to Russ in needful supplication. He, in turn, pushed between her legs until he was standing with his hips holding wide her inner thighs, his bulging loins jerking insistently against the panty-covered mound of her sensitive vagina. He leaned far over her, and his searing mouth pressed hard against her pliant lips, while his hands continued to fondle her aching breasts and down along her legs, sliding up and down her inner thighs, brushing against the burning, vibrant crevice of her tender pussy, as her robe fell open revealing fully her exquisite body in its almost full, voluptuous nakedness.

"Oh Russ… oh Russ, you mustn't… Ohhhhh," she moaned time and time again. She gasped in unwanted excitement as his fingers insinuated themselves inside the narrow elastic waistband of her panties, and she cringed from his fiery touch upon her naked flesh. In self defense, her mind tried to assume power over her body which was totally succumbing to its prurient desire. "No… no, don't…"

Then the man, unheeding of her weak pleads, fingering the softly yielding slit of her swollen cunt, stroking the hair-covered pussy lips and burrowing lewdly between them and deep inside. Suzie couldn't seem to control herself as she involuntarily raised her hips in helpful deliberations, clenching her secretion-wet thighs together. She could feel with obscene delight the coolness of the breeze through the opened window gently caress her naked inner flesh and moist pink vaginal crevice as her legs parted again in lewd, uncontrollable invitation. "Oh God!" she panted up into the silence of the room. "Oh God, we mustn't! I-I'm so afraid!"

"It's all right, Suzie! You know we must, and you want me to fuck you up between the legs as much as I want to fuck you!" Russ Redford groaned with the building demands of his hotly hardened penis and sperm, bloated testicles feverish now to possess the warm hair-rimmed clit that was slowly and inexorably devouring his fingers up inside. The sight of this sensual woman lying half naked across the top of the hotel dresser, with her robe hanging open, her head lolling and her legs jerking spasmodically on either side of his hips, was making him quiver with unrestrainable animal desire as he ground himself as tightly as he could against her passion throbbing cunt. His burgeoning cock surging with small aching pulses in his swimsuit while he parted the sensitive slit of her vaginal opening with his middle finger and teased the soft surrounding fringe of darkly curling pubic hair. He heard Suzie Wong mewl with spiraling desire from the electrifying shock of his caresses and watched her as she rotated her naked buttocks around on the desk top when he made ecstatic contact with the throbbing little tit of her clitoris.