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Ah! Yes… Yes, she could see her boy now. His young, taut body gleaming, his hairless loins quivering with the discovering of his masculinity as he plunged his now hardened, pulsating cock between her nakedly spread thighs. Quickly he was learning the secrets of sexual abandonment, his slender, growing penis thrusting more eagerly. She, Suzie was instructing him, teaching him all the corrupting practices other men had forced upon her with the big, heavy men's bodies. Everything she had secretly wanted to experience now she was passing on to her young lover, her womanly flesh was at long last really enjoying all the wicked lessons of her brutal lovers, enjoying them as she knew she really could.

"Fuck me, darling boy… Fuck me the way I've dreamed so long about… Fuck meeeee!"

The wild naked woman rocked on her bed, driving her completely cum-covered fingers deeply into her wetly clasping cunt. She felt the boy's cock plunging into her belly, sinking into the very depth of her, bursting into her, this virile teenage boy. Oh God! Cum! Glorious cum! And he would cum inside her pussy, cum with her fresh young sperm.

The older woman felt herself growing taut with impending orgasm. She fingered her cunt faster and faster, her eyes closed, seeing the darling boy, her hungry vagina closing around her pistoning fingers as they plunged deep, deep into the very heart of her, waiting for him to cum… cum… cum.

Then she climaxed, experiencing her wildly bursting orgasm as if possessed by the devil himself. Surge after surge of rapturous joy sprang through her pulsating loins. Her pleasure so intense, so acute it was almost painful, she gasped for breath, stifling a cry of bursting pleasure… and then satiated, she slowly sank back on her bed and drew out a long sigh of completion.

Suzie was completely still, every ounce of energy had been drained out of her, she lay without stirring. Gradually, the room came back into focus, her sanity slowly returned. Her ethereal lover gradually drifting back into the recesses of her mind, drifted away like wispy gossamers of obscene fog…

An intense feeling of mortification now seized the older woman. Whatever had possessed her to imagine a young boy naked and fucking her. Oh God! She was so ashamed. Suzie shook herself into the reality of the moment, it was silly to chastise herself for her indecent behavior. She couldn't erase her obscene and demoralizing thought, and anyway it wasn't her fault, her traumatic experience with Russ had caused her to act this way… Certainly she could find a proper way to straighten out her problems so the one day she could become a loving wife for her husband when he returned, and it would be for him as a man, not for a mere boy.

Of course she would never actually molest a boy, she wasn't that degenerate. No more sordid love-making for her, fingering herself while dreaming of a boyish youth. She would simply watch herself more closely in the future.

Yet, however hard she tried the naked woman couldn't get the fantasy out of her mind. She felt a sense of great uneasiness and doubt, because her fantasy was so depraved it seemed to tease her, it didn't seem to want her to forget. As silly as she knew it was, she wondered vaguely if it were possible to get pregnant from fingerfucking a man's cum up inside her open cunt…


After leaving Suzie's bedroom Russ Redford had returned to his own room. He ordered himself a stiff drink, showered and changed into a cool shirt and pants. Stepping outside once again he noticed that a cool breeze had sprung up from the ocean, reminding him that the afternoon was drawing into the evening. Russ Redford was hopping mad, he just plain wasn't used to a woman treating him this way, that bitch, that motherfucking cunt of a cockteaser. Shit! His blood boiled every time he thought of her, he would revenge himself, he would get back at that bitch, she would have to pay somehow… but how…?

Russ turned a bend in the path and headed towards the old Teahouse, it was deserted now. At one time it must have been very beautiful, apparently years ago they had held dances out here but it had long since fallen into disrepair. Yes, the Teahouse was a good place to plan his revenge, it was quiet there, he could really think.

Oh Christ! Damnit! Russ could see a couple silhouetted against the windowpane in an obviously passionate embrace. Oh God! Wasn't there anywhere a man could go to get away from fucking. Everywhere you turned someone was sticking something into someone and that fucking cunt… yes, that fucking bitch – he wished she was here right now so that he could ram her up against the wall until she choked.

As Russ neared the building he felt his cock stirring just from the sight of the couple, he approached the building cautiously from the side so as not to disturb them. He pressed himself up against the wall closely and peered around the window to see them. And then, Good God! Shit! It was Suzie's niece Wendy and his nephew Mike… necking like there was no tomorrow.

Russ couldn't believe his eyes, Wendy was so like Suzie and Mike was so like himself that it was like watching himself make love… Holy shit! The sight was so erotic he felt himself begin to get a hard-on. He pressed himself closer to the window to hear what was going on.

"Mike, don't… please…" he heard Wendy whisper. Holy crap the bitch was as uptight as her aunt.

"Oh Wendy, Wendy, it's sooo good to kiss you… it feels so right… so beautiful… please don't turn me away, please," Christ! Don't beg, Russ thought to himself, just take her, just take what you need.

"Oh Mike we've got to stop. I'm excited, don't lets go any further, it's not right Mike, it's not right." Wendy pushed Mike away from her in an effort to get him to stop but it made him want her all the more.

"Please Wendy, please let me hold you a few minutes more."

"No Mike… no…"

Mike stiffled Wendy's protests with his lips and pressed her even closer to his body.

"Ohhhhh, Mike! Mmmmmm!" Russ heard the young girl moan.

Russ stood at the window rooted to the ground… he knew he should leave and give the kids their privacy but he found himself unable to do so. He felt his penis harden and press wantonly against his pants in sympathy with his nephew's desire of the young girl. God, she was gorgeous.

So like her aunt, her long black, oriental hair so like Suzie's, to see her entwined in the arms of his nephew like that, it was so erotic somehow. To see their eager, young bodies pressed so closely together with all the passion and abandonment of two wildly aroused adults.

Russ Redford watched the young girl and picked up waves of electricity oozing out of her. He felt the arousal of her loins and his started to ache, he wanted… he wanted to fuck her too. What a hot bitch she'll be one day, he mused.

Wendy was thirteen years old and built like a fully mature woman. Underneath her bluejeans her buttocks were round and firm and pressed against the cloth invitingly. She had almond shaped eyes just like Suzie's of the deep chocolate brown color that just seemed to hypnotize the pants right off you. Her hair was long and straight and deep, deep black like the ocean at night. Her breasts, so firm and tantalizingly peeking almost out of the thin halter top she was wearing. She pressed herself into Mike, thrusting her hips into him, driving him just out of his mind, his thighs so ripe and ready to receive her.

Russ noticed that his breath was coming harder as he watched the couple and he moved nervously back from the window lest he should be seen. Looking down he saw a small patch of wetness spreading from his already pulsating penis. Damn it! He was aroused. A full-grown man with a hard-on from just looking at a couple of kids. A couple of very erotic kids however, especially the girl.