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“So do the Chechens,” Mike pointed out, sourly. “The Russians leaked it to them.”

“But she knows details,” Anastasia argued.

“We can change codes after she leaves,” Mike said. “And that won’t be soon. I’ll pull her out of Vanner’s section and set her to learning. For that matter, I’ll see what I can scrounge up in the way of manuals on infiltration and espionage. I think she’d be good at it. And if she cuts and runs instead, well, then we don’t have to worry about her anymore.”

“There is that,” Anastasia said, smiling. “So, when do I get my bondage dungeon?”

“I’ll put it on my construction list,” Mike said, grinning. “But this afternoon, I’ve made another date.”

“Tinata,” Anastasia said, nodding. “I’d wondered why she was looking so happy.”

* * *

Mike laid the red-head down on the bed and leaned down to gently kiss her on the neck.

All the girls knew his tastes by this point and Tinata had changed into a pair of five-inch spike sandals. She moaned and twisted aside as he tickled her neck with his tongue, sliding around to reach for his crotch.

“Not so fast, young one.” Mike chuckled, sitting down next to her. “We’ve got all afternoon.”

“That is very good,” Tinata said, turning her eyes aside in mock shyness. “I can wear you out.”

“Good luck.” Mike chuckled again, kissing her neck and then digging his tongue into the juncture of her shoulder and neck. There was a muscle there with a nerve running along it that generally got women juicing and Tinata moaned again as his tongue dug firmly into the nerve juncture.

He slid his hand up her stomach, untucking her shirt and began unbuttoning it. He occasionally just tore one off — he owned the uniforms after all — but this time he was taking his time. Tinata enjoyed being pinned but wasn’t into full bondage and still freaked out a bit when he got too rough. She enjoyed a bit of dominance but that didn’t mean she was a full BDSM freak. The last two times they’d been together he’d only had time for a quickie. She orgasmed, but barely. He intended to drive her nuts this afternoon. And he had a secret weapon: she was really turned on by giving head.

He slowly unbuttoned her blouse while continuing to suckle at her neck, occasionally putting one hand on her upper arm. The spread of goosebumps was a good indicator of how interested the girl was and this one had bumps to her elbow, good sign.

As the bra came off he slid down her chest, still teasingly, and slowly worked his way around her breasts. They really were quite magnificent, solid and natural DDs but still so young and fresh they were nearly as hard as fakes. They were also quite sensitive and by the time he’d finally worked his way to the nipples, sucking and licking on one while his hand worked the other, she was moaning.

He suddenly reached up and grasped her hair, slithering around so that he was on his back and she was up on her knees.

“Do me,” he ordered, pushing her head down towards his crotch.

Tinata let out another moan and slid his pants down, bringing out his member. She began by slowly licking along the base, working her way up with light flicks of her tongue.

He reached past her arm and cradled one of those magnificent breasts, stroking it lightly with the balls of his fingers as she began to fellate him. The combination of her fetish for head and the sensitivity of her breasts caused her to stop for a moment, just shuddering, as she ran her cheek up and down his dick.

“Keep going,” Mike said, grabbing her by the hair and sliding her lips back over his cock. “I didn’t say you could stop.”

He quit playing with her tits and reached around, grabbing her ass and dragging it closer so he could reach between her legs. He slid his hand under her cotton panties and up onto her clit, stroking her labia and clit lightly.

Tinata started to stop again, shuddering too hard to go on, but he had retained his hold on her hair and he began forcing her up and down on his dick as his finger plunged into her slit.

The girl began to rock and moan while keeping up the suction, as he timed the thrusts at both ends keep up a constant state of sexual tension. When he judged she just couldn’t take any more he pulled her up, ripped her panties off and took her, hard.

Pulling one of her legs up he thrust all the way into her until their pelvis bones met squarely on her clit, elicting a moan of pleasure and a gasp. Tinata had her eyes closed and was already starting to rock into him as he began to pound. He tried very hard not to concentrate on the fact that he was fucking the hell out of a teenage redhead with really great tits. He didn’t want to cum until he’d worn her flat out. When he started to feel himself getting close he’d think about multiplication tables. That always got him to back off.

He grabbed her wrists, pinning them above her head with one hand, then started stroking her tits as he thrust. He just used his thumb on the left nipple, brushing it in time with his thrusts.

That really got the girl going. She kept thrusting against him, moaning and crying in pleasure until she came, suddenly and quite vocally, letting out a shriek of pain and pleasure that was surely heard all over the caravanserai.

Mike stopped immediately, letting her get her breath back. He’d been working out ever since he took over the caravanserai and wasn’t even winded, yet.

“You okay?” he asked, looking at her as she opened her eyes.

“Oh, yes,” Tinata breathed, then laughed. “I am very okay.”

“Good,” Mike said, sliding back into her. “I’m barely started.”

“Oh, God!” Tinata gasped, lying back and quivering as his thrusts caused the aftershocks from her orgasm to crescendo. “Have mercy, Kildar!”

“Not hardly,” Mike answered gruffly.

This time he took more time, not just hammering in and out but varying the pace and movement. He would thrust slow and long, all the way in, for five thrusts then pick up the pace over a few more series until he was hitting in a rapid fire he called “bunny fucking.” After the bunny fuck he’d back off again.

By this time, Tinata wasn’t in any control any more at all. She was just orgasming in rapid sequence, especially as the bunny fucks hit. From time to time he’d back off for a bit to let her gain some equilibrium then go back to it before she could even get a word out. If she could talk, she wasn’t fully in the moment from his point of view.

When he got a little tired he slid over to the side, still maintaining penetration, and rearranged their limbs so he could lie on his side. Her right leg was over his left and his right over hers with contact maintained in the middle. He slid her right arm under his body and pinned her other arm behind her head with his left hand. This left his right hand free and he began stroking her nipples again as he continued to slide in and out.

“Kildar…” the girl gasped. “Please…”

“Please, what?” Mike asked, slowing down but not stopping.

“I… please… ” the girl whimpered. “No more…”

“Just a little more,” Mike said evilly, sliding his hand down to her crotch.

“Nooo…” Tinata whimpered as his finger slid over her clit and started working it.

Mike began hammering her, hard, as his finger continued to work her clit. Suddenly she let out a shriek and began writhing in his grasp, at which point he stopped, withdrawing his hand.

“Oh…” the girl said, lying supine on the bed. “Oh… God…”

“Was that okay?” Mike asked, curiously.

“Okay?” Tinata said, opening her eyes. “I can’t see! I can’t see anything! I’m blind!”

“Low blood flow to the optic nerve,” Mike said, gently. “It passes. You’ll get over it.”

“That’s easy for you to say!” Tinata replied. “Does that mean that this has happened with you before?”