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“You have hotel?” Katya asked, rolling her eyes. This was going to take extra fuck time and travel time and then she had to get back! Maybe she could work the hotel, but the security probably already had deals with other girls. Well, that was what blowjobs were for. “I can give you blow, here.”

“Not here, it’s not safe,” the man said breathlessly.

Katya tried very hard not to sigh, the guy was such a… what was it Russell said, a “whiner”? Stuck in that hole in Georgia, servicing kopekless farm hands, she’d forgotten about tricks like this. The scared ones, the ones that were running from everything and completely out of their element. Sure enough, he had a wedding ring. He was probably over in Europe for “business” and somehow drifted to Albania.

“We’ll go to my hotel,” the man said, suddenly, turning left and nearly broadsiding a van. “Could you take your hand off my zipper? I’m sort of…”

“You need good thing,” Katya said, sliding over and working more on the man’s crotch. If she didn’t he’d take forever to cum when they got to the hotel. He clearly hadn’t had an erection in the last decade.

“How young are you?” the man said, suddenly, slowing the car down.

“I am not too young,” she answered, not sure if he wanted some young thing or was afraid of her being “too” young. How young was “too” young? Was she “too” young when Ivan had raped her when she was eight? “But I am young enough to make it very good for you.”

“Wait,” he said, actually turning and looking at her. Since she’d gotten in the car, he’d seemed afraid of even that. “You’re speaking English?”

“I speak little,” she said, cursing. Fluent English, and she was fully fluent at this point, wasn’t common among street whores. “How young you want me?” she asked, couquettishly, dropping her head and looking up at him from under her lashes. “I can be as young want. I am very nearly virgin,” she added, knowing that would get him off. Sure enough, he actually went from entirely flaccid to having a pulse.

“How young are you?” the man said, speeding up again and running a red light. Not that anyone paid any attention to them, anyway.

“I am just turn sixteen,” Katya said, stripping an easy year off her age and picking one that Americans seemed to fixate upon. “I am old enough, here. There is no problem.”

“Are you sure you’re sixteen?” the man said, with an edge of disappointment as they pulled up at the hotel.

“When we get to the room, I tell you real age,” Katya said coyly, smiling up at him innocently and batting blue eyes through lashes again. “I give you very good time and you give me good money, yes?”

“Yeah, yeah,” the man panted. “But… I can’t be seen going through the lobby with you…”

“Give me room number,” Katya said, trying very hard not to sigh. “I meet you there.”

* * *

Mikhail didn’t like this particular “mission,” but he felt he had to set a good example. Each of the team would have to move around town and meet and… spend time with the hookers that supported the local economy. There were a few problems with that in his case. The first was that he’d never picked up a hooker. The rest didn’t bear thinking on.

He drove down the main boulevard in a surprisingly nervous state for someone who’d faced Chechens in battle. He thought that he had been fully trained for whatever he might encounter, but the American trainers had not really given him much advice on this particular skill. He could have killed some of the hookers lining the street and in many cases shouting at him. But he wasn’t sure he knew how to talk to them. There should have been a training task on this. He’d have to bring it up when they got back. If they got back.

He knew he didn’t want to pick up one of the hard-faced bitches that looked as old as his mother, and not nearly as pretty. They were mostly the ones that screeched from the sidewalk like crows and sometimes ran over and tried to pull his car door open. And some of the girls just looked… He couldn’t imagine doing it with them. They were just…

Finally he spotted what he was looking for after about an hour of driving around and pulled over, waving at the girl.

The brunette practically ran to the door as he leaned over and unlocked it. She still had to hip-check another woman, one of the older ones, out of the way and tumbled into the passenger seat.

“Hello,” the girl said, sliding over to lean against him. “I’m Tanya. I give you very good time.”

“Mikhail,” the Keldara said, putting the car in gear and trying to figure out which way back to the hotel.

“Hello, Mikhail,” the girl said, sitting up. “Where are we going?”

“The Hotel Albana if I can find it,” Mikhail said.

“I think you take a right up here,” the girl said, sighing. “I’ve been there, once. Is nice. But it takes time to get there and back, so it will be more. I give you very good time for an hour for… fifty euros.”

Vanner had told him that the girl should cost thirty or forty euros but he wasn’t going to haggle. One of the reasons that he’d picked this girl out was that she looked as if she knew what she was doing but she didn’t really look like a whore. He just couldn’t haggle with her.

“Fifty is okay,” Mikhail said, frowning. Vanner had told him to just submit an “expense report.” He figured one of the women would know how to do that.

“Ooo, you’re nice,” Tanya said, running her hand over his arm. “You are going to like this very much.”

Mikhail frowned for a second and then sighed.

“Is something need to tell you,” he said.

“You want special service is more,” Tanya said, not looking very happy. “In ass is ten euros. You want hit, is more.”

“It’s not that,” Mikhail said, hurriedly. “It’s… I’ve never done this before. Been with a…”

“Prostitute?” the girl asked then looked at his face and stopped. “Oh. Have never been with girl?”

“Don’t laugh, please,” Mikhail said desperately.

“Learn early not to laugh at men,” Tanya said, still looking at him seriously. “You tell truth?”

“Yes,” Mikhail said, frowning. “Where I’m from… is not much chance. Good girls… don’t. Bad girls… leave.”

“Oh,” Tanya said. “Well, I show you good time. Will be okay, okay?”

“Okay,” Mikhail said, smiling finally. “Thank you for not making fun of me. How did…”

“How did nice girl like me end up here?” Tanya said, sighing. “From nice boy like you.”

“Excuse me?”

“Boyfriend,” Tanya said, leaning back into her own seat. “I’m with him for… three months or so. He tells me has a friend can get me into Germany as maid. There is no work in Russia for me, so I say I’ll meet friend. Turns out friend gets hookers for Albanians. Never see boyfriend again.”

“That’s…” Mikhail said angrily.

“Shitty, yes?” the girl replied with a bitter laugh. “I think, maybe he not know. I love him, yes? And he do this to me. But he must know. Sometimes think of what would want to do to him if found him again. Are not nice thoughts.”

“I’ll hold his arms for you,” Mikhail said. “If you not want to do this…”

“I have to do this,” Tanya said desperately. “Don’t drop me off, please. I need to earn money. If I don’t bring back money, I get beaten.”

“Okay,” Mikhail said, as they pulled up to the hotel. “We do this.”

“You very nice,” Tanya replied, snuggling back up to him. “You nice boy, nice man. I think I give you special service. I rock your world.”