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“Welcome home, Lydia,” Father Mahona said, bowing to her slightly. “We welcome you once more to our fold.”

The words had that suspiciously formal wording that sounded like the Kildar had written them. And made Father Mahona rehearse.

“I’m glad to be home,” she said nervously, looking around at the group.

“Oh, bother with this!” Nastya finally snapped. “I want to know what is in the package! What is it?”

“I don’t know, honestly,” Lydia said, setting the suspiciously heavy leather case down on the kitchen table. “The Kildar told me not to open it until I got home. And he said we have to send the horse back, but the case is mine to keep.”

“So what’s in it?” Nastya asked impatiently. “Open it.”

“Don’t rush her,” Mother Mahona snapped, but she was clearly curious as well.

Lydia broke the wax seal on the case, then opened it. Within there were three more packages, one a blue silken wrap, one a soft suede purse that clinked and the last another silken package, tied with a silken cord, that was more or less rectangular.

Lydia opened the leather purse, first, dumping it out on the table.

What spilled from it was a waterfall of silver and gold coins that made everyone’s eyes go wide. There was more money on the table than the entire Keldara made in a year.

“What’s in the rest?” Nastya asked in a choked voice.

The rectangular package turned out to be cash, Georgian rubles tied around a thick stack of American hundred dollar bills. Lydia didn’t want to think about how many dollars there were there, and dollars were much more stable than rubles, but the rubles had been fanned out so that it was clear there were five one hundred ruble notes. She snorted when she saw that. That was her official “price.”

Lydia quickly undid the red ties from the blue silken roll and opened it. It turned out to be a jewelry wrap, containing a pearl necklace along with matching earrings and a bracelet. Contained within was a small note saying only “For your wedding.”

“Oh, All Father,” Nastya whispered. “I so want to be the Kardane Bride! Can we start making the arrangements now?!”

Chapter Forty

Mike clambered up the floating platform and onto the deck of the freighter, looking around cautiously. The sky was overcast but according to the weather reports it didn’t presage bad weather.

Mike had ended up having to fly to Italy to clear up some diplomatic issues related to the photo that Carlson-Smith had carried. The very polite Italian intel chief they’d ended up doing most of the talking with was interested in what else might be in the trove. When told, politely, to fuck off, he’d pointed out that they needed the Italian acquiescence if they wanted to have the op go off. Otherwise, alas, an Italian coast guard cutter might just happen to be in the area.

So Mike had simply started listing some of the known quantities, avoiding names or other descriptions but listing the general levels associated with them. At which point the Italian government had, quietly, shit its pants.

Mike ended up in a five minute, very friendly, conversation with the prime minister, who had, as it turned out, had a rather longer conversation with the President. After which all the problems miraculously disappeared.

However, it had made him miss the choppers. Which was why he’d gone down to the docks near Brundisi and bought an offshore yacht. It had been a long time since he’d been on one of the larger and more powerful versions of a cigarette boat and he’d missed the feel of raw power. With nothing to do but get to the freighter in time it was the best time he’d had in months, including the sex.

But that pleasant idyll was over and as he stepped onto the deck he felt the mantle of command descend on his shoulders like a heavy cloak. Very heavy. Lead filled. Keldara were going to die on this op. He had to wonder if the damned thing was really worth it.

“Where we at?” Mike asked as the chief, followed by Daria, strode over.

“Troops are loading,” Adams replied, waving at the groups of Keldara lined up to board the choppers. “All the secondary gear is onboard. The teams are dialed in. All we were really waiting for is you.”

“I told you I’d be on time,” Mike said as Daria waved two Keldara forward with his gear.

He stripped right on the cold deck, sitting on a coiled cable to pull on his pants. As he did he mused that this was a long way from his evening with Lydia. Who was, as a matter of fact, already in Lunari at this very moment, much closer to harms’ way than he was. Not a good thought, all things considered.

“Vanner and the intel group is in place,” Adams continued. “And the recon of the rally point is complete. So far it looks clear.”

“We getting any take from Katya?” Mike asked.

“Lots,” Adams grunted. “From what Vanner said her reception was not fun.”

“As long as she lives long enough to give us a layout and location of the target, that’s all that counts,” Mike said.

“Things have since gotten better,” Adams said. “She has a sugar daddy that’s keeping her from getting bounced around too much and she’s located the primary. She and the primary are keeping the sugar daddy happy, thereby securing the primary and getting a look at the club. She hasn’t gotten much intel on layout of the club, but Vanner also picked up another source. That source has been a gold mine.”

“Is he sure about the source?” Mike asked.

“What Katya has been able to confirm has all played out,” Adams said. “The source looks genuine. Mikhail, the security team leader, has hooked up with one of the same pimp’s hookers. She’s seen more of the club than Katya and has filled in all the little blanks. We even know where the computer room is.”

“Excellent,” Mike said, standing up. One of the Keldara lifted his ammo harness into place and another handed him his SPR. “I’d say we’re go.”

“Agreed,” Adams said.

“Gimme the maps and lets’ get this show on the road.”

* * *

Katya listened to the music and tried not to ask what time it was.

Since the second day with her sugar daddy, they had mostly stayed at the club; the American neurosurgeon seemed to enjoy the atmosphere. Club Aldaris was like most such facilities in the world. There was a ground floor bar where the customers hung out and were propositioned by girls wandering the floor. In the center was the bar itself and on the back wall were three dance stages where the girls showed off their stuff.

Reception had been spotty all along. The combination of the thick ferroconcrete walls and the background noise had interfered with audio and the video had been bad as well. So she also couldn’t ask Vanner what the time was. It was time and past time to get out of the club and get ready to extract. But “Tom” was in the back with another girl.

She looked up as a man walked over to the table and looked them both over. He paid particular attention to Natalya, though, who was drawing on the table using condensation from the glasses.

“Come on, girl,” the man said, reaching down and pulling at Natalya’s arm. “I’m in need of some fun.”

“Sir,” Katya said, getting up and holding up her hand. “We are with another man. You should ask for someone else.”

She glanced at Natalya who was frozen in her chair, looking at the man like a mouse looking at a snake.