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"We got a problem, Darrell," Lucas said. "We're looking for a girl named, uh…" He looked at Del.

Del said, "Charmin."

DDT pointed at one of the mice, who said, "Jesus Christ, it's Charmin', like in Charming, you asshole. It's not sharmin, like the toilet paper."

"We thought maybe it came from Please Don't Squeeze The," Marshall said. The crow's-feet around his eyes compressed a little, and the corners of his mouth may have turned up. He was being funny, Lucas realized.

"No, it don't," the woman said frostily.

"You guys want to get in? Plenty of room. Water's hot," DDT said, nodding at the bubbling surface.

"Ah, we're kinda running," Lucas said, looking at Charmin'; she was the larger of two women, and her breasts were floating on the top of the water, her nipples pointing straight out like the prows on a couple of fancy powerboats. "Charmin', you were working for Randy Whitcomb until not long ago, and we need to find him."

"What's he done?" she asked.

"Nothing. We're trying to figure out where he might have bought some jewelry. This was back before he went to L.A."

"Yeah? I wasn't with him them. I didn't join up until after he got back."

"I know that," Lucas said patiently. "But we need to find him now."

"I don't know if I oughta talk to cops," she said. "Randy's a crazy motherfucker."

"Tell them," DDT said.

She looked at him and said, "You're supposed to be on my side."

"I owe him," he said. "Big-time. So you can tell him or move the fuck out."

She looked at DDT for a minute, then at Lucas, and said, "He's in St. Paul, one of them gray apartments on Sibley. I don't know the number." She gave them a few details, and Lucas nodded: He knew exactly where she meant. "Thanks."

"You be careful. The crazy fucker's been smokin' crack since he got back-he ain't got any brains left. And don't tell him where you got this."

DDT said, "So what're you driving?"

"C4," Lucas said. "Bought it new last year."

"Yeah? But you're not right now…" He raised his eyebrows and looked at the three large men.

"Not with me. I'm in a company car," Lucas said.

"Whyn't you bring it around sometime?" DDT asked.

"I will," Lucas said. "Probably when it warms up a little. We'll take it out for a run."

"Do that," DDT said.

On the way out of the house, Marshall said, "That was pretty smooth. Why'd he owe you so big?"

"Last fall, I found him a four-fifty-five Olds engine. He was really hurting for one," Lucas said.

Marshall looked at him strangely and said, "You pullin' my weenie?"

"No… I mean, it was absolutely cherry."

LUCAS CALLED ST. Paul from the car, got Allport and filled him in on the jewelry and the connection to Randy Whitcomb.

"I thought that cocksucker had moved to San Diego or something," Allport said. "I'll check with the condo association and see where he is."

"We're on our way right now," Lucas said. "If you or one of your guys wants to hook up with us."

"Need some help?"

"We could use a warrant and somebody to block the back."

"Warrant's no problem, not with this case. I'll get a couple of squads and come up myself," Allport said. "What, half an hour, forty-five minutes?"

"About that," Lucas said.

They were out on I-494, one of the outer-loop highways around the Cities. Marshall, in the back, leaned forward and asked, "What are we doing?"

"St. Paul's going to block for us," Lucas said. He explained the layout of the apartment complex: a rectangular block of two-story townhouse condos, facing the streets on all four sides of a city block. The interior of the rectangle was a common lawn, with marked but unfenced private patio areas behind each town house.

"Can you get a car in back?" Marshall asked.

"Not without trying pretty hard. There're arched entrances to the big lawn on all four sides, but they're not used for vehicles. Not regularly, anyway. I think they're more like an emergency thing if there was a fire or something. St. Paul guys'll have to go in on foot."

"Think this guy'll run?"

"Can't tell what Randy'll do," Del said. "He's a rattlesnake and a crazy motherfucker. Comes from a decent family, and they just should have snapped his neck when he was a baby. Would have saved everybody a lot of grief."

"Known a couple like that myself," Marshall said. He thought about it for a minute, then said, "Farm kids, usually. When it happens like that."

AFTER ANOTHER PHONE call to Allport, they agreed to meet three blocks from Randy's to coordinate. Six St. Paul uniformed guys arrived in three squads, including one guy who was the designated hammer. They were all in their thirties-veterans-and Lucas guessed that it was not by chance: Allport was taking it seriously.

"The problem is that the door is at the bottom of a set of stairs-the downstairs part is basically a garage and workshop, or extra bedroom, and the living quarters are upstairs. So we're gonna be squeezed onto the stairs if we have to kick the door," Allport said. He looked around at his crew. "Lucas and Del and I have known this asshole ever since he came downtown six or seven years ago. He can be bad news, so be careful. He's not that big, but he's crazy and he's tough as a goddamn hickory tree. He's a biter. He'll bite your goddamn fingers off if you get too close."

The uniforms weren't worried. "Give us a couple of minutes to get close," one of them said. "He won't run away from us."

"We've never found a gun on him," Lucas said. "But he's carried one from time to time. He's been doing a lot of crack, we hear, and maybe some other shit. So… if you've got to tackle him, tackle him hard. Don't hurt him-we need him to talk to us."

They were all starting to breathe hard, feeling the rush: a critical point on the case, and with a crazy.

"Come in last," Del told Lucas. "If there's no trouble, it won't make any difference. If there is trouble, maybe it won't rub off on you-but if there's big trouble, you'll be in position to lay some shit on him."

Lucas nodded. Randy had been a new guy on the block when one of his girls had spent some time with Lucas, talking. Randy had heard about it. He'd learned from the cheaper TV shows that the girl had to be taught a lesson for her disrespect, or he'd be disrespected himself. He'd taught her the lesson with a church key, cutting an average-looking hooker into a scholarly paper in a plastic surgery journal.

Lucas had felt pressured by street ethics to repay the attack. He and Del had gone to arrest Randy at a bar, but everybody had known it would come to a fight-and it had. Lucas had gone a little further than he intended, had lost it a little, and Randy had ended that particular day in Hennepin General's critical-care unit.

After a long tangled series of arguments and legal maneuvers, Lucas had left the department under the cloud of possible excessive-force charges. He'd been back for a while, but Randy Whitcomb still could be a political problem.

The hooker had left the streets after she got out of the hospital, and now worked at a Wal-Mart checkout. She looked okay from three feet, though a close inspection showed a plaid pattern of scars across both of her cheeks. She didn't talk to Lucas anymore.

They went to Randy's door by walking along the face of the apartment building, five of them, led by Allport, followed by the hammer, then Del, then Lucas, with Marshall trailing. At the door, Allport spoke into a handset: "Ready?"

The uniforms were in position, and Allport slipped his gun, nodded, and pushed the doorbell. No answer. He pushed it again and they heard feet on the stairs, and then the bolt rattled and the door opened, just a crack, with a chain across the crack. Through the crack, Lucas saw a slice of Randy's face and one eye. Randy jerked back and screamed, "Shit," as Allport stepped forward and Lucas said, "Watch it!" The door slammed and the bolt slammed with it, and Allport said, "Hit it."

Lucas stepped out of the way, and the uniform swung his sledge-hammer at the doorknob. The door blew open with the sound of a Cadillac hitting a picket fence. Allport did a quick peek, pulled back, said, "Let's go," and burst in onto the landing. He was turning for the stairs, Del two steps behind him, when the first shot BANGED overhead and Allport screamed, "GUN," and he and Del both went down and scrambled back off the stairs and out the door.