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He began walking around Mufasa as he talked. “They fought all the third day. They didn’t sleep either. They fought for five whole days and nights, cause she was such a babe, and they were so stubborn that neither one would give in. And on the fifth day, they both fell asleep at the same time. And while they were asleep, the girl sneaked out and married a magic lion with powers like hers, and boy did N’ga and Sufa feel like a couple of idiots! ”

“Good job! ” Ahadi nuzzled Taka. “And such a unique interpretation.”

Mufasa looked dejected.

“Come here, Muffy.” Ahadi pulled Mufasa over with his paw and nuzzled him. “I wish you could play all the time if that’s what you really want. But you need to learn the skills of leadership. Besides, while I learned these lessons from my father it was a special time for us to spend together. Enjoy this time while it lasts, and make the most of it.”

“I try. Really I do.”

“I know. But remember that I don’t love you for how smart you are or how strong you are. I love you because you’re my sons. Whatever gifts Aiheu gives you, you need to make the most of them, and that takes education. Understand?”

“Yes, Dad.”

Ahadi smiled indulgently. “Why don’t you two go play for a while.”

The cubs gamboled away, but Ahadi shouted, “Whoa! Aren’t you forgetting something?”

Muffy and Taka ran back and gave their dad a quick kiss.


The next morning, Ahadi rose earlier than was his custom. Stealthily, he crept over to where his twin sons lay side by side, and with the most careful nudge touched Mufasa. The cub shifted but did not rouse. He pressed again, a little harder, and stirred Mufasa from his sleep. Muffy looked up a little surprised and irritated, but Ahadi touched his mouth with his paw and silently jerked his head about to say “follow me.” His interest piqued, Muffy struggled to his feet quietly and began to follow his father out of the cave.

Taka, who was a light sleeper, felt a cold place on his back where it was warm before. He grunted and pushed himself back toward a brother that was not there. Sleepily he felt around with a paw, then looked about and just caught a glimpse that he was missing something important.

On stealthy paws, he stirred himself and crept out onto the platform that served as his spectacular front porch. There in the light of the early morning sun sat father and son. Mufasa leaned against his father, gold rimmed in the splendor of daybreak.

“Why wasn’t I invited?” Taka wondered. He wanted to bury himself in the fragrant softness of his father’s mane and enjoy the sunrise. For a moment, he considered snuggling up on the other side. Then Muffy said, “What’s up, Dad?”

“Shhh! You’ll wake Taka.”

Taka enjoyed secrets, so he crouched in the doorway where he could see and not be seen.

“See what the light touches, ” Ahadi purred softly. “That is the boundary of my kingdom. I sit here sometimes and look at it and it humbles me. So many peoples depend on me, and I must put their needs above my own. But it has been wonderful. It is always wonderful to be needed, especially when you always do your best to meet those needs. Someday you will know that feeling when I am gone, for I have chosen you to follow me.”

“Me?” Muffy looked genuinely surprised. “Whoa, neat! ”

Taka gasped. “No! It’s not fair! ” formed on his lips, but no sound came out.

Muffy said, with some difficulty, “But Taka has always been the smart one. I thought sure he’d be King. He knows everything.”

“Not everything, son, though he is very bright. You’re bright too, though you need to apply yourself more in your studies. I brought you out here in the hope that you would work harder if you knew what was at stake. What you are learning is the wisdom of our people. You are the future king. As long as you know how to be a good king, you will have lionesses who can chase wildebeests.” Ahadi sighed deeply. “The decision was not easy. Don’t tell Taka just yet. Right now, it’s our little secret.”

“Why is it a secret, Dad?”

“Because as you say, Taka is smart. He tries so hard. If he knew he would not be King, he may be discouraged and waste the talents that Aiheu gave him. Much as you were tempted to do.” He looked deeply but not judgementally into Mufasa’s eyes. “You know I speak the truth, don’t you. You are very clever when you want to be.” He sighed deeply. “This should have been a happy occasion. Instead it breaks my heart. I wish I had a kingdom to give each of you, but I don’t.”

“Why can’t we cut it in half. He can take that half, and I’ll take this?”

“That’s very kind of you, Muffy, but it won’t work. Hunting would be poor in a smaller kingdom. Accept fate--the whole kingdom belongs to both of you, but you will be King, and he will not. That’s why I taught you the story of N’ga and Sufa. If you always fight and can never agree, the prize will often go to another. If you love Taka, and I know you do, you will say nothing for now. I want to tell him in my own way when the time is right. I will be gentle.”

“I see.” Mufasa said thoughtfully, “I want to be King someday, but I sure feel bad about Taka. I won’t tell till you say it’s OK.”

Ahadi smiled. “Maybe you have to work harder on your lessons, but you have a good heart. That was my greatest hope, to leave this world without worries or regrets. When I think of you as King after me, I feel no worries or regrets.”

For a moment, Taka was very angry, but his anger soon changed to hurt. Head bowed and ears flattened, he sneaked back to the warmth and comfort of his mother.


“Minshasa, cloud white, borne upon the breast of the savanna like a dream of love. Who that bears the mane shall look upon her visage and remain unsmitten? Minshasa, the voice of tender longings. Minshasa, beloved of the gods. Beware, my sons, her awful charms! ”


Akase was worried about Taka. She had a lioness’ sensitivity to how her own cubs felt, and she knew Taka was not feeling well. He moped about. At times he would not meet her eyes. At other times he would stare into them as if he were trying to see something deep inside.

Even Ahadi could tell something was amiss. He nudged the small cub playfully with his nose. “Something got you down, Taka?”

“No sir.”

“You can tell your Dad. I know--how about a nice story? You know, one of the Great Kings of the Past. Have I ever told you about Moko Greatmane?”

“Yes sir.” Taka sighed deeply. Ahadi started to say something, but Akase silently shook her head and mouthed, “No.”

Ahadi gave his son a warm lion kiss on the cheek. “I love you, son. You know there is nothing you can’t tell me when you’re good and ready.”

Taka looked up pitifully. “Do you, Dad? Do you still love me?”

Ahadi bit his lip. “Oh gods. Don’t you know?” Deeply affected, he stared at the cub for a while, then wandered off a few steps to sit facing the distant mountains.

Akase was a little sharp. “What on earth made you say that? Of course he loves you. Look how you hurt him! ” She softened her tone. “Honey tree, what ever made you think he didn’t love you?”

“Well I....” Taka could tell her the truth, but she would know he had spied on his father. He struggled with the burden for a moment, then said, “I was just asking, that’s all. I’m sorry.”

Quietly, Taka went over a secret list of every foolish thing he’d ever done, wondering which one condemned him to be second place for life. Was it the time he sneaked away without telling Mom? Was it the time he pulled that practical joke on Uzuri and she got so upset with him? Maybe Uzuri told Dad, even though he’d begged her not to? Should he have the nerve to ask? No. Of course not. He was not even supposed to know anything about it. Besides, after his Dad told Muffy his decision, it would be too late to change anything.