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"Let him go, " Simba said. Turning, he padded into the graveyard proper. The mist was burning off quickly as the sun began to make its prescence felt, but steam and vapors concealed the shadows as he made his way among the bones. A shape hove into view as Uhuru emerged from his cave, yawning.

"Sire! " he said, surprised. "What an honor." The Incosi cocked his head curiously as he looked at Simba's grim visage. "No news on your missing child, I'm afraid."

With a snarl, Simba bounded up to him nose to nose and bared his teeth. "What in God’s name do you think you're doing with our cub? Did you think we wouldn’t find out??"

Uhuru shook as he stared at the massive fangs that were only inches away from his face. "S-Sire? I don't understand-"

Isha padded up to join them. "Liar! Where is my child? What have you done with him??" She scanned the area frantically. "Habu? Habu, it’s Mom! Oh gods, answer me! " Her voice echoed, mocking her. She turned back to Uhuru, her ears laid flat in anger. "What have you done with him?"

Overhead, on a jutting lip of rock, Shenzi sat quietly, her sides heaving with barely suppressed laughter. “Oh MY, ” she thought, “This is too good! Uhuru looks like a whipped pup! ” She bit her lip to keep from giggling her head off. After a few minutes, she regained some semblance of control and returned her attention to the scene below.

Uhuru huddled in the alcove where Simba and Isha had backed him. "Sire, please! I don't understand! It’s not my fault! I helped you once, risked my life for you! "

Simba started to speak, but Isha cut him off. "It’s obvious you don’t understand, " she hissed. "Let me spell it out clearly. If my son is not brought before me immediately, I'll rip you and leave the meat for the jackals."

Uhuru bared his teeth at her, growling. "Fine, then. Rip me. Aiheu will avenge my innocent blood."

Isha raised a forepaw, but a voice stopped her. "Now, now, my dear; such conduct is not very ladylike." Rafiki tapped her extended claws with his staff. "Put those away before you hurt somebody."

"That WAS the idea, " she snapped back. "He won't even admit his guilt, Rafiki. Can you believe it?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Is it possible that he has no guilt?" The mandrill turned to Uhuru. "Peace, my friend. The truth will out."

Uhuru said, “Forgive me Sire, but if the child was here, I'd at least show him to you. That way, I'd have a tangible threat; I can't hurt something I don't have."

Sarafina stepped forward. "Oh, really, " she grated. "Then what was that lion cub doing in the north esacarpment of the graveyard last night? Don't deny it; I saw him myself, ringed about by at least a dozen guards."

Uhuru was aghast. "Oh gods! " He trailed off for a moment, his brow furrowed in thought. Abruptly his whole form slumped, and he looked at the ground for a long moment. "Sire, I was not ready to be Roh’mach. You chose me out of gratitude, but that cannot make me a great leader." Lifting his gaze, he looked up to the ledge where Shenzi sat in the shadows. "I know how it may have happened. But should any harm befall the child of Isha while he is in my care, I will take full responsibility. I offer my life in exchange."

“I want to believe you, ” Simba said. “I really do.”

“What do you have that I want? Why would I kidnap one of your children? I’m already Roh’mach. I might understand a jealous rival trying to undermine me." He glared at Shenzi. “By the gods, I’ll help you tear them apart when I catch them.”

Simba nuzzled Uhuru. “Forgive me.” Then he glared up at Shenzi. “Are you responsible for this?"

"And what if I am, cubby? What are you going to do about it?" Her voice was full of contempt. "Touch me and your little babykins is going to be tonight's dinner."

Isha took a sharp breath as Simba strode forward angrily.

"What do you want?"

Shenzi laughed. "Are you that dense? I want that pathetic excuse for a Roh'mach replaced. We need someone more qualified."

"That someone wouldn't happen to be you, would it?" Simba rumbled.

Her eyes widened in mock surprise. "Why, dearie, I thought you'd never ask. I'd be delighted to volunteer."

"I'm sure you would, " he shot back. Simba roared loudly enough to shake the bones on the ground. "I will not be dictated to by anyone, especially you. You helped Scar kill my father, and by God I either get Habusu back or I’ll rip you."

“So she helped kill Mufasa too?” Uhuru confronted Shenzi. “Let’s end this here and now. I call on the gods to witness our Shih’kal. I challenge you to the death.”

Deathly silence fell as Shenzi stared at Uhuru, openmouthed. "What? You can't do this! "

Azuba stepped forward. "But he has, " she said coldly. "Accept the challenge, or forefit your claim as Roh'mach.”

Shenzi looked around at the other hyenas. The challenge had been witnessed, and she faced only two paths. "Very well. I accept the challenge." She spat at Uhuru's feet. "Fool. You would have lost your title. Now you lose your life."

"Really?" His eyes bored into hers intently. "We shall see."


Shenzi began circling Uhuru slowly, sizing him up. The male was not as well built as Skulk, but his quickness and agility were well known. One of the reasons Taka had chosen him to guard Rafiki was his ability to quickly think his way out of any situations that might have arisen; Shenzi faced an opponent who matched her own intelligence, and that made him doubly dangerous.

Uhuru sat quietly, keeping a wary eye on the bigger female. He was trying not to show it, but deep down he was terribly frightened of this hyena; she had already shown in the past what she was capable of. Fighting to remember all his mother had taught him about combat, he kept his head low to the ground, trying to give her the smallest target possible.

She suddenly floated toward him, jaws agape as a snarl ripped the air. Twisting desperately, he flung himself out of the way, sending her crashing to the ground. Befor he could react, however, she was up and away, out of reach.

"Oooh, quick little one, aren't we?" She leered at him, panting. "How long can you keep dodging before my teeth find your throa-" Her sentence ended in a shriek as he darted forward. She copied his move, spinning out of harm's way, coming to rest with her legs braced for action.

Uhuru returned her smile. "You'll find I'm full of surprises." He charged again, his jaws closing on her shoulder, tearing away a chunk of flesh and hair. Gnashing her teeth in pain, Shenzi drove forward with her hind legs, using her greater weight to bear him to the ground. He writhed like a snake under her, wriggling away from her snapping jaws and escaping her grasp to stand before her again.

He began circling her now, his face grim in the dim light. She staggered in a circle, feeling the blood running down her foreleg, her shoulder ablaze.

Skulk cursed inwardly as he saw her face. She had gone in overconfident, sure that her superior size would intimidate Uhuru, but it had backfired, and she was now paying the price; the fear on her face indicated that it would only be a matter of time before she went down under his onslaught. The rules of Shi'khal were strict, however; there was nothing Skulk could do to interfere. Glancing over, he saw the lions watching the fight, utterly absorbed in the combat taking place before them. His eyes fell upon Isha, and a grin spread across his angular face.

There might just be a way to solve this problem after all, he thought. He glanced around furtively, and seeing everyone's attention fixed on the fight, he melted into the shadows and disappeared, heading off towards the elephant graveyard as fast as his legs would carry him.