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The Superman, p. 27



On Yoga, vol. 1, p. 237



Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo, (A.B. Purani, 1959) p. 180



The Synthesis of Yoga, p. 60



Savitri, p. 369



Allport, G. In H.Smith. Forgotten Truth. The Primordial Tradirion. N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1976.



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Wilber, K. (1977). The spectrum of consciousness. Wheaton: Quest, Theosophical publishing house.

Wilber, K. (1979). No Boundary. Eastern and Western approaches to personal growth. L.A.: Center Publications. (1979).

Wilber, K. (1980). The Atman Project. Wheaton, Ill.: Quest /Theosophical publishing house.

Wilber, K. (1983a). A sociable God. N.Y.: McGraw-Hill.

Wilber, K. (1983b). Eye to eye. The Quest of the New Paradigm. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday /Anchor.



Heath, D. The maturing person. In R. Walsh and D. Shapiro. (1983). Beyond Health & Normality. Exploration of Exceptional Psychological well-being. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. pp. 152-205.

Walsh, R. and Shapiro, D. (1983). Beyond Health & Normality. Exploration of Exceptional Psychological well-being. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.



Maslow, A. (1971). The Farter Reaches of Human Nature. New York: Viking.



Fromm, E. (1978). Wellbeing of Man and Society. N.Y.: Seaburg.



Kohlberg, L. The Philosophy of Moral Development. San Francisco. CA: Harper & Row, 1981.



Wilber, K. (1977). The spectrum of consciousness. Wheaton: Quest, Theosophical publishing house.

Wilber, K. (1979). No Boundary. Eastern and Western approaches to personal growth. L.A.: Center Publications. (1979).

Wilber, K. (1980). The Atman Project. Wheaton, Ill.: Quest /Theosophical publishing house.



Smith, H. The sacred unconsciousness. In Walsh, R. and Shapiro, D. (1983). Beyond Health & Normality. Exploration of Exceptional Psychological well-being. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. pp. 265-271.



В буддийских текстах они называются "Десятью Парамитами". "Парамита" на санскрите дословно значит "переправа". Буддийские источники имеют в виду не только совершенные внутренние качества, но и энергию, способность, силу "достичь другого берега". – Прим. перев.



Buddhagosa. (1975). The Path of Purity. (P.M. Tin, Trans.). London: Pali Text Society. (Original work published 1923).

Byrom, T. (Trans.) (1976). The Dhammapada: The Saying of the Buddha. New York: Vintage.

Goldstein, J. (1983). The Experience of Insight. Boston: Shambhala Press.



Goldstein, J. (1983). The Experience of Insight. Boston: Shambhala Press.



Shapiro, D. (1980) Meditation: Self Regulation Strategy and Altered State of Consciousness. N.Y.: Aldine.

Shapiro, D. and Walsh, R. (Eds.) (1984) Meditation: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives. N.Y.: Aldine.



Byrom, T. (Trans.) (1976). The Dhammapada: The Saying of the Buddha. New York: Vintage.



Goldstein, J. (1983). The Experience of Insight. Boston: Shambhala Press.

Walsh, R. (1977). Initial meditative experience. Part 1. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology. 9, 2, 151-192.

Goleman, D. (1977). The Warietes of Meditative Experience. N.Y.: E.P.Dutton.



Goleman, D. (1977). The Warietes of Meditative Experience. N.Y.: E.P.Dutton.

Goleman, D. and Epstein, M. (1983). Meditation and well-being. An eastern model of psychological health. In Walsh, R. and Shapiro, D. Beyond Health & Normality. Exploration of Exceptional Psychological well-being. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. pp. 229-252.



Byrom, T. (Trans.) (1976). The Dhammapada: The Saying of the Buddha. New York: Vintage.



Goldstein, J. (1983). The Experience of Insight. Boston: Shambhala Press.



Maslow, A. (1971). The Farter Reaches of Human Nature. New York: Viking.

Roberts, T. (1978). Beyond self-actualization. ReVision. 1, 42-46

Walsh, R. and Vaughan, F. (1983). Towards an integrative psychology of well-being. In Walsh, R. and Shapiro, D. Beyond Health & Normality. Exploration of Exceptional Psychological well-being. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. pp. 388-431.



Elgin, D. (1981). Voluntary Simplicity. N.Y.: William Morrow.



Byrom, T. (Trans.) (1976). The Dhammapada: The Saying of the Buddha. New York: Vintage.



Byrom, T. (Trans.) (1976). The Dhammapada: The Saying of the Buddha. New York: Vintage.



Fromm, E. (1978). Wellbeing of Man and Society. N.Y.: Seaburg.



Buddhagosa. (1975). The Path of Purity. (P.M. Tin, Trans.). London: Pali Text Society. (Original work published 1923).



Heath, D. The maturing person. In R. Walsh and D. Shapiro. (1983). Beyond Health & Normality. Exploration of Exceptional Psychological well-being. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. pp. 152-205.



Goldstein, J. (1983). The Experience of Insight. Boston: Shambhala Press.
