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Ring K., 1982. Sur les frontières de la vie, Paris, Laffont.

Siffre M., 1963. Hors du temps, Paris, Julliard.

Tart C., 1969. Altered states of consciousness, New York, Wiley.

Van Eersel P., 1986. La source noire: révélations aux portes de la mort, Paris, Ed. Grasset et Fasquelle.

Weil A. T., 1972. The National Mind: a new way of looking at drugs and the higher consciousness, Boston, Houghton Miffin.

Zucker I., 1980. "Behavior and biological rhythms", in: D. Krieger (Ed.), Neuroendocrinology, Sunderland, Massachusetts, Sinauer.

Глава 5

Общие работы

Bauer E. (1984). "Criticism and controversies in parapsychology. An overview", European Journal of Parapsychology, vol. 5, n° 2, p. 141–165.

Bélanger L., 1978. Psi au-delà de l'occultisme, Montréal, Québec-Amérique.

Bender H., 1976. L'univers de la parapsychologie, Paris, Dangles.

Child I. (1985). "Psychology and anomalous observations. The question of ESP in dreams", American Psychologist, vol. 40, n° 11, p. 1219–1230.

Duval P., Montredon E. (1968). "ESP experiments with mice", Journal of Parapsychology, 32, p. 155–166.

Krippner S., 1979. Advances in Parapsychological Research: 2 — Extrasensory Perception, New York, Plenum Press.

Krippner S., 1984. "Holonomie et parapsychologie" dans K. Wilber, Le paradigme holographique, Montréal, Le Jour Éditeur (article repris de Revision Journal, 1978).

Kurtz P. (Éd.), 1985. A skeptic's handbook of parapsychology, Buffalo, NY, Prometheus Books.

Morris B. "The evidence for parapsychology: Some strategies for research and evaluation", Communication présentée au premier congrès international du "Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal" tenu à Buffalo, NY, les 28 et 29 octobre 1983.

Rhine J. B. (1954). "A review of the Pearce-Pratt distance series of ESP tests", Journal of Parapsychology, 18, 165–177.

Rhine L. E., 1975. Initiation à la parapsychologie, Paris, Presses de la Renaissance.

Schmidt H. (1969). "Clairvoyance Test with a Machine", Journal of Parapsychology, 33, p. 300–306.

Schmidt H. (1969). "Precognition of a Quantum Process", Journal of Parapsychology, 33, p. 99–108.

Targ R., Puthoff H., 1977. Mind Reach: Scientists look at psychic ability, New York, Delacorte.

Tart C. T. (1963). "Psychological correlates of psi cognition", International Journal of Parapsychology, 5, p. 375–386.

Thouless R. H., 1972. From anecdote to experiment in psychical research, London, Routhledge.

Ullman M., Krippner S., Vaughan A., 1977. La télépathie par le rêve, Paris, Tchou.

Van De Castle R. L. (1969). "The facilitation of ESP throw hypnosis", American Journal of Clinical hypnosis, vol. 12, n° 1, p. 37–56.

Wolman B. B., 1977. Handbook of Parapsychology, New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.

Цитированная литература

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Глава 6

Общие работы

Azrin N. H. R., Hutchinson R. R., McLaughlin R. (1965). "The Opportunity for Aggression as an Operant Reinforcer during Adversive Stimulation", Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior, n° 8, p. 171–180.

Bandura A., 1973. Aggression: A social learning analysis, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall.

Dollard J., Doob L. W., Miller N. E., Mowrer O. H., Sears R. R., 1939. Frustration and aggression, New Haven, Yale University Press.