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“So, why have you been ignoring me in favor of the Reject Group?” Kendall asked, climbing the stairs to her bedroom.

“I’d appreciate if you didn’t refer to them as that.” After dance practice, Kendall insisted Summer come hang out. She had tentative plans to meet up with Ashlyn, but she knew mentioning that wouldn’t go over too well, so she’d told Kendall she could only stay for a little while. She had no idea it was going to turn into a bash session. “They’re nice people and I feel like I need a change.”

“And that means dumping your best friend?”

Summer sighed. “I’m not dumping you. You’re busy with Jack. We do different things. I understand that. It doesn’t mean we’ll stop being friends.”

“But I’m still your best friend, right?”

“Of course.”

“Good. ‘Cause I need you. Lexi’s been driving me crazy.” Kendall walked into her bedroom and stepped in front of her closet. “Tell me what you think about the new dress that I bought for my party.”


“My birthday party on Friday, silly. I know it’s going to be weird for you to come with the recent break-up and all, but you absolutely have to be at my birthday party.”

“Right,” Summer said, then tried to inject some enthusiasm into her words. “Can’t wait.”

* * *

Summer walked into her house and tossed her keys off to the side. Female laughter floated into the room, meaning Tiffany was here. Thinking about what she’d said earlier today about her dad’s girlfriend, Summer plastered on a happy face and moved toward the kitchen.

“I’m home,” Summer said as she neared the kitchen. Always a good idea to warn people of your entrance when couples are involved. She waited a few seconds and then stepped through the doorway.

Tiffany was clacking around the kitchen in four inch stilettos. Her dark brown hair was styled in a sleek updo, and she had a frilly apron covering her wrap dress—she had a dress like that in every possible color and pattern. Dad was sitting on the stool, watching her like a lovesick puppy. Ugh.

“Hey, Dad. Tiffany.”

Tiffany beamed at her. “Hi, Summer.”

Summer worked up a genuine smile and actually waved. There. She’d been nice. “I’m going to head upstairs and—”

“Tiffany decided to make us dinner,” Dad said. “Why don’t you set the table?”

“I really need to make a call because—”

“You can do it later. Right now, I’d appreciate you helping us out.” Dad shot her a look, making it clear it was more than a polite request.

Summer trudged over to the cupboard to get the dishes. The plates they owned no longer coordinated, and half of them were chipped. She grabbed the closest in color scheme. “It smells really good.”

Tiffany cracked the oven door open and peeked inside. “Your dad said you like lasagna. I hope you like mine. It’s a family specialty.”

“Anything other than soup or take-out is pretty special to us. I’m sure it will be as good as it smells.” Balancing the silverware on top of the plates, Summer headed into the rarely-used dining room and set them down on the table. A big pile of mail sat in the middle, so she scooped it up and stuck it off to the side. Most of the time she and Dad ate in front of the TV, and she preferred it that way.

Dad brought in salad dressings and placed them in the middle of the table. He stepped closer and lowered his voice. “Tiffany put a lot of work into dinner, hoping to get some time to talk to you. She wants to get to know you better.”

“I don’t see the point,” Summer whispered. “I’ve already got more friends than I can handle, and she’s dating you not me.”

Dad crossed his arms and locked eyes with her. His hurt expression made her feel two inches tall. “Dating me involves getting to know you, too. You know that, so try to be nice.”

“I am trying.”

“Try harder,” Dad said and then headed back into the kitchen.

A few minutes later, they were all sitting around the table, eating dinner. Summer put a lot of effort into listening to Tiffany and adding to the conversation, trying her best to make Dad happy. Again, Summer couldn’t help thinking Tiffany was all wrong for him. The woman liked opera and plays. She sold extravagant works of art for a living. Her fancy personality just didn’t mesh with Summer and Dad’s fast food, low-key lifestyle.

“Doesn’t the feta cheese and dill add an interesting kick?” Tiffany asked, pure excitement stretched across her porcelain features.

Even her food’s pretentious.

“It was delicious. The whole meal was amazing.” Dad tossed his napkin onto his plate.

“Thank you, John.” Tiffany leaned over and kissed his cheek.

There it was. The way she said John. The way she kissed his cheek. The way she came into their home and rearranged things. The way she was nothing at all like Mom. Of course, Summer would’ve hated it even more if she was like Mom.

“I really should go do my homework,” Summer said, not wanting to watch any more affection between them. It was easier to be nice from afar.

Dad started stacking plates. “I’ll have to remember that when the choice comes between dishes or homework, Summer will choose homework. I’ve finally cracked the code.”

“You’re hilarious, Dad, honestly.” Summer stood and turned to Tiffany. “Thanks so much for dinner.”

Then, before she got roped into another conversation she didn’t want to be part of, she hurried away. What she really, really needed to do was call Ashlyn. Just when she’d been making progress on their friendship, she’d accidentally stood Ashlyn up.

“Hey,” Summer said when Ashlyn picked up. “What’s up?”

“I’m just watching some television. You know, since my friend never showed up to hang out.”

“I know. I’m so sorry. Practice went long, Kendall needed something, then I got home and Tiffany had cooked dinner. Apparently the world was going to implode if we didn’t all sit down together to eat it.”

“I figured you decided to ditch me and go back to your old friends,” Ashlyn said, and though her voice sounded the way it had when they’d first met, Summer could hear an edge of vulnerability in there, too.

“I swear it’s not like that.” Summer couldn’t get the words out fast enough. “I was really bummed we couldn’t hang out.”

The silence on the other end caused Summer’s stomach to drop. Great. She’s back to hating me. Her chest tightened, and she was picturing a disappointed Angel of Death. That sick sensation was even filling her body again.

“Well, you’re going to make it up to me,” Ashlyn finally said. “Tomorrow morning. Meet me at my place at five forty-five.”

“Wait? Like in the morning?”

“That’s what I said. Bring your swimsuit and your clothes for school. You’re not going to stand me up again are you?”

“Are you going to murder me and throw me into the ocean?”

“Yes, of course,” Ashlyn said. “And I want you to be in your swimsuit so it doesn’t look suspicious.”

Summer laughed, glad to hear the humor back in her friend’s words. “I’ll see you first thing in the morning.”

Chapter Eleven

Ashlyn thrust a wetsuit at Summer. “Put this on.”

Summer squinted at the first rays of the day. The chilly air bit her nose, and goose bumps crawled up her arms and legs. “I can’t believe you got me up revoltingly early for this. When you said swimsuits, I was thinking hot-tubbing. Something warm and relaxing.”

Ashlyn stepped into her wetsuit. “You wanna be a Barbie girl, or a real Cali girl?