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All the energy flowing through her faded, and confusion filled her. Time slowed to a crawl, and it felt as if the earth had fallen off its axis, nothing quite making sense anymore.

Cody walked up, put his arm around her, and kissed her cheek. “Come on, baby. Let’s go sit by the fire.”

“But I…” Summer glanced around once more before giving in. How could they all disappear so fast? Was she seeing things now? No, Troy was there. Lexi saw them, too. She allowed Cody to lead her away. A sick feeling settled in the pit of her stomach, growing worse with every step she took away.

Jack thrust a bottle in Summer’s face when she and Cody neared the circle of remaining people. “Beer?”

Summer waved it away. “No thanks.”

Jack extended it to Cody.

“Yeah, I’ll take one,” Cody said, wrapping his hand around it. “I’m going to need it since Summer wants me to be celibate forever.”

Summer pulled away from him, mouth hanging open. “I can’t believe you said that.”

“It was just a joke. You know, like the jokes you’re always telling? Besides, Kendall tells Jack everything anyway, so it’s not like it’s news to him.”

All she could for a moment do was stare. When did things get like this? I never used to take this kind of crap. This whole night kept showing her how passive she’d become. How she’d simply started fitting in and going with the flow, even if it headed a way she didn’t especially want to go.

“You made me the brunt of the joke,” she said through gritted teeth. “Am I just supposed to hang on your arm, bat my eyes, and tell you how amazing you are, even though you’re being an ass to me?”

“It was supposed to be funny. I don’t know why you’re getting all moody.” Cody reached for her, and she pulled away.

“Here’s a little FYI for you. Girls don’t like to be called moody! Ever!” Summer stormed toward her car, glad she’d insisted on driving.

Cody caught up to her in the parking lot. “Summer, I’m sorry. I keep screwing everything up.”

“Yes you do.” She unlocked her doors and got into her car. She tried to pull the door closed, but Cody grabbed it. “I’m done, Cody. I’m going home.”

“But if you go home now, your dad won’t let me come over anymore. Remember his strike out rule? I swear I was trying to be funny. I see now that it wasn’t funny. Just cut me some slack.”

Summer looked up at him, her chest tightening. “I think I need a break from us.”

“I don’t want to take a break. We’ll get past this rut we’re in. Like when you decided to treat me like shit for a month. It sucked, but we worked it out. Because that’s what you do when you care about someone.” He squatted down and grabbed her hand. “I don’t know why everything’s so hard with us lately. I just know I love you.”

She hovered the key over the ignition. A couple months ago, she was angry and depressed, not doing a good enough job of keeping that door in her mind closed, and everything Cody did irritated her. He’d been supportive and understanding, holding her tight and talking her down, even when she’d been horrible to him. The harder she pushed him away, the nicer he’d been. She apologized once she snapped out of it, and he forgave her without making her feel guilty.

“Baby?” Using his grip on her hand, he brought it to his chest. She felt his pounding heart, his warmth. “Let’s just forget about this weekend and start over. Will you let me do that?”

Summer looked into his blue eyes and thought of that dark period when they’d steadied her time and time again. They were a mess together, but she felt like even more of a mess when they were apart. She let out a long exhale. “Get in.”

Chapter Four

Summer dumped her notebook and chemistry book on the desk Monday morning and flopped into the chair. Her day had barely started, and she was already irritated at life in general. The ups and downs with Cody were still eating at her. She wasn’t sure she was ready to go back to happy, cuddly couple, like he wanted. But then she’d think of life without him, and she couldn’t decide if that meant she cared or she was just weak.

Troy took his usual spot to her left and draped his long arms across his desk, leaning in her direction. “I’ve got some scoop for you.”

She pushed away her stormy thoughts and spun to face him. “Sweet! I’ve always wanted my very own gossip girl.”

Troy scowled and sat back in his seat, arms crossed. “Now I’m not going to tell you. You don’t deserve to know.” He tried to pull off angry, but a twitch in the corner of his mouth gave him away.

Summer nudged his shoe with the toe of hers and shot him a smile. “Oh, come on. I’m really intrigued now.”

Troy raised an eyebrow, letting the suspense build. Just when she was about to ask if she had to beg, he ran a hand through his messy dark hair and said, “Unicorn Stench is playing at Equinox on Friday night.”

Her heart skipped a couple beats as she thought of seeing one of her favorite bands live. “But I thought they broke up. I heard Johnny and Francie couldn’t play together after their relationship went sour.”

“They got back together. Now they’re playing together again, too.”

Hmm. I guess it’s completely normal to break up and get back together. Everyone does it.

“Apparently, the breakup inspired them to write some awesome new songs.” Troy propped his elbows on his desk and leaned in close. “So, you down? I’m sure you have to check with Studmuffin and all, but you shouldn’t miss it.”

Summer lowered her eyebrows. “I don’t need permission from him. He’s my boyfriend, not my dad.”

Troy threw his hands up. “I just know that things got messy last time. You’re welcome to come with the group I’m getting together if your boyfriend doesn’t want to go.”

Summer and Troy used to go to Equinox together all the time. Kristen, his tattooed, leather-jacket-wearing girlfriend at the time, wasn’t exactly pleased with their friendship. Then Summer started dating Cody, and he wasn’t a big fan either. The last time she and Troy went to a show together, it had caused a major fight with Cody. Right now, though, Summer was annoyed enough with him not to care.

Mr. Jennings stood and cleared his throat, his way of telling everyone class was starting. “Get out your notebooks. This information is going to be on your next test.” He stood at the white board and started writing notes with his green marker.

“I’ll let you know about the show,” Summer whispered to Troy. She turned back to her desk and opened her notebook.

Ashlyn Moore’s name glared back at her in giant print. Summer quickly flipped to another page. And another. Every page had Ashlyn’s name written across it. Her heart rate picked up speed, each beat bringing pang of panic. She slammed her notebook closed. Engraved on the top of the desk, in giant, square letters, was Ashlyn’s name.

“What the hell?” Realizing where the message had to be coming from, she said, “I mean, heaven. Maybe.” Over the weekend, she’d decided the conversation with Gabriella had never happened. It had just been a weird dream. And that odd desire to meet Ashlyn at the beach party, that was just a coincidence. Her mind playing tricks on her. She even convinced herself that the brochure had come in the mail or slipped into her backpack somehow.

So much for my never happened theory. And denial seemed like such a good idea.

“You have a question, Summer?” Mr. Jennings asked.

Summer looked up from the engraving. Most of her classmates were staring at her, eyes wide. “No. I…I grabbed my wrong notebook. I’ll, um, just use the one I’ve got.”