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“What can I get you to drink?” Celia asked.

“Just a bottle of water,” she replied.

“I have some of that fancy French water with the bubbles in it.”

“That will work,” Suzie said.

Celia grabbed one of the green bottles and then pulled down a highball glass for herself. She quickly mixed herself a gin and tonic, squeezing a little lime juice into it.

“How was the show tonight?” Suzie asked.

“We nailed it, like always,” she said. “Left them wanting more.”

“And that’s the rule, right?”

“Right,” Celia said, carrying the drinks over. “Shall we retire to the smoking area?”

“We shall,” Suzie said, noticing that Celia was wearing some kind of perfume. It smelled like vanilla.

They walked out on the balcony and closed the sliding door behind them. As she had mentioned, the portion closest to the door had an awning over it, keeping out the rain. There was a table and a few chairs here and they sat down. The temperature was in the forties still, so it was a bit brisk, but the wind was still coming from the north and was not able to reach them. Suzie prepped the two cigars with her cutting tool and then handed one of them to Celia. She then flicked her Bic lighter and held the flame to Celia’s smoke.

“Mmm,” Celia said after the primary ignition sequence was complete. She blew out a stream of fragrant smoke into the night air. “Best thing I’ve had in my mouth in a while.”

“Is that a fact?” Suzie asked, lighting her own smoke.

“A cold, hard fact,” she said, taking another puff.

“Just so I’m clear,” Suzie said. “Are you making allusions to your companion from last night?”

“You could say that,” she said sourly.

“You did not enjoy the experience?”

She laughed, a strong tone of bitterness in it. “No,” she said. “I did not.”

“What happened?”

She leaned back in her chair a little and took a large sip from her drink. “Well ... we went up to my room after we got back to the hotel. We sat down on the couch. I asked him if he wanted to see my tits. He told me that he did. So ... I took my shirt off. And then I took off my bra. And he just stared at them like they were exhibits in an art museum or something. He couldn’t form a coherent sentence.”

“Wow,” she said. “You struck him dumb.”

“Yeah, apparently so. So, then I took his hands and placed them on my tits. He proceeded to squeeze and palpate them in a most unsatisfying manner. I did notice that the interaction was pleasurable to him, as he developed a prominent bulge in his pants. Since that bulge was what I was really after, I reached down and touched it. This struck him even dumber. I unbuttoned his pants and reached inside to see what he had.” She paused, taking another drink of her drink, another puff of her cigar.

“And then what happened?” Suzie asked.

Celia sighed. “As soon as I touched him, he came all over my fingers.”

“He didn’t!”

She nodded. “He did. After that, he became all apologetic, started telling me that nothing like that had ever happened to him before but that I was just so beautiful, and I was Celia Valdez and he just couldn’t help it. He told me to give him a few minutes and he would be ready to go again.”

“Did you give him a few minutes?” she asked.

“I gave him a few minutes to go clean himself up in the bathroom,” she said. “While he was doing that, I washed my hands and then put my shirt back on. When he came out, I showed him the door and told him the limo would take him back to the arena.”

“Wow,” she said again. “And he just went?”

“He seemed rather embarrassed about the whole thing. In truth, I’m kind of glad that nothing beyond that happened.”

“Why is that?”

“Because that’s not me,” she said. “It’s not who I am. I am not the kind of person who has meaningless sex with someone I just met.”

“Why did you put in the request then?” Suzie asked.

Celia sighed. “Because I was horny,” she said. “Why else? I haven’t had sex since the night Greg told me he knocked up Mindy Snow. That was back in February. It’s almost May now. That’s a long time to go without it when you’re used to getting it regularly. Paddling the pink canoe wasn’t doing it for me anymore, so I thought if I got some good-looking guy to dick me it would make everything better. But as soon as I felt him spurting on my fingers, I realized I was traveling down the wrong road.”

“I guess you had a bit of an epiphany,” Suzie suggested, inwardly ecstatic that Celia’s groupie date had fallen through.

“Maybe,” she said. “I just know that grabbing some random guy is not the answer to my problem.”

“What is then?” Suzie asked. “Teach’s solution?”

“Lesbian groupies?” Celia said. “I’ve thought about it.”

“It seems to work for Teach,” Suzie offered, feeling a little thrill at the idea of Celia letting a young female fan go to work on her.

“Her situation is kind of unique,” Celia said. “She has a husband and has found an interesting way to take care of her horniness out on the road—a way that her husband knows about and approves of. I no longer have a husband so I’m looking at a long stretch with no dick because I have the need to have some sort of relationship with a person I’m giving my body to. I think if I did the lesbian groupie thing it would be just as unsatisfying as my friend from last night, though probably not as messy.”

“An interesting point of view,” Suzie said.

“Not the word I would use,” she said. “However ... well ... I would like to make an experiment.”

“What do you mean?” Suzie asked.

“You and I have a meaningful relationship with each other, don’t we?”

Suzie stared at her, feeling that little jolt of excitement going through her again. “Uh ... yes, we do,” she said. “What are you suggesting?”

“I’m going to open my sweater,” Celia said softly. “I’m not wearing anything under it, as I’m sure you’ve already picked up on.”

“Uh ... well ... yeah,” she said, licking her lips a little.

“I want you to put your hands on my tits,” she said. “I want you to touch them, caress them, like a lover would.”

“Uh ... okay,” Suzie stammered, feeling wetness starting to surge below. Celia wanted her to touch her tits! Right here and right now!

“The experiment is to see if I feel pleasure and sexual excitement from your touch. I am attracted to you. I think I always have been. More important though, you are meaningful to me. I was attracted to my little boy toy last night, but I felt nothing when he touched me. If I feel something when you touch me, well ... my theory is validated, right?”

“Right!” Suzie agreed. “Totally validated!”

“Empirical evidence is what I’m after here. That’s what Nerdly would say.”

“He sounds like a very wise man,” Suzie said.

Celia giggled a little. “He is,” she said. “Are you ready to try this?”

“Yes,” she breathed. “I’m ready.”

Celia put her cigar in the ashtray on the table. She then took one more large drink of her gin and tonic. She set the glass down and then reached for the top button on her sweater. She unbuttoned it. She then did the button below that one; and then the one below that. She unbuttoned all the way down to the bottom but kept the sweater closed for the moment. “Come over here,” she told Suzie. “Stand in front of me.”

Suzie put her own cigar down and stood up. She walked two steps forward until she was standing directly in front of Celia’s chair, their knees nearly touching. Slowly, Celia pulled the sweater open, revealing a magnificent pair of mammaries, hands-down the finest pair that Suzie had ever had the privilege of casting her eyes on. The nipples were erect, standing up proudly, just begging to be touched and sucked.