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“A pity,” Jake said. “That was pretty fuckin’ hot what we did that night.”

“Yeah, it really was.”

“I don’t have to be there, you know,” he told her. “I mean, I loved it that I was, but it’s not necessary. You can tell her that if you want.”

Laura shook her head. “I liked having you there,” she said. “I loved it. It added so much to the experience knowing that you were watching. And then ... when you got involved. Oh God, I’m getting all wet just thinking about it.”

Jake’s libido was now making a rapid recovery. He was starting to stiffen up in his jeans at her words. “What are you saying then?” he asked carefully.

“I want to do that again,” she said. “Only this time ... well...” She was blushing furiously.

“What?” he asked.

“I think it would be really hot if you were to ... you know ... be able to do things with the other woman too.”

“Do things?” he asked. “What kind of things?”

Everything,” Laura told him, the lust unmistakable in her eyes now.

Jake took a deep breath and swallowed slowly. The conversation had certainly taken a turn toward the interesting. But there could be mines and pitfalls here as well. “Are you saying,” he asked carefully, “that you want me to actually have sex with another woman?”

“Only if I’m there,” she said firmly. “And only if I’m involved as well.”

“Where did this come from?” he asked. “Is this just the second trimester hormones playing games with your mind? Because I certainly do not want to do anything on a momentary impulse that is going to jeopardize our relationship down the road.”

“This is not just the hormones talking,” Laura assured him. “I’ve been thinking about this ever since that night with Molly. Yes, the second trimester made the feelings stronger, and seeing Neesh tonight maybe pushed them into the light, but this is not a new thought. Whenever I ... you know ... use my toys these days, that is what I’m thinking about while I play.”

“Why didn’t you ever tell me this before?” he asked, now completely erect in his jeans.

“Because I always thought it was just a fantasy before,” she said. “You don’t tell me all of your fantasies, do you?”

“No,” he said with a chuckle. “I do not.” Some of them she would definitely not understand or approve of.

“That’s why I kept it to myself. I never considered actually doing it.”

“But now you are?”

She nodded. “I’m starting to obsess about it now, sweetie,” she said. “I want to do this. I want to ... well ... it’s embarrassing.”

“What?” he asked.

“I want to watch you fuck another woman while I suck on her tits and tongue-kiss her. And I want to have you pull it out every now and then so I can suck her juices off of you. And then ... I want you to come inside of her so I can lick everything out of her.”

“Wow,” Jake whispered, resisting the urge to actually take out his cock and start playing with it. “But you know we can’t actually do that, right? I mean, even if I was doing it to another woman, I’d have to wear a condom.”

“Not necessarily,” she said.

“What do you mean?” he asked. “Of course I’d have to wear one. I can’t fuck some groupie we pick up bareback. That’s just asking for an STD, or a paternity suit, or both.”

“I’m not talking about a groupie,” Laura said. “It would have to be someone we know. Someone we trust.”

“Who do we know that would do both of us and that we could trust to be STD-free and on birth control?” he asked.

She looked at him and smiled. “I think you know who I’m talking about,” she said.

For a moment his mind was blank, and then it hit him like a freight train. “Celia?” he asked.

She nodded, the lust shine in her eyes deepening. “That’s right,” she said. “The natural choice.”

Jesus fucking Christ, he thought. What fucked-up can of worms is she trying to open here?

In the end, Jake simply had no legitimate reason to tell her no, that it couldn’t be done, that it was too dangerous. He could not just say, it’s like this, hon. Celia and I have actually already fucked before, already admitted to romantic love for each other, back when you were out on the road with Bobby Z and she was still married to Greg. We fucked four times in a Portland hotel suite and then vowed to each other that we would never do it again, never even speak of it again, not even to each other. Nor could he claim that he was not attracted to Celia, that he did not consider her an appropriate threesome participant—they were married, and Laura knew better. Nor could he suggest that maybe Celia was not into that sort of thing. They already knew she was. And, when they were with Celia these days, she constantly complained about how she was craving male company in a bad way but had no prospects for that kind of company on the horizon.

He did try to plant some doubt in his wife’s mind about her nefarious plan. “What happens if Celia starts to develop feelings for me?” he asked. “What if she starts to develop them for you? What if you see the two of us doing it and instead of arousal you start to feel jealousy?”

“None of that will happen,” she assured him. “We all already have feelings for each other. That’s the first thing. And I will not be jealous watching you two doing it as long as I’m there and involved in it.”

“What if Celia says no?” he asked next.

Laura smiled. “Then she says no. She won’t be offended by the offer; I am quite sure of that. And I don’t think she’ll say no.”

“Okay,” he reluctantly agreed. “I guess it doesn’t hurt to ask.” He was still very conflicted about the thought. True, the idea of doing Celia (again!) while his wife participated was blackly erotic. But was it a good idea? Could they really do something like this and then move on with their lives?

Celia and I did a pretty good job of that after that night in Portland, his brain reminded him. Why can’t all three of us do the same thing? And who says it has to be a one-time-only thing? Now that was an interesting thought.

“So then,” Jake said. “How do we go about this?”

“Uh ... well ... I was actually hoping that maybe you had an idea how to initiate it.”

“Me?” he asked. “It’s your idea, your fantasy.”

“True,” she agreed, “but you’re much more experienced at this sort of thing than I am.”

“I am?”

“Of course you are,” she said. “You used to do groupies and have threesomes all the time, didn’t you?”

“Well ... yeah,” he said, “but that’s hardly the same thing we’re talking about here. Those were groupies. You order them up like a pizza and they are delivered to you. No planning is involved. There is no question about whether or not she’ll give it up. She wouldn’t be there if she wasn’t going to give it up. And, while I have stumbled into the odd non-groupie threesome on occasion, I’ve never had to actually arrange for such a thing on my own and in advance. Most of the time, they just sort of happen spontaneously.”

“You’re suggesting that we try to seduce her then?” Laura asked. “Have her over and try to make things happen spontaneously.”

“You don’t make things happen spontaneously,” Jake said, lightly exasperated. “That is a contradiction in terms. And no, that is not what I was suggesting. I wasn’t suggesting anything. I was just explaining that I do not have more experience than you at this sort of thing. You have more than me. You’re the one who reeled in Molly, remember?”

“Well ... yeah,” she said. “I do remember that. Is that the answer then? Just use a lot of innuendo to suggest what we’re after and hope she picks up on it?”