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Celia was witnessing it with them on this night, not for the first time. She had her hand on Laura’s belly while Jake strummed and laughed in delight every time she felt the kick on the fourth note of the melody. Laura seemed to be in a particularly good mood on this night.

“You know,” she whispered to Jake and Celia during a break in the playing, “I think this might be a good night for C to ‘accidentally’ stumble her way into our room.”

“Oh yeah?” Celia said, immediately interested. It had been almost two weeks since the last time the three of them had gotten together. Laura just was not in the mood much these days. Understandable, since she had a nearly fully grown alien being in her belly that was getting ready to emerge.

“Yeah,” she said with a nod. “I really want someone to eat my pussy out. It doesn’t matter which one of you does it.”

“We can take turns,” Celia suggested. She was not really all that anxious to get her mouth on Laura’s vagina—though she would not hesitate to do so—but was anxious to feel Jake’s manhood thrusting inside of her and Laura’s tongue licking his spend out of her.

But Jake saw right through her. “Are you really in the mood for love?” he asked her. “Or are you trying to induce labor by having an orgasm or two?”

She smiled sweetly. “Does it matter?” she asked. “Either way, I get an orgasm or two, and the two of you get to fuck. Isn’t that a win-win kind of situation?”

They had to admit that she was right.

After everyone was in bed, Celia crept into their room wearing nothing but her fuzzy white robe. Jake and Laura were already bathed and naked and waiting for her. They got into bed together. Jake licked and sucked between Laura’s legs until she had the first orgasm. Celia then took over and started working her toward a second and then a third while Jake fucked her from behind. Laura then licked Jake’s spend out of Celia’s vagina, doing so quite enthusiastically. All were sweaty and satiated when it was over but, alas, Laura did not go into labor.

The next morning, however, she did lose her mucous plug.

Chapter 21: The Cadence of Life

Coos Bay, Oregon

November 30, 1997

It was dark in the room, a bit chilly since one of the windows was partially open, and Laura Kingsley was on her right side, listening to the rhythmic sounds of the ocean waves crashing outside and her husband’s slow, steady breathing from right next to her. She was having trouble sleeping—a rarity for her—because she just could not seem to get comfortable tonight. Yes, she was as big as a freaking whale (not really, she was actually quite petite for such an advanced state of pregnancy, but this was her self-impression) and had been in a constant state of discomfort for the past several weeks, but it had not hampered her sleeping ability until now.

She shifted herself from her right side to her left, a difficult operation indeed, and one that momentarily caused a disruption in Jake’s breathing pattern. She thought he might wake up, but after a few moments he settled back into the sleep pattern. She took a glance at the digital alarm clock on the nightstand. It was 1:33 AM. There was still a lot of sleep time left, and it was Sunday, the last day of the Thanksgiving break, so she did not have to get up early anyway. But still, she did not like being awake in the middle of the night while everyone else slept. It was not a familiar situation to her. She took a deep breath, snuggled into Jake a little bit more to capture his body heat, and tried to close down her mind and listen to the waves breaking.

Just as her mind finally started to unplug the connections and drift off toward the first level of sleep, Cadence gave her a particularly enthusiastic kick right in the bottom of her rib cage, jolting her back up. She groaned a little, silently chastising her unborn daughter. Cadence had been doing that a lot lately, particularly over the past few days. She rubbed her belly right over Cadence’s butt, hoping that would sooth her. It did not. She was rewarded only with another kick in the ribs. She took a deep breath—that one had hurt—and then rolled onto her back, even though she was not supposed to do that because the size and weight of her not-so-little passenger could compress her vena cava, thus hampering blood return to her heart. Still, it felt good to be on her back, even if it was just for a few moments. But this pleasure was offset by the realization that she had to pee again. This was also something that had developed over the last week or so. Cadence’s head was now fully engaged in her pelvis, which had relieved the pressure from her diaphragm, making it easier for her to breathe, but compressed her bladder, making it hold only about half of what it normally did before the urgency sensation started.

Knowing that she would become extremely uncomfortable in the next ten minutes if she did not address the situation, she pulled the covers back and began the little rolling back and forth motion she needed to employ when getting out of bed. After only three rocks, she was able to get her bare feet on the floor and she stood up. She was dressed in her green maternity pajamas, her favorite pair. She waddled her way over to the bathroom attached to the master suite and turned on the light. She dropped her pajama bottoms and the thick maternity panties she wore and sat down on the cold seat. As she started to pee, she took a look at the maxi-pad that was stuck to the inside of the panties. She had been having a slow but steady flow of secretions ever since losing her mucous plug. She decided that the pad could use a change so she ripped it free and dropped it into the garbage can. As she was pulling a replacement from a box that sat next to the toilet, she felt a cramp ripple through her abdomen, moving from back to front.

“Ow!” she moaned as it struck her, making her wince. It lasted maybe fifteen seconds and then eased off and disappeared completely. It had not been horrible—just a little more intense than a period cramp—but it definitely caught her attention. Could it possibly be a labor pain? She was overdue at this point in the game so that seemed a distinct possibility. But she also had not pooped in three days now—thank you again little Miss Cadence, destroyer of routine bodily functions—so it might be a bowel cramp. She had had a few of those lately, as well as sporadic Braxton-Hicks contractions over the last month, but this had not really felt like either of those things.

She finished up her business, wiping herself (with some difficulty thanks to her belly) and replacing the pad. She pulled up her panties and her bottoms and then washed and dried her hands. She stood there for a minute, waiting to see if another one of those pains would come or perhaps there would be the urge to move her bowels. Nothing happened. She turned off the light and then went back to bed, crawling in and cuddling up to Jake once again.

Just as she was starting to think that the pain she had felt had been another Braxton-Hicks, or perhaps a figment of her imagination, it happened again, not quite as strongly this time, but of longer duration. It too faded away. She raised her head up and looked at the clock display again. It was now reading 1:46 AM. She made a mental note of that time and went back to relaxing against Jake’s body.

She waited until three more pains came and went before she woke him up. They came at 1:57, 2:08, and then 2:20, each lasting about twenty or thirty seconds. She no longer thought they might be Braxton-Hicks contractions or bowel cramps. Neither of those two things occurred at regular intervals. No, I think it’s finally happening here, she thought, feeling a mixture of excitement and anxiety competing for top billing. I’m in labor.