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She reached for the tie on her robe and then hesitated. She looked out over the ocean for a moment. There were no boats nearby, just the faint lights of what was probably a container ship far out near the horizon. She then looked back at Elsa’s quarters. The lights were on there. If Elsa was looking out the window, she would see her. Was she?

Had she not had three B&J tropical mangos in her belly, she might very well have chickened out. She was, at heart, a modest and shy girl. But the alcohol’s effects on her judgment center told her to go right ahead and drop the robe and get in. What of it if Elsa was watching? She wasn’t breaking any rule. Jake and Laura had given her specific permission to use the hot tub whenever she wanted to. Laura had even suggested that using it in the nude was the way to go. Your suit won’t fill with air and there would be no laundry soap residue to get into the water.

“I’m doing this,” she said with mischievous determination. And she did it. She shrugged off the robe, climbed up the small set of steps, and got into the tub. She did submerge herself quickly, feeling the heat blasting her unprepared body, but she did it.

Once she was used to the temperature, she examined the controls on the panel and figured out how to turn on the jets. They fired up, spraying powerful blasts of water and air out, making the surface roil and bubble. One of jets was just to her right and was hitting her outer thigh. She moved her body around so it was hitting her in the small of her back. The sensation was quite nice, like getting a massage.

She sipped her tropical mango and watched the sun sink into the sea. She felt the jet against her back and the fingers of her left hand slowly crept between her legs and started idly playing, sliding between the lips, sending little tingles out, making her flush.

Once the sun disappeared below the horizon and her drink had disappeared into her belly, she began to work a little harder. She spread her legs wider, began to play a little rougher with her fingers as she ran thoughts of Jake’s naked butt, of Jake and Laura and Celia getting it on through her head. It wasn’t long before she was well into the fantasy and feeling quite fine indeed. It really was enjoyable to do this out here in the hot tub. It was so naughty. So deliciously naughty and decadent.

And then a particularly mischievous thought occurred to her. The jet that was shooting into her back. What would it feel like if it was shooting ... well ... on her special spot? Would that feel good? Or would it be painful?

She decided that she wanted to give it a try. She looked over her shoulder for a moment, towards Elsa’s quarters. The lights were still on in there, but the landscape was now quite dark. She did not have the lights for the tub on. None of the security cameras were pointed at the tub. There would be no way that Elsa could see what she was doing out here at this point.

She smiled and turned her body around. She adjusted herself in front of the jet, feeling it shooting her upper thigh, and then her pubis. She moved a little bit more and then suddenly it was hitting her right on her clitoris.

“Oooh,” she squealed. “Oh God!”

The sensation was quite exquisite, much more pleasurable than she had even imagined. The pleasure began to build within her. She did not even need to touch herself. This was freaking incredible! She moved herself a little closer and the pleasure increased. She let it take her away. She closed her eyes and let her mind return to the images of naked Jake and naked Celia and naked Laura and the things they might be doing together right at this very moment.

The orgasm was one of the most powerful she had ever had. It had its way with her for the better part of two minutes, sending ripples of pleasure through her entire body. When it finally faded away she shifted her body away from the jet and then turned around to face the ocean once again. She looked at the stars, which were now starting to shine, as her breathing slowly returned to normal.

“That was badass,” she whispered, using a phrase she picked up from Jake. She was definitely going to have to employ that technique again.

She sat out there for another five minutes or so, letting her body relax, feeling the pleasant afterglow of orgasm, and then she started to feel a little overheated. She turned off the jets and pulled herself out of the water, shivering a bit as the rapidly cooling air hit her wet, naked skin. It was then that she realized she had neglected to bring a towel out with her. Damn. Her options were to stand here shivering until she air dried or to put the robe on while she was wet and get it all wet. She elected to go with the latter idea.

She donned the robe and then closed up the tub. She then walked quickly back to the house, leaving wet footprints on the concrete as she went. She opened the sliding door and stepped back inside. She locked the door and secured the security latch and then quickly made her way back to her bedroom. Once inside, she went to the bathroom and shucked off the now soaked robe. She dropped it in the laundry hamper and then pulled a towel from the rack and dried herself off. She dropped the towel in the hamper and then walked back into the bedroom, where she pulled on a pair of lacy blue panties and then grabbed one of her long t-shirts she preferred to use for nightwear. This one was blue, tattered from years of use, and had a picture of Snoopy on it. She pulled it over her head and let it settle into place.

She felt a little sleepy after the wine coolers and the orgasm, but it was too early to go to bed just yet. If she went to sleep now she would wake up at three in the morning. She decided to go back to the entertainment room and watch some more TV. Maybe she would put on a DVD from Jake and Laura’s extensive collection.

She walked back out and saw her purse sitting on one of the chairs. She walked over to it and picked it up. Elsa would give her hell if she did not put it where it belonged. As she hefted it, she saw a red light blinking from within. That, she knew, would be her cell phone. She picked it up and flipped it open, looking at the little screen. There were three missed calls there, all of them placed over the past thirty minutes, all of them from her mother.

“What the hell is going on now?” she asked the air. The air did not answer.

She dialed her voicemail number to see if Mom had left a message. She had, but it was not very helpful. It just said to call her as soon as she could and that it was very important. That Mom’s voice sounded a little bit frantic was her only clue.

She sighed and walked back over to the couch, leaving her purse where it had been and making a mental note to move it later. She looked at the phone in her hand, not really wanting to make the call. Her mother most definitely did not approve of her new job or her new employers, particularly not after finding out how much the Kingsleys were paying her (“there is no way in Heaven they are paying you that much just to be a nanny!” her mom had cried). Both of her parents had always been a little overprotective of her, but her mother was, by far, the worst offender. She had hovered around her her whole life, second-guessing every decision she had ever made, giving her unwanted advice on every aspect of living. The overprotectiveness had become even worse after she had dropped out of college before her junior year. And then, when she had told her that she was going to be working for the Kingsleys and moving into their house with them, she had become even whackier. She loved her mom, but sometimes she was just a little hard to take.

“Might as well get this over with,” she said with a sigh. She pushed the callback button on the phone. A moment later, it began to ring. She sighed again and put it to her ear.

Loraine Zachary, her forty-eight-year-old mother, answered the phone on only the second ring. “Meggie!” she barked. “Is that you?”

“Yes, it’s me, Mom,” Meghan said. “I’m returning your call.”