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Jake parked at the rented hangar and they loaded all their baggage and belongings into the Avanti. The portable crib was a particular pain in the ass as it would not fit into the cargo hold and had to be strapped to the rear seat using bungie cords. Once everything was secure, Jake began his preflight of the aircraft while Laura returned the 4-Runner and Celia let Caydee sit on the wing of the plane while she kept her hands on her. Caydee thought this was a particularly cool thing to do, but expressed discontent that she was not allowed to actually crawl around on the wing.

They went wheels-up from Kalispell at 12:45 and headed west for Seattle. Laura and Caydee, who were sitting in the seats behind the cockpit, both fell asleep shortly after they passed ten thousand feet. This was pretty typical for both of them. Jake brought them up to his assigned altitude of thirty-two thousand feet and he and Celia watched some more spectacular scenery as they passed over Lake Pend Oreille and then the Columba River basin of eastern Washington on a nearly cloudless summer day. They saw the Grand Coulee Dam far below, large enough that it could be plainly seen even at this altitude. They then bumped and bounced over the Cascades before entering the landing pattern for Boeing Field one hour and twenty-two minutes after liftoff. When Jake lowered the flaps to slow down for the landing, Laura and Caydee both woke up.

“You two definitely have the same DNA,” Jake remarked, violating the sterile cockpit rule, but it was a minor violation.

“Just wait until she’s a teenager and we have our periods at the same time every month,” Laura told him.

That’s something to look forward to,” Celia said with a chuckle.

After landing, Jake parked the Avanti in the general aviation parking area. He did not rent a hangar. He and Laura and Caydee would be leaving for home in the morning. Jake and Celia tied down the plane while Laura and Caydee went into the terminal to score a rental car. She returned with a Ford Explorer. They loaded all of Celia’s belongings, Caydee’s car seat, bags, and portable crib, and Jake and Laura’s suitcase into the back. Everything else, they left in the plane.

Boeing Field was reasonably close to downtown Seattle so the trip only took about fifteen minutes. They arrived at the Sheraton Hotel on the waterfront—the same hotel the rest of Celia’s band would be checking into the next day—and Celia checked into her reserved suite there even though it was well before four o’clock and a day early. The celebrity card did have its uses. After the bell boy brought all of their things up to the room, they headed out on foot, exploring the area around Pike’s Place, Caydee riding in her backpack carrier on Jake’s back. They found a nice café to have lunch in and Jake tried a local microbrew IPA and found it quite tasty.

Caydee started to get a little cranky after lunch, so they went back to the room. Instead of putting her in the crib, Jake cuddled her against his body in the large bed in the main room and the two of them took a two-hour nap together while Celia and Laura drank wine at the dining room table and watched TV. Once Jake and Caydee woke up, the two ladies needed a nap. They climbed into bed together and crashed out atop the covers, their legs in contact with each other, but otherwise not touching. Jake and Caydee, meanwhile, changed into their bathing suits and went downstairs to check out the action at the pool. There was not a lot of action, but they had fun splashing around in the shallow end. It was a very “do” experience, and, while a few people commented on how adorable Caydee was, no one recognized that the long-haired dude with the tattoos on his arms and the cute baby was Jake Kingsley. Or, at least if they did, they didn’t say anything, which was just as good in Jake’s book.

Caydee began to make her tired noises and display her tired mannerisms shortly after they finished eating dinner in the fancy-ass restaurant upstairs. Laura put her in her crib in the living room of the suite and read one of her favorite books to her—The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle—until her eyes slowly closed and her breathing became slow and regular. She then tucked her blanket around her and turned off the lights.

Once they were certain she was comatose, it was time for love. The three adults retired to the bedroom and stripped off their clothes and made each other feel good. They always made a point to enjoy their sexual interludes, but this time they made even more of a point, savoring every wet kiss, every stroke of flesh, every smell, every sensation. This was their last night together, their last night to enjoy their togetherness for who knew how long. Celia was starting the grind the next day and Jake and Laura were going home. Would they ever get together like this again? What effect would months away from Celia have on that aspect of their relationship? Would she meet someone else on her travels? Would she come to her senses and realize how deviant it was to regularly sleep with a married couple? Would Jake and Laura come to their senses and realize how deviant it was to invite another woman into their marital bed? There were a lot of unknowns and unknowables to ponder.

After Jake spent himself for the second time in Laura’s clenching vagina while Celia rubbed her wet and swollen vagina on Laura’s face, they collapsed into their normal heap in their normal positioning: naked Jake in the middle, naked Laura on his left, naked Celia on his right. The sweat slowly dried from their skin and their heartrates slowly returned to normal. The smell of their activities was thick in the air, permeating the entire room. Jake, as usual, was laying in the primary wet spot. It was a small price to pay for getting regular spousal-approved threesomes.

It was Laura who brought up the subject they were all thinking about.

“What are you going to do out on the road, C?” she asked.

“What do you mean?” Celia asked, the smile of one who had just been royally laid on her face.

“I mean for ... you know ... sex,” Laura said. “You don’t have Suzie on this tour. And you don’t have me.”

“Even if I had you, we wouldn’t be able to do it unless Jake was there too,” Celia said.

“Now wait a minute,” Jake said. “I think there should be a tour exception to that clause. If you two are out on tour together and I’m not, I would have no objection to you two slaking your lust without me there.”

“Are you sure about that, sweetie?” Laura asked.

“Of course,” he said. “Why would it bother me?”

“This is kind a moot point, isn’t it?” Celia asked. “Teach is not going to be out on tour with me, so the exception wouldn’t apply anyway.”

“True,” Jake said slowly, though it was strangely exciting to think of the two of them doing it without him. If only there was a way he could watch such a thing.

“In any case,” Celia said, “I’m going to do the same thing I always did when out on tour before Suzie and I hooked up, before Greg fucked Mindy Snow and destroyed our marriage. I’m going to paddle my pink canoe when the pressure starts to build and suck it up.”