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“Just a little variation of what Squiggle and I did that one night. A girl-time variation.”

“Explain further,” Celia heard herself saying. A part of her mind was screaming at her to end this conversation right now before her friendship with Laura and possibly even Jake was harmed. But another part—a bigger, more emotional part—was quite interested in where this was leading.

“Maybe we just sit down on the couch over there,” Laura suggested. “And maybe you take off your shirt and let me look at those boobies of yours, admire them. And maybe I could put my hand in my sweats and play a little while I look. And maybe you would like to have me look at your boobies and you could play a little as well. And maybe that might get the both of us on the right side of the line again.”

Celia felt another shudder of black excitement ripple through her. She felt her vagina juice up a little more. She could now feel the hardness of her nipples rubbing against her shirt as her breathing picked up and drove the friction a little faster.

“But we don’t touch each other?” Celia asked, a little breathless.

“That was the deal between Squiggle and I,” Laura said.

“And he tried to violate the deal, if I recall.”

“He did,” Laura agreed, “but I prevented that with just a word.”

The voice of doubt began to fade in Celia’s mind. The sheer naughtiness of what Teach was suggesting was driving it into a hole. “Do I get to look at your boobies too?” she asked.

Laura smiled. “That would only be fair,” she said.

The last remaining shred of doubt was buried with these words. “All right,” she said. “Let’s do it.”

“Let’s do it,” Laura said, heading for the couch.

They sat down next to each other, close, their legs nearly touching, Celia on Laura’s left side, and then turned toward each other a bit, so each could see the other without turning their heads ninety degrees. Celia felt some awkwardness trying to take hold, could see in Laura’s face that she was experiencing the same.

But before any doubts could be expressed, Laura said: “Take off the shirt, C. Let me see them.”

Celia did not allow herself to think any further. She reached down and grabbed the hem of her shirt. She pulled it up and over her head, allowing her bare breasts out into the light. She dropped the shirt on the floor and turned a little more toward Laura.

“My God,” Laura whispered in awe. “They’re beautiful. The most beautiful boobies I have ever seen in my life.”

Celia was blushing furiously now. “Thank you,” she said. “Now it’s your turn.”

Laura nodded and pulled her own shirt off, revealing a pair of nicely shaped, apple-sized breasts capped with pencil eraser sized nipples that were standing up proudly. Her excitement kicked up considerably at the sight of them.

“Yours are quite nice as well,” she told her.

“They’re kind of small,” Laura said.

“They’re perfect,” Celia insisted. “I am actually drooling looking at them.”

This made Laura blush furiously. She then lowered her eyes and took in Celia’s breasts again. Her right hand then began to move downward. “I think I’m ready to get started,” she said.

“Yeah,” Celia said. “Me too.”

Laura’s hand dove into her sweatpants and disappeared. She immediately began to rub herself. Celia’s shorts were so baggy that she was able to simply pull the crotch of them to the side, showing Laura her wet sex. She had not shaved in three days now, so she had stubble, but Laura did not seem to mind in the least.

“I can smell you, C,” she whispered. “And you smell really good.”

At these words, Celia put her fingers on her sex and began to rub and stroke, sending waves of sexual pleasure radiating out of her. She looked at Laura’s breasts while she played, imagined putting her hands and mouth on them. These thoughts and sights drove her excitement onward.

They played like this for perhaps five minutes, both of them getting more and more flushed, their breathing getting heavier, the smell of female sexual arousal getting thicker in the air. And then Laura took her left hand, the one that was not buried in her sweatpants, and extended it out to her left. She let it fall upon Celia’s right breast, where it began to softly caress the flesh.

“I ... I thought we weren’t supposed to ... to touch each other,” Celia panted, enjoying the touch immensely.

“The rules are that if you don’t want me to do this, you tell me to stop,” Laura returned, now twirling her finger around Celia’s nipple.

Celia did not tell her to stop. It felt too damn good. In fact, she could now feel the orgasm starting to build inside of her, climbing toward the peak, edging closer to the point of no return. There was no way she was going to interrupt now.

“Harder,” she told Laura. “Squeeze it a little harder. Be rough with it.”

Laura complied, adding some force, squeezing the nipple now and again, handling the boob like a man would. This had an immediate effect on Celia. The orgasm began to build faster now, becoming a positive feedback loop that fed upon itself. She began to pant faster, to moan in bliss, and soon the release point came and waves of intense pleasure exploded throughout her body.

“Oh my God, that was hot,” Laura panted, still rubbing away at her own sex frantically.

“Now it’s your turn,” Celia told her. She took her hand away from her own sex and twisted her body even more toward Laura. She then reached out with both of her hands and took both of Laura’s breasts in them.

“Oh yes,” Laura panted, speeding up her rubs even more. “My boobies love to be touched.”

But Celia could not confine herself to simply touching. Acting on an impulse she did not even attempt to question, she leaned forward and took Laura’s left nipple in her mouth. She began to tongue and suck on it.

“Oh my God!” Laura panted. “Oh my God, oh my God!”

Laura exploded with her own orgasm thirty seconds later, her pelvis bouncing up and down on the couch, Celia’s mouth suckling her nipple through the entire thing.

When the spasms finally died down, Celia took her mouth and hands off Laura’s body and sat back up. Both of them slumped in the couch cushions, letting their breathing get back to normal, letting their heart rates drop back down, letting the sweat dry on their skin. They sat like that in silence for the better part of five minutes. Finally, they turned their heads and looked at each other.

“I enjoyed that,” Celia said simply.

Laura nodded. “Me too. It was very intense.”

“Was it a wise thing to do though?”

“I don’t know,” Laura said. “I guess time will tell.”

“Are things going to be awkward between us now?” Celia asked next.

“I don’t think so,” Laura said. “We weren’t really ... you know ... doing it with each other. We were just two friends helping each other through a tough time.”

“You don’t think we crossed over a line in our friendship?” Celia asked.

“I think maybe we blurred the line a little,” Laura said. “I don’t think we crossed it.”

Celia nodded. “Well ... okay then,” she said. She leaned forward and picked up her shirt from the floor. She pulled it back over her head and let it drop into place. Laura did the same.

“Well, I guess I’ll head back to my room now,” Laura said. “Thanks for having me over.”

“Anytime,” Celia said.

Laura stood up and picked up her key card from the writing table where she had left it. She then turned back to Celia. “Oh, there is one thing I probably should have mentioned before we actually ... you know.”

“What’s that?” Celia asked.

“I have to tell Jake about this.”

Celia’s eyes widened in surprise. “Jake? You have to tell Jake about ... about ... what we just did?”

“Yes,” she said simply. “It’s part of our agreement. But don’t worry. He won’t be mad. I’m sure he’ll find the whole story kind of hot.”