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181. Which one of the following is not an authentication mechanism?

a. What the user knows

b. What the user has

c. What the user can do

d. What the user is

181. c. “What the user can do” is defined in access rules or user profiles, which come after a successful authentication. The other three choices are part of an authentication process. The authenticator factor “knows” means a password or PIN, “has” means key or card, and “is” means a biometric identity.

182. Which of the following models is used to protect the confidentiality of classified information?

a. Biba model and Bell-LaPadula model

b. Bell-LaPadula model and information flow model

c. Bell-LaPadula model and Clark-Wilson model

d. Clark-Wilson model and information flow model

182. b. The Bell-LaPadula model is used for protecting the confidentiality of classified information, based on multilevel security classifications. The information flow model, a basis for the Bell-LaPadula model, ensures that information at a given security level flows only to an equal or higher level. Each object has an associated security level. An object’s level indicates the security level of the data it contains. These two models ensure the confidentiality of classified information.

The Biba model is similar to the Bell-LaPadula model but protects the integrity of information instead of its confidentiality. The Clark-Wilson model is a less formal model aimed at ensuring the integrity of information, not confidentiality. This model implements traditional accounting controls including segregation of duties, auditing, and well-formed transactions such as double entry bookkeeping. Both the Biba and Clark-Wilson models are examples of integrity models.

183. Which of the following is the most important part of intrusion detection and containment?

a. Prevent

b. Detect

c. Respond

d. Report

183. c. It is essential to detect insecure situations to respond in a timely manner. Also, it is of little use to detect a security breach if no effective response can be initiated. No set of prevention measures is perfect. Reporting is the last step in the intrusion detection and containment process.

184. Which of the following is the heart of intrusion detection systems?

a. Mutation engine

b. Processing engine

c. State machine

d. Virtual machine

184. b. The processing engine is the heart of the intrusion detection system (IDS). It consists of the instructions (language) for sorting information for relevance, identifying key intrusion evidence, mining databases for attack signatures, and decision making about thresholds for alerts and initiation of response activities.

For example, a mutation engine is used to obfuscate a virus, polymorphic or not, to aid the proliferation of the said virus. A state machine is the basis for all computer systems because it is a model of computations involving inputs, outputs, states, and state transition functions. A virtual machine is software that enables a single host computer to run using one or more guest operating systems.

185. From an access control decision viewpoint, failures due to flaws in exclusion-based systems tend to do which of the following?

a. Authorize permissible actions

b. Fail-safe with permission denied

c. Unauthorize prohibited actions

d. Grant unauthorized permissions

185. d. When failures occur due to flaws in exclusion-based systems, they tend to grant unauthorized permissions. The two types of access control decisions are permission-based and exclusion-based.

186. Which of the following is a major issue with implementation of intrusion detection systems?

a. False-negative notification

b. False-positive notification

c. True-negative notification

d. True-positive notification

186. b. One of the biggest single issues with intrusion detection system (IDS) implementation is the handling of false-positive notification. An anomaly-based IDS produces a large number of false alarms (false-positives) due to the unpredictable nature of users and networks. Automated systems are prone to mistakes, and human differentiation of possible attacks is resource-intensive.

187. Which of the following provides strong authentication for centralized authentication servers when used with firewalls?

a. User IDs

b. Passwords

c. Tokens

d. Account numbers

187. c. For basic authentication, user IDs, passwords, and account numbers are used for internal authentication. Centralized authentication servers such as RADIUS and TACACS/TACACS+ can be integrated with token-based authentication to enhance firewall administration security.

188. How is authorization different from authentication?

a. Authorization comes after authentication.

b. Authorization and authentication are the same.

c. Authorization is verifying the identity of a user.

d. Authorization comes before authentication.

188. a. Authorization comes after authentication because a user is granted access to a program (authorization) after he is fully authenticated. Authorization is permission to do something with information in a computer. Authorization and authentication are not the same, where the former is verifying the user’s permission and the latter is verifying the identity of a user.

189. Which of the following is required to thwart attacks against a Kerberos security server?

a. Initial authentication

b. Pre-authentication

c. Post-authentication

d. Re-authentication

189. b. The simplest form of initial authentication uses a user ID and password, which occurs on the client. The server has no knowledge of whether the authentication was successful. The problem with this approach is that anyone can make a request to the server asserting any identity, allowing an attacker to collect replies from the server and successfully launching a real attack on those replies.

In pre-authentication, the user sends some proof of his identity to the server as part of the initial authentication process. The client must authenticate prior to the server issuing a credential (ticket) to the client. The proof of identity used in pre-authentication can be a smart card or token, which can be integrated into the Kerberos initial authentication process. Here, post-authentication and re-authentication processes do not apply because it is too late to be of any use.

190. Which of the following statements is not true about discretionary access control?

a. Access is based on the authorization granted to the user.

b. It uses access control lists.