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d. The two-key system, the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm

227. a. The separation of duties principle is related to the “least privilege” principle; that is, users and processes in a system should have the least number of privileges and for the minimal period of time necessary to perform their assigned tasks. The authority and capacity to perform certain functions should be separated and delegated to different individuals. This principle is often applied to split the authority to write and approve monetary transactions between two people. It can also be applied to separate the authority to add users to a system and other system administrator duties from the authority to assign passwords, conduct audits, and perform other security administrator duties.

There is no relation between the parity check, which is hardware-based, and the limit check, which is a software-based application. The parity check is a check that tests whether the number of ones (1s) or zeros (0s) in an array of binary digits is odd or even. Odd parity is standard for synchronous transmission and even parity for asynchronous transmission. In the limit check, a program tests the specified data fields against defined high or low value limits for acceptability before further processing. The RSA algorithm is incorrect because it uses two keys: private and public. The DES is incorrect because it uses only one key for both encryption and decryption (secret or private key).

228. Which of the following is the most effective method for password creation?

a. Using password generators

b. Using password advisors

c. Assigning passwords to users

d. Implementing user selected passwords

228. b. Password advisors are computer programs that examine user choices for passwords and inform the users if the passwords are weak. Passwords produced by password generators are difficult to remember, whereas user selected passwords are easy to guess. Users write the password down on a paper when it is assigned to them.

229. Which one of the following items is a more reliable authentication device than the others?

a. Fixed callback system

b. Variable callback system

c. Fixed and variable callback system

d. Smart card system

229. d. Authentication is providing assurance about the identity of a subject or object; for example, ensuring that a particular user is who he claims to be. A smart card system uses cryptographic-based smart tokens that offer great flexibility and can solve many authentication problems such as forgery and masquerading. A smart token typically requires a user to provide something the user knows (i.e., a PIN or password), which provides a stronger control than the smart token alone. Smart cards do not require a callback because the codes used in the smart card change frequently, which cannot be repeated.

Callback systems are used to authenticate a person. A fixed callback system calls back to a known telephone associated with a known place. However, the called person may not be known, and it is a problem with masquerading. It is not only insecure but also inflexible because it is tied to a specific place. It is not applicable if the caller moves around. A variable callback system is more flexible than the fixed one but requires greater maintenance of the variable telephone numbers and locations. These phone numbers can be recorded or decoded by a hacker.

230. What does an example of a drawback of smart cards include?

a. A means of access control

b. A means of storing user data

c. A means of gaining unauthorized access

d. A means of access control and data storage

230. c. Because valuable data is stored on a smart card, the card is useless if lost, damaged, or forgotten. An unauthorized person can gain access to a computer system in the absence of other strong controls. A smart card is a credit card-sized device containing one or more integrated circuit chips, which performs the functions of a microprocessor, memory, and an input/output interface.

Smart cards can be used (i) as a means of access control, (ii) as a medium for storing and carrying the appropriate data, and (iii) a combination of (1) and (2).

231. Which of the following is a more simple and basic login control?

a. Validating username and password

b. Monitoring unsuccessful logins

c. Sending alerts to the system operators

d. Disabling accounts when a break-in occurs

231. a. Login controls specify the conditions users must meet for gaining access to a computer system. In most simple and basic cases, access will be permitted only when both a username and password are provided. More complex systems grant or deny access based on the type of computer login; that is, local, dialup, remote, network, batch, or subprocess. The security system can restrict access based on the type of the terminal, or the remote computer’s access will be granted only when the user or program is located at a designated terminal or remote system. Also, access can be defined by the time of day and the day of the week. As a further precaution, the more complex and sophisticated systems monitor unsuccessful logins, send messages or alerts to the system operator, and disable accounts when a break-in occurs.

232. There are trade-offs among controls. A security policy would be most useful in which of the following areas?

1. System-generated passwords versus user-generated passwords

2. Access versus confidentiality

3. Technical controls versus procedural controls

4. Manual controls versus automated controls

a. 1 and 2

b. 3 and 4

c. 2 and 3

d. 2 and 4

232. c. A security policy is the framework within which an organization establishes needed levels of information security to achieve the desired confidentiality goals. A policy is a statement of information values, protection responsibilities, and organizational commitment for a computer system. It is a set of laws, rules, and practices that regulate how an organization manages, protects, and distributes sensitive information.

There are trade-offs among controls such as technical controls and procedural controls. If technical controls are not available, procedural controls might be used until a technical solution is found. Nevertheless, technical controls are useless without procedural controls and a robust security policy.

Similarly, there is a trade-off between access and confidentiality; that is, a system meeting standards for access allows authorized users access to information resources on an ongoing basis. The emphasis given to confidentiality, integrity, and access depends on the nature of the application. An individual system may sacrifice the level of one requirement to obtain a greater degree of another. For example, to allow for increased levels of availability of information, standards for confidentiality may be lowered. Thus, the specific requirements and controls for information security can vary.

Passwords and controls also involve trade-offs, but at a lower level. Passwords require deciding between system-generated passwords, which can offer more security than user-generated passwords because system-generated passwords are randomly generated pseudo words not found in the dictionary. However, system-generated passwords are harder to remember, forcing users to write them down, thus defeating the purpose. Controls require selecting between a manual and automated control or selecting a combination of manual and automated controls. One control can work as a compensating control for the other.