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"The Callejón de la Esperanze? The Alley of Hope was destroyed in the earthquake. It has not been rebuilt. This way, gentlemen."

He ushered us through a heavy door behind the curtain. When the door closed, it shut out all noise from the street. We were in a bare whitewashed room with heavy oak furniture lit by a barred window that opened onto a patio. He motioned us to chairs and got an envelope from a filing case and handed me a picture. It was an eight-by-ten replica of the postcard in the window. As I touched the picture, I got a whiff of the fever smell.

Three youths were hanging from a pole supported by tripods, arms strapped to their sides by leather belts. There were two overturned sawhorses and a plank on the ground below them. The blond boy was in the middle, two dark youths hanging on each side of him. The other two had their pants down to their ankles. The blond boy was completely naked. Five soldiers stood in front of a barn looking up at the hanged men. One of the soldiers was very young, sixteen or seventeen, with down on his chin and upper lip. He was looking up with his mouth open, his pants sticking out at the fly.

The proprietor handed me a magnifying glass. The hanged boys quivered and writhed, necks straining against the ropes, buttocks contracting. Standing to one side, face in shadow, was the officer. I studied this figure through the glass. Something familiar ... Oh yes—the Dragon Lady from "Terry and the Pirates." It was a woman. And she bore a slight resemblance to young Everson.

I pointed to the blond boy. "Do you have a picture of his face?"

He laid a picture on the table. The picture showed the boy's face and torso, his arms strapped to his sides. He was looking at something in front of him with a slack look on his face, as if he had just received an overwhelming shock and understood it completely. It was John Everson, or a close enough resemblance to be his twin brother.

I showed him a snapshot of Everson I had in my pocket. He looked at it and nodded. "Yes it seems to be the same young man."

"Do you know who these people were?"

"Yes. The three boys were revolutionaries. The blond boy was the son of an American miner and a Spanish mother. He was born and raised in Durango and spoke no English. He was hanged on his twenty-third birthday: September 24, 1914. The woman officer was his half-sister, three years older. She was finally ambushed and killed by Pancho Villa's men. I can assure you that young Everson is alive and well. He has simply forgotten his American identity. His memory can be restored. Unlike Jerry Green, he fell into comparatively good hands. You will meet them tonight ... Lola La Chata is holding her annual party."

"Lola? Is she still operating?"

"She has her little time concession. You will be back in the days of Allende. The Iguana twins will be there. They will take you to Everson. And now ..." He showed us out the back way onto an unpaved street. "I think you will get a ride to Lola's."

Lola's was quite a walk from where we were, and it was not an area for taxis. Also I was a little confused as to directions. A Cadillac careened around the corner and screamed to a stop in a cloud of dust. A man in glen plaid suit leaned out of the front seat.

"Going to the party? Get in, cabrones!"

We got into the back seat. There were two machos in the front seat and two on the jump seats. As we sped through the dirt streets they blasted at cats and chickens with their 45s, missing with every shot as the vecinos dove for cover.

Por convención Zapata

The General's car stops in front of Lupita's place, which in a slum area of unpaved streets, looks like an abandoned warehouse. The door is opened by an old skull-faced pistolero with his black jacket open, a tip-up 44 Smith & Wesson strapped to his lean flank.

The pistolero steps aside and we walk into a vast room with a high-beamed ceiling. The furniture is heavy black oak and red brocade, suggesting a Mexican country estate. In the middle of the room is a table with platters of tamales and tacos, beans, rice, and guacamole, beer in tubs of ice, bottles of tequila, bowls of marijuana and cigarette papers. The party is just starting and a few guests stand by the table puffing marijuana and drinking beer. On a smaller table syringes are laid out with glasses of water and alcohol. Along one wall are curtained booths.

Lola La Chata sits in a massive oak chair facing the door, three hundred pounds cut from the mountain rock of Mexico, her graciousness underlining her power. She extends a massive arm: "Ah, Meester Snide ... El Puerco Particular ... the Private Pig ..." She shakes with laughter. "And your handsome young assistants ..." She shakes hands with Jim and Kiki. "You do well by yourself, Meester Snide."

And you, Lola.... You are younger, if anything."

She waves a hand to the table. "Please serve yourselves.... I think an old friend of yours is already here."

I start towards the table and recognize Bernabé Abogado.



We got into an embrace and I can feel the pearl-handled 45 under his glen plaid jacket. He is drinking Old Parr scotch and there are four bottles on the table. He pours scotch into glasses as I introduce Jim and Kiki. "Practically everybody in Mexico drinks scotch." Then he laughs and pounds me on the back. "Clem, meet the Iguanas ... this very good friend."

I shake hands with two of the most beautiful young people I have ever seen. They both have smooth greenish skin, black eyes, a reptilian grace. I can feel the strength in the boy's hand. They are incredibly poised and detached, their faces stamped with the same ancient lineage as the shop proprietor. They are the Iguana twins.

Junkies arrive and pay court to Lupita. She rewards them with papers of heroin fished from between her massive dugs. They are fixing at the table of syringes.

"Tonight everything is free," says the Iguana sister. "Mañana es otra cosa."

The room is rapidly filling with whores and thieves, pimps and hustlers. Uniformed cops get in line and Lupita rewards each of them with an envelope. Plainclothesmen come in and shove to the head of the line. Their envelopes are thicker.

Bernabé beckons to a young Indian policeman who has just received a thin envelope. The policeman approaches shyly. Bernabé pounds him on the back. "This cabrón get cockeyed borracho and kill two people.... I get him out of jail."

Other guests are arriving: the glamorous upper crust and jet set from costume parties. Some are in Mayan and Aztec dress. They bring various animals: monkeys, ocelots, iguanas, and a parrot who screams insults. The machos chase a terrified squealing peccary around the room.

A rustle of excitement sweeps through the guests:

"Here's Mr. Coca-Cola."

"He's the real thing."

Mr. Coca-Cola circulates among the guests selling packets of cocaine. As the cocaine takes effect the tempo of the party accelerates. The General turns to a spider monkey perched on top of his chair.

"Here, cabrón, have a sniff." He holds up a thumbnail with a pinch of cocaine. The monkey bites his hand, drawing blood. The cocaine spills down his coat. "CHINGOA YOU SON OF A WHORE!" The General leaps up and jerks out his 45, blasting at the monkey from a distance of a few feet and missing with every shot as the guests hit the deck, dodge behind chairs, and roll under the table.

Lupita lifts a finger. Fifty feet away across the room, the old pistolero draws his long-barreled 44, aims and fires in one smooth movement, killing the monkey. The display of power intimidates even the machos and there is a moment of silence as a servant removes the dead monkey and wipes up the blood. A number of couples and some trios retire to the curtained booths.