He kicked at a clod and it exploded into dust.
"There ain't no getting around it," be declared. "Tank farming sure has ruined us."
"Maybe we better fix to sell the farm," suggested Martha.
Ole said nothing.
"You could get a job on a tank farm," she said. "Harry did. Likes it real well."
Ole shook his head.
"Or maybe a gardener," said Martha. "You would make a right smart gardener. Ritzy folks that's moved out to big estates like to have gardeners to take care of flowers and things. More classy than doing it with machines."
Ole shook his head again. "Couldn't stand to mess around with flowers," he declared. "Not after raising corn for more than twenty years."
"Maybe," said Martha, "we could have one of them little planes. And running water in the house. And a bathtub instead of taking a bath in the old washtub by the kitchen fire."
"Couldn't run a plane," objected Ole.
"Sure you could," said Martha. "Simple to run, they are. Why, them Anderson kids ain't no more than knee-high to a cricket and they fly one all over. One of them got fooling around and fell out once, but-"
"I got to think about it," said Ole desperately. "I got to think."
He swung away, vaulted a fence, headed for the fields. Martha stood beside the car and watched him go. One lone tear rolled down her dusty cheek.
"Mr. Taylor is waiting for you," said the girl.
John I. Webster stammered. "But I haven't been here before. He didn't know I was coming."
"Mr. Taylor," insisted the girl, "is waiting for you."
She nodded her head towards the door. It read:
"But I came here to get a job," protested Webster. "I didn't come to be adjusted or anything. This is the World Committee's placement service, isn't it?"
"That is right," the girl declared. "Won't you see Mr. Taylor?"
"Since you insist," said Webster.
The girl clicked over a switch, spoke into the intercommunicator. "Mr. Webster is here, sir."
"Send him in," said a voice.
Hat in hand, Webster walked through the door.
The man behind the desk had white hair but a young man's face. He motioned towards a chair.
"You've been trying to find a job," he said.
"Yes," said Webster, "but-"
"Please sit down," said Taylor. "If you're thinking about that sign on the door, forget it. We'll not try to adjust you."
"I couldn't find a job," said Webster. "I've hunted for weeks and no one would have me. So, finally, I came here."
"You didn't want to come here?"
"No, frankly, I didn't. A placement service. It has, well... it has an implication I do not like."
Taylor smiled. "The terminology may be unfortunate. You're thinking of the employment services of the old days. The places where men went when they were desperate for work. The government operated places that tried to find work for men so they wouldn't become public charges."
"I'm desperate enough," confessed Webster. "But I still have a pride that made it hard to come. But, finally, there was nothing else to do. You see, I turned traitor-"
"You mean," said Taylor, "that you told the truth. Even when it cost you your job. The business world, not only here, but all over the world is not ready for that truth. The businessman still clings to the city myth, to the myth of salesmanship. In time to come he will realize he doesn't need the city, that service and honest values will bring him more substantial business than salesmanship ever did.
"I've wondered, Webster, just what made you do what you did?"
"I was sick of it," said Webster. "Sick of watching men blundering along with their eyes tight shut. Sick of seeing an old tradition being kept alive when it should have been laid away. Sick of King's simpering civic enthusiasm when all cause for enthusiasm had vanished."
Taylor nodded. "Webster, do you think you could adjust human beings?"
Webster merely stared.
"I mean it," said Taylor. "The World Committee has been doing it for years, quietly, unobtrusively. Even many of the people who had been adjusted don't know they have been adjusted.
"Changes such as have come since the creation of the World Committee out of the old United Nations have meant much human maladjustment. The advent of workable atomic power took jobs away from hundreds of thousands. They had to be trained and guided into new jobs, some with the new atomics, some into other lines of work. The advent of tank farming swept the farmers off their land. They, perhaps, have supplied us with our greatest problem, for other than the special knowledge needed to grow crops and handle animals, they had no skills. Most of them had no wish for acquiring skills. Most of them were bitterly resentful at having been forced from the livelihood which they inherited from their forebears. And being natural individualists, they offered the toughest psychological problems of any other class."
"Many of them," declared Webster, "still are at loose ends. There's a hundred or more of them squatting out in the houses, living from hand to mouth. Shooting a few rabbits and a few squirrels, doing some fishing, raising vegetables and picking wild fruit. Engaging in a little petty thievery now and then and doing occasional begging on the uptown streets."
"You know these people?" asked Taylor.
"I know some of them," said Webster. "One of them brings me squirrels and rabbits on occasions. To make up for it, he bums ammunition money."
"They'd resent being adjusted, wouldn't they?"
"Violently," said Webster.
"You know a farmer by the name of Ole Johnson? Still sticking to his farm, still unreconstructed?"
Webster nodded.
"What if you tried to adjust him?"
"He'd run me off the farm," said Webster.
"Men like Ole and the Squatters," said Taylor, "are our special problems now. Most of the rest of the world is fairly well-adjusted, fairly well settled into the groove of the present. Some of them are doing a lot of moaning about the past, but that's just for effect. You couldn't drive them back to their old ways of life.
"Years ago, with the advent of industrial atomics in fact, the World Committee faced a hard decision. Should changes that spelled progress in the world be brought about gradually to allow the people to adjust themselves naturally, or should they be developed as quickly as possible, with the committee aiding in the necessary human adjustment? It was decided, rightly or wrongly, that progress should come first, regardless of its effect upon the people. The decision in the main has proved a wise one.
"We knew, of course, that in many instances, this readjustment could not be made too openly. In some cases, as in large groups of workers who had been displaced, it was possible, but in most individual cases, such as our friend Ole, it was not. These people must be helped to find themselves in this new world, but they must not know that they're being helped. To let them know would destroy confidence and dignity, and human dignity is the keystone of any civilization."
"I knew, of course, about the readjustments made within industry itself," said Webster, "but I had not heard of the individual cases."
"We could not advertise it," Taylor said. "It's practically undercover."
"But why are you telling me all this now?"
"Because we'd like you to come in with us. Have a hand at adjusting Ole to start with. Maybe see what could be done about the Squatters next."