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It was worth the wait. Marilyn came out wearing a criminally short denim skirt that had a row of tiny snaps up the front, mostly unsnapped, and a halter top that wasn’t much more than a bikini top. She also had on some very nice high-heeled sandals. She sauntered over and held up her empty glass. “Care for another drink?” She bent over and picked up my empty glass and flashed me a lot of cleavage.

She headed for the kitchen slowly, really throwing her hips around as she moved out. I struggled to my feet and followed her, just to watch. She smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it,” so I leaned against the door and let her do it. She made it a work of art! At one point she rubbed an ice cube over her throat and chest. “It’s so hot!” she complained. Then she dropped the ice cube on the floor. To pick it up, she turned away from me, spread her legs, and then bent at the waist, to pick it up. She must have spent some time in the shower shaving! When she was done with the drinks, she told me to head back out and sit down, and she would carry our drinks.

As soon as I had sat down in my chair, Marilyn crawled onto my lap and sat sideways, completely exposing her freshly shaved pussy to me. She sipped her drink for a moment, but then wrapped her arms around my neck and began licking and nibbling my neck. “You made me so hot and wet today,” she whispered. “It made me want to do things, nasty things, naughty things. Do you like how my pussy looks? I shaved it for you.”

“It looks delicious!” I told her.

“Well, you hold that thought for later. Maybe after Charlie goes to bed tonight. Right now I have something else in mind. Do you want to know what else I did in the bathroom?”

“Uh, yeah, sure.”

“I touched myself, you know, down there. I was trying to take care of things myself, but it just didn’t work. It just made me hotter and wetter! Here, see for yourself!” She took my hand and pushed it down between her legs.

She was right, she was hot and wet! I fingered her to a quick orgasm while she wrapped her arms around me and shuddered. As soon as I stopped, Marilyn climbed off my lap and quickly undid my pants. I was pointing skyward and she crawled back onto me, straddling my thighs, and sank down onto me. I peeled her top up and off her tits and we screwed there in the La-Z-Boy until I blew another load into her.

“I don’t know what’s come over you, but I sure like it!” I laughed. I was breathing hard and needed another shower from sweating so hard.

Marilyn giggled at that. “Well, since you’ll be home all the time now, I have to figure out a way to keep you busy!”

“I may need to get a job just to keep from being fucked to death,” I responded. “Hell of a way to go, though!”

“I love you so much!”

Charlie took that moment to wail and announce his presence. We laughed at each other and then disengaged, climbing to our feet. “He’s yours,” she said. “I need to go to the bathroom.”

“He can wait. I need a shower myself.”

Charlie survived another five minutes by himself. Marilyn washed up at the sink while I showered quickly. Happily, I noted that afterwards she kept on her little top and skirt and heels. I was going to get lucky later, it seemed.

Monday morning it was time to start figuring things out for real. I sent Marilyn off with Charlie for a long walk while I started working the phone. Besides, I needed a break! Marilyn had been trying to wear me out, and it was working! Old age was creeping up on me. I wasn’t a teenager anymore, where I could go three or four times in a row. I was only good for twice in a row before I needed a breather before screwing her again. Then again, some things improve with age, like technique, and Marilyn was not complaining on that score!

My first phone call was to my old friend, Explorer Post adviser, and lawyer, John Steiner. I dug out my address book and called him shortly after nine. I had no hope that he would actually be there or free, but I could leave a message with his secretary to have him call me. I was actually quite surprised when she said she would put me right through. After a moment I heard his gravelly voice, “John Steiner.”

“John, it’s Carl Buckman, how are you?”

“Carl! Good to hear from you. How are you doing?”

“Okay. I’m surprised I reached you on a Monday morning! Business slow?”

I got a barking laugh in return. “Funny you should say that. I was supposed to be in a meeting with a client about revising his will, but he died over the weekend!”

“Well, as long as you collected your fee ahead of time…” I joshed back.

“Very funny! What brings you to call me this lovely morning?” he asked.

“Well, several things. First and foremost, I’m moving back home. I got out of the Army on Friday.”

“What!? I thought you were going to go career? What happened?”

I sighed. “The short version is that I made one jump too many and screwed up my leg something fierce. I’ve spent the last month or so in Walter Reed getting rebuilt, and I’m getting medicalled out.”

“Walter Reed? In Washington? You should have called me! I’d have come down and visited. Allen, too! He was visiting for a week last month.” Allen was his son, the President of the Post when I was in.

“You’re right, I should have. How’s Allen doing? Where’d he end up, San Francisco, wasn’t it?”

John laughed. He said, “He seems to like it out there. He says he’s the only straight and single guy in town, and in a supply and demand setting, the demand is high!”

“That sounds like him. He got that degree in economics, so I guess he’s the supply part of the equation.” I had to laugh. Allen had been a pretty straight laced guy, but he thought with his dick like the rest of us.

“So you’re out of the Army? Now what?” asked John, getting back on the topic.

“Well, neither Marilyn or myself want to live in Fayetteville, so I convinced her to give Maryland a shot. What I’m thinking is to rent an apartment for a bit, look around and find a nice piece of property. I promised her I would build her a house and we would settle down.”

“Build or buy?”

“I could buy, I guess, but she’s going to want some acreage, and I don’t want some old falling-down farmhouse. I’ll probably end up building,” I told him.

“Well, it would be good to have you back here. What can I do to help?” John asked.

“Well, first of all, I want a nice apartment. Timonium or Cockeysville, that area, two or three bedrooms, ground floor. A nice place, not some dump, you know? Maybe even a townhouse. I haven’t got a clue what’s available or the prices. Can you dig up a real estate agent or broker for me? Dangle the house or property sale in front of them, maybe they can help with the apartment.”

“Well, I’ll see what I can do. I haven’t looked at that sort of thing in a few years either.”

“Well, get in touch with Missy and Jake. Let them know I’m coming back, too. Maybe they’ll have some ideas. Also, let them know I’m going to be spending some money in the near future. I’m going to buy a couple of new cars as well as the house or property. They need to know for taxes and stuff.”

“Makes sense. Between the three of us, we can figure something out. When are you planning on moving?”

“Another week or so. I’m going to call a moving company today, get some pricing and timeframes, I don’t think it will be this week, but if you can get me some answers by the end of the week, we can go from there,” I replied.

“Carl, when I was in the service, they had to move you and pay for it,” he commented.

“Yeah, but it’s at their convenience, and only to my address of record, which is my frat house in Troy.”

“Figures. Worse comes to worse, you can stay in a hotel for a few days while checking apartments, and then move in. You’ll have to come up here anyway to look at property.”