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“At least they’re still alive then.” Scuffing his foot through a pile of cinders Ripper uncovered smouldering fragments of thick cardboard. He placed the disfigured doll on top of the smouldering ashes. Flame broke out about it, and it shrivelled to nothing. The air filled with black specks of plastic as the miniature pyre completed the immolation.

On the far side of the camp, out beyond the wire, was a small marked off area containing a sprinkling of crude crosses, and headstones made from scraps of chipboard.

It was not something Revell could regard as sinister. The death rate among refugees was high, from many causes, the majority natural. The numbers represented in that pathetic graveyard were in no way exceptional.

They turned to leave, stepping over the wire where it sagged after posts had burned away. A movement caught Revell’s attention.

On a broad freshly turned tract of the valley floor, two dogs were scratching and growling at the ground. He’d noticed the bare earth on the way down, but had dismissed it as simply a vegetable patch. Now the animals’ actions drew it to his attention.

Even as the hounds turned toward them he was un-slinging the shotgun. Foam flecking the sides of their mouths, tongues lolling over bared teeth, the dogs bounded toward them.

The storm of steel darts caught them when they were still thirty meters away. Deforming into hooks as they penetrated, the flechettes ripped them open and sent them bounding and twisting into the air. The one that was still alive when they crashed back to the ground, Ripper dispatched with a single round through the tormented creature’s skull.

“Why would a couple of brutes like them be interested in grubbing up carrots?” Ripper followed the major toward the site of the dogs’ attempted excavations.

“Let’s find out,”

Picking up a scrap of splintered timber, Revell scraped aside a few clods of earth. Within a moment his efforts revealed a forearm, then the remainder of the limb. A little more effort uncovered the remainder of the body.

“Hell, those dogs have been making a meal of it.” Above the bloodstained collar of a civilian jacket, the corpse’s throat was almost severed. Ragged edges of flesh surrounded a wound that exposed shattered vertebrae.

“They hadn’t dug down to it yet.” Revell knelt to make a closer examination, wrapping his scarf across his face against the stench. “This was done by a bullet, heavy calibre, fired from very close range.”

“I can see something underneath it, Major. Can I have that length of wood.” Ripper worked hard for several minutes, finally levering the body aside. It flopped over onto its front, to reveal portions of at least two more beneath it.

“Jesus, what have we lit on here?” Ripper looked at the dimensions of the plot, and lifted his feet uneasily, as he realized the ground gave beneath them. It had an almost springy consistency, like standing on a really deep mattress. “You don’t think they’re all in here, do you. Better then two thousand civvies?”

“Could be.” Revelled indicated the first body, the one the ravenous dogs had been after. “He must have been the last of the working party the Commies used to do the heavy work. If they’d made a better job of burying him we’d probably never have stumbled across this… this war crime.”

“So what we going to do about it, Major? We ain’t just going to let it alone, are we? Let them get away with it?”

“No way. This time we’ve got the Reds dead to rights. This territory has been in their hands for better than a year. Soon as we get back I’ll slap in a report. Then we stand back, well back. Come the morning there are going to be a lot of very excited people running about here.”

“The one thing we don’t want is for anyone to get excited.” Not even unfastening his seat belt, the senator spoke to Revell through the open cabin door of the Blackhawk helicopter. “How many of you men know about this… this incident.”

The use of that carefully considered last word put Revell on his guard immediately. “All of them. Is there some reason it should have been kept quiet?”

Behind the politician, visible only as dark outlines in the shadow of the cabin, were two other figures.

“You’re here to investigate, aren’t you. Lay the blame for this where it belongs?” Having watched a squad of fatigue-clad civilians uncovering the charnel pit, Revell was at a loss to understand why they had stopped work at that point, and stood back. “What about identifying them, or autopsies… No one is even doing a body count.”

Now some of the civilians were placing what looked like bulky incendiary devices at close spaced intervals across the top layer.

“What are they doing? How come there are no photographs being taken. Just what the hell is going on?”

One of the vague figures at the rear of the cabin leaned forward to whisper in the senator’s ear. He returned an inaudible reply before turning again to Revell.

“No need to get excited, Major. Truth is we’re not here as any sort of inquiry commission. In fact, officially we’re not here at all.”

“We’re here…” Again the senator was involved in a muttered exchange with his unidentifiable companions… “We’re here to impress upon you, and your men, that in the public interest news of your discovery must go no further. You and your outfit are doing a fine job, a fine job. But just you get on with what you’re supposed to be doing and leave this little matter to us. It’s all being taken care of.”

“So why destroy the evidence without making any record of it?” A strong and ugly suspicion in Revell’s mind was fast gelling into a certainty.

“What we have here, Major, is a serious health hazard…” With an effort Revell kept his voice down, but he could not prevent an edge creeping into it. “Senator, we are not talking about violation of a city health code that you’re fixing for a friend or relative. There are around two thousand dead people over there. The Reds did it, only a few days ago, so what are you intending to do about it?”

The senator’s tone abruptly changed, from an ingratiating friendliness to hard impatience. “You’ve been told, Major. You go along with us in this or…”

“Perhaps I can deal with this, Senator.” Unbelting himself, one of the chopper’s passengers alighted. Revell wasn’t surprised, after hearing the accent, to see that it was a British officer. He was though, to see that he was a full-blown lieutenant general.

“Let’s have a word in private, shall we, Major?” The general led away from the Blackhawk. “These damned civilians don’t speak the same language as you and me.”

“A mass grave, a war crime, carries the same meaning in any language, who ever says it, sir.” Revell had made a quick scan of the general’s medal ribbons. Of the twenty or so only two were combat or campaign decorations. The most recent was the Falklands ribbon, so for a long time the general had been a staff officer.

“Don’t get clever, Major. I don’t like it and won’t put up with it. And you’d do well to heed the senator’s words. He had a lot of people breathing down his neck on this. If he has to break you to keep this filthy mess under wraps, then that is what he will do.”

“Why does it have to be kept under wraps anyway?”

“What we have here, Major, is a very delicate situation. I’ve had a word with your CO, Colonel Lippincott. Not a man to mince words. He said he spoke to you only recently. Says he gave you some idea of the big picture. I get the impression he considers you to be rather a wild man, but that he admires your fighting qualities.”

“You were saying it was a delicate situation.”

“So I was. And you had best believe it. Not that I’m involved in the PR side of things, but every general officer has to bear such implications in mind. There has been a lot of difficulty selling the idea of a truce to the population in Europe’s unoccupied territories and in the U.S. When we were tagging along behind the Warpac retreat the press laid it on rather too thick. Gave every armchair strategist the impression that we had them beaten.”