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He stills, and lets me come down from the high I’m on. He kisses me, and I look at him. I know what’s coming next, and it scares me. I nod at him, letting him know I’m okay, and I’m ready for more. He slowly moves on top of me and reaches for a condom in his nightstand. Tina has super sensitive skin like me, she always says how much they irritate her skin. The thought of not using one crosses my mind; I have an IUD for medical reasons. Would it be horrible if I told him that? What would he think of me?

“Hey, what’s wrong?” He’s looking down at me confusion in his eyes.

“I-I’m just scared that it will hurt and I have really sensitive skin, and I’ve heard those make it worse. I’m on birth control, but I know that you should still use one. My mind is racing and I just—” He kisses me ending my rambling.

“If you don’t want to use one, and you’re protected that’s fine. I’m clean I haven’t been with anyone in a while, and I’ve been checked. Whatever makes you feel more comfortable.”

“I just know how it must sound and…”

“Nina, I won’t think any less of you.” He kisses me once more.

“Okay, can we not use one?” I take a deep breath.

“Anything you want. I’ll go slowly. Tell me if you want me to stop.” I bite my lip and close my eyes. I’m so scared, and I’m not even sure why. I can feel him at my entrance. “Look at me, Nina.” I open my eyes. “I won’t hurt you.” He starts to enter me, and I don’t know what to think. It feels so foreign. He thrusts forward once, and a flash of pain shoots through me. I wince and Jake stills. He waits a minute before beginning to move.

He’s being gentle, and soon his movements start to feel good. The friction and the way he presses into me has my body beginning to hum with pleasure. My fingers grip him as his pace quickens. My body starts to tense as it did earlier. Am I going to have another one? Can I this soon?

Jake starts to pull out before sinking all the way back into me. Each time he presses against me I yell. It feels so good. His hand reaches down and slowly strokes my clit. My body tightens, and I let out another scream and I break apart once more.  Jake moves a few more times before sitting up quickly and finishing himself on top of me.

As I’m coming down from the high of my two orgasms and getting to be with Jake, I realize what is covering my stomach. I look over at him. “Can you get me a towel?”

He laughs and smiles, before walking out of the room. The doorbell rings and I see him freeze in the doorway.

“Shit, I forgot about the pizza.” He comes back into the room grabbing a shirt and pair of shorts before moving to leave again. “Hey! What about my towel!”

“Sorry, babe, gotta get the door!” Ass.

I look down at my stomach. Ugh! I slowly get up and do a weird, awkward walk to the bathroom the entire time praying it doesn’t drip off of me. I am sore, but it’s a good sore. It reminds me of what we just did. I make it to the shower in one piece, thankfully.

As I’m washing off, I keep picturing the expression on Jake’s face while we were doing it. He never once took his eyes off of me. It almost seemed as if he was examining for any sign of discomfort, making sure I was completely comfortable.

He’s making it so easy to lose myself in him.

Chapter Twenty


The next morning when I wake up there is a note on the pillow next to me.

Had to go to a meeting. Be back in a couple hours.

Lying in bed, I can’t help but think back to last night, he was so gentle and caring with me. It felt incredible to be that connected with someone. As quick as this might be, I think I love him. He is the most amazing person I have ever met, and he treats me so well. I never thought after losing Carly I would ever feel as connected with anyone as I do with Jake.

I hear a knock at the door. I’m only wearing one of Jake’s t-shirts, so I throw on a pair of shorts and run downstairs. When I open the door, it is the absolute last person I wanted to see. Jaimie.

“What are you doing here?” She looks me up and down as if she is judging my walk of shame attire.

I couldn’t care less about what she thinks. I’m finally happy. “I think the question is what are you doing here? I was invited to be here.”

“I meet Jake every morning, and we go for a run.” She shifts her weight, and I look at the skimpy clothes she is wearing. All she has on is a sports bra and booty shorts. It’s November and thirty degrees outside! Put some damn clothes on!

“Well, he isn’t here. He went to a meeting.” I begin to close the door, but she sticks out her foot and stops it.

“You know he’ll never stay with you, right. I mean, Jake probably loves your ‘hard to get, damsel in distress’ bullshit, but he always gets sick of it. Once he ‘saves’ you, he’ll drop you and then come back to me.” She smiles at me.

“See, you might think your lies are going to get to me but I know the truth. He’s never touched you, and you’re bitter about it. You think putting me down will make you feel like a bigger person and like you’ve won. But this is the thing, I won. He’s with me.” I move to shut the door again when a punch blindsides me to the face.

Holy shit! This bitch just hit me! I have never been in a fight in my life, but I am ready to tear her apart. I swing back at her and soon we are both on the ground rolling around. After what feels like forever, she is pulled off of me. I look up to see a confused Jake and a laughing Brian.

“What the hell is going on?” He is looking at me for an answer while he loosens his hold on Jaimie.

“Why don’t you ask her? She’s the one that came over here and tried pretend like you guys hooked up. I told her to leave and went to shut the door when she punched me!” I am so mad that my hands are shaking.

Jake looks over at Jaimie. “Seriously?”

“No, she’s lying. Why would I do that?” She tries to give him her innocent face.

“She’s in love with you!” Silence falls, Jaimie gives me a death glare.

“Jake, I…”

“Wait a minute. This whole thing with Nina. This fight. Jaimie, I’m only going to ask you once. Have you been sending that crap to her?” His tone is harsh.

I never even thought about that. I mean the cops asked if I had any enemies, but I guess I never thought to include Jaimie. I just dismissed her as a jealous idiot.

“What? No! I would never!” She seems shocked and a little hurt by his accusation.

“I don’t know that I believe you, but what I do know is that this is done. You are fired effective immediately. If I find out you had anything to do with this bullshit, there will be hell to pay.” He turns his back to her and walks past me into the house. Brian joins him while Jaimie is still standing outside. I give her the finger before smiling and shutting the door. I know it’s immature, but it felt so damn good.

Jake and Brian are sitting in the kitchen and when I walk in Jake hands me an icepack. “Here, Rocky.”

“Shut up! I have never been in a damn fight in my life. Leave it to you to get me into one, Flash.” I smile at him.

“Flash?” Brian looks back and forth between the two of us. “What the hell is that about?”

I look over at Jake. “Well…”

“No, Nina. Don’t do it.” He arches an eyebrow at me.

“Don’t you listen to him, girl. I need to hear this.” Brian is goading me.

“Let’s just say it has to do with the first time we met.” Jake’s eyes narrow at me.

“That is awesome! I can’t wait to tell the guys that!” Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.

“You’ll pay for that later.” His gravely voice whispers in my ear. A sense of excitement runs through me. His threat sounds more like a dirty promise. Jesus, when the hell did I become this girl?