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I’m going over my apartment to see Tina today. I’ve been putting it off because of this whole situation with the notes. I feel like me being there might be putting her in danger, and I know she is going to want to know everything. The truth is, I have no idea what is going on other than some psycho has been following me.

As close as Tina and I are, she barely knows anything about me. I have never been someone comfortable with sharing my story, or much else about me. Whenever we would have girls’ nights, she would mainly talk, and I would listen. I liked it that way. Everything seemed so simple.

I knock on the door instead of just walking in; it hasn’t been that long since I went to stay with Jake, but I feel awkward. Tina opens the door greeting me with a smile, and I follow her in. Once I close the door, she wraps me in a hug.

“Are you okay? I’ve been so worried about you.” Her voice is full of concern and guilt consumes me that I haven’t come to see her sooner.

“I’m okay. I’m sorry I haven’t been around. Things have been so hectic, and I’m apparently horrible at juggling.” I’ve never had a relationship and really never had close friends before Sam and Tina, now having both and trying to balance everything is hard.

We walk into the living room and sit on the couch. “So what has been going on?”

That’s a loaded question. “Some creep had been sending stuff to my work. First it was a black rose; then it was a decapitated mouse. They come with really cryptic notes, and they are freaking me out. After the last one, Jake told me to stay with him because he wanted to be there in case anything happened. He’s been great.” I can feel myself blush thinking of being with him.

“Check out at that dreamy look on your face! I cannot believe you are all googly-eyed over this guy. Honestly, with the way you used to shoot him down I thought you might just be gay.”

I laugh. “Nope, definitely not. I’ve just never met anyone like him. He is so…different.”

“Different good, or different like he has a weird looking schlong?” She scrunches up her face.

Not expecting that I choke on my own spit, completely unable to breathe for a minute. “Different good.” I finally choke out.

“Okay, good.” She winks at me. “So anything else happening?”

My dead sister has been showing up in my dreams and giving me advice. Tina doesn’t know anything about Carly. I have never told that story to anyone but Jake. I guess I feel like since I couldn’t protect her when she was alive, that now I need to protect her memory. “Not really. You know I’m boring.”

“Have you and lover boy done the dirty yet, or are you still playing Mother Teresa?”

My mouth drops open. “We um…we did the other day.” I’m so embarrassed. I am not comfortable talking about this.

“Good. I mean, honestly, I worried he was gay too. I mean what kind of guy sleeps in girl’s bed and doesn’t touch her?” Jake never tried to make a move the nights he stayed over.

“He definitely isn’t gay! He told me he swore to himself he wouldn’t be the first one to make a move. He said he thought if he tried something too early he would scare me off.” When he said that to me, it only solidified how right he is for me. Without me telling him, he knew that I was scared of that type of connection. It’s like he knew me better than I knew myself.

“Whatever, my gaydar was seriously beeping for a while there.” We laugh and spend the rest of the night catching up. I have missed her.

When Jake texts me saying he is on his way, I say a silent thank you. All this wine has made me so damn tired, and I’m about to pass out in the middle of our conversation.

I give Tina a hug, and she makes me promise that I won't let it be so long until we see each other again.

Chapter Twenty Three


I wake up to an incredible smell. What is that? When I walk downstairs, Jake is standing in the kitchen shirtless, making pancakes. I watch him while I have the opportunity to do so without him knowing. His muscles tense and ripple with each small movement, and I swear they are hypnotizing.

He turns to grab a plate and sees me standing there. “Way to ruin my surprise. I was going to bring these upstairs to you.”

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist. “How did I get so lucky?” I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him.

“I have no idea, but you can show me how thankful you are after breakfast if you want.” He gives me a wink before turning back to the griddle and removing the pancakes.

I sit at the counter and think about how much my life has changed in the last six months. How much Jake has changed me. Ever since the day we had lunch with my parents, Jake has been trying to help me work through my issues. I even called my mom the other day; we talked for a few minutes, and while it was awkward it wasn’t horrible. He has been so supportive, and even though the notes have stopped coming, I’ve still been staying with him. We both think that it was Jaimie since everything stopped once Jake fired her.

I have become more comfortable with the physical aspect of our relationship. I have never felt more at ease with someone. We have been spending more time with his friends, and they feel like a second family. Grace comes over a lot, and as much as I always shot down the idea of ever wanting kids, that little girl is adorable. She loves Jake, and I can’t get enough of watching him with her.

“Hey, where did you go?” He is standing in front of me holding the plates.

“Sorry, guess I’m still a little tired.”

He places the plate in front of me and then hugs me from behind. “I can take you back to bed if that will make you feel better.” He kisses my neck, and I relax against him.

“I just might take you up on that, after I stuff my face with carbs.” I turn my head to the side giving him a kiss.

“Please eat, you get kind of scary when you’re hungry.” I shoot him a dirty look.

“”The term is hangry, and I cannot control it.” I stick my tongue out at him before I take a bite.

We talk about today and Jake reminds me that he is supposed to help Mason with a new project today. Mason and Brian flip houses, so they need some muscle today, and Jake volunteered.


“Hey, babe! Mason is here, you sure you’re okay hanging out with the monster tonight?” Jake calls to me snapping me out of the cat nap I tried to sneak in. I stretch before sitting up to look at him.

Today, I told Jake and Mason that I would keep an eye on Grace. She and I have gotten so much closer over the past two months. My afternoon is going to be filled with cartoons and junk food, and I’m a little bit excited. “Yeah, don’t worry about us, we’ll be fine. I already have Netflix up and ready to go so we can spend the whole day vegging out.”

“You know you’re really good with her. It means a lot to me that you embraced her. I promised Lacey that I would watch out for her and Mason. She would have liked you.” I smile up at him. I can’t imagine losing my mom the way Grace did. It breaks my heart knowing that she doesn’t have someone to do all the girl things with; I think that’s why I’m drawn to her. A knock sounds at the door, and Jake gives me a kiss before opening the door for Mason and Grace.

“Nina!” She runs to me, jumping onto my lap. “Let’s watch Sofia!” I laugh as I reach for the remote and wave to Mason.

“I already had it set up for you, princess.” She is wearing a cute princess dress, complete with a tiara.

“See you later, babe!” Jake shouts from the door.

Mason comes over giving Grace a hug and kiss. “Bye, Angel. Thanks, Nina.”

“No problem.” The boys leave and I turn on Grace’s show. We watch the episode as she tells me about each character and sings along to all of the cheesy songs.