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At Laurie Bell’s words, several gasps sounded and Shay could literally feel the stares directed toward her belly. Had they not heard Rory’s announcement? Why the big surprise? Disregarding the now chattering women, Laurie Bell pushed through them and went to the knoll and sat, patting the ground beside her. With an inward shrug, Shay ignored the cum still leaking down her thighs and followed.

“It’s not Rory’s fault. My cousin’s mate is an ob-gyn. I insisted on going to see him,” Shay answered. Then launched into the tale of how she and Rory first met.

Laurie Bell laughed merrily as Shay described kicking Rory for invading her personal space, sat spellbound as she described the events of the blue moon, and her mouth literally dropped open when Shay admitted to escaping while Rory was asleep. Laurie Bell’s reactions were so entertaining Shay couldn’t help but tell her about Kiesha’s wedding and some of her and Rory’s more amusing interactions since they’d been back together.

When she finished, Laurie Bell sat wiping tears from her eyes. “Oh my dear, you are indeed a breath of fresh air and exactly what that troubled young man needed. I have no doubt the Creator brought you two together.”

* * *

Pregnant! That bitch was ruining everything!

Ashley eased away into the woods. Once far enough, she shifted and ran through the woods and upstream a distance before branching off onto a little-known deer track. There she slowed to a walk, listening to make sure no one else was around before coming into a small, heavily thicketed clearing before a shallow cave.

As she sat waiting, another wolf, this one a large male, brown in coloring, approached from the west. He strode confidently into the clearing and entered the cave. After another glance around, she shifted and followed. Wesley had already shifted to human and stood waiting, hands on his hips and wearing a scowl.

“You fucked MacDougal,” he stated coldly.

“Yes, alpha,” she said with eyes lowered. “He came to me. To refuse would have brought unnecessary suspicion on myself, but the whole time he was in me, I thought of you.”

“Fair enough,” he acknowledged. He crowded her smaller, slighter body against the cave’s wall and stuck a hand between her legs, roughly inserting two fingers. “But this is mine. Remember that when others are pawing you.”

“Yes, alpha,” she gasped. Ashley spread her legs and arched her hips, riding his thick digits.

He watched his hand. “Look how nice and slick you are. Your pussy’s always greedy for my cock, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” she hissed.

He tormented her a minute more before lifting her by the waist. She eagerly wrapped her legs around his torso. The first thrust nailed her to the wall. Pinning her in place with his body, he slammed into her. His heart beat a rapid tattoo as his hot breath scalded her ear. She squeezed her inner muscles, knowing it drove him crazy.

“Your pussy is the best I’ve ever had,” he murmured. “Hot, tight, and wet. So responsive. I could fuck you all day and night.”

She whimpered and dug her nails into his shoulders. Then she gave little gasping moans, slowly increasing in volume. Following her cues, he increased the pace and force of his thrusts.

“Yes! Yes!” she cried out passionately. “So good.”

Ashley clenched around him, tightening her pussy like a vise, knowing he was reaching his limit and wanting to hurry him along. She moaned again for good measure.

He reached a hand between them and stroked her clit. “Come now!”

On a gasp that was real, Ashley fell apart, coming hard.

He bucked once, twice, then groaned low and long. His muscles slowly lost their tension, but before he collapsed, he lifted and carried Ashley to the sleeping bag they kept in the cave for this purpose. She was too sated to worry that he’d come inside of her.

Lying together, Ashley cuddled close and whispered, “She really is pregnant with Rory’s child. He wasn’t just saying that to appease the council.”

He stiffened, his eyes opened wide, and she could see the shock in them. “She must really be his mate.” There was more silence before he said, “Kill the woman and Rory will be easy. Of course, I’ll have to play with her first. Did you see the way she swallowed him whole? And that ass…” He actually shuddered. “Yes, I definitely want a taste of her first.”

Ashley watched Wesley through narrowed eyes. Arrogant fool! How dare he insult me like this! Nothing of her fury showed on her face or in her manner. She was very good at hiding her feelings and lying without a betraying scent. “Alpha”—she almost choked on the title—“touch his mate and he’ll kill you,” she reminded in a soft voice.

“He’ll try,” the braggart proclaimed.

Ashley’s quick, agile mind went to work on this newest wrinkle. “If you really want the woman, I can help.”

“How?” After a moment he asked more suspiciously, “Why?”

She rose gracefully to her knees and bent over, mouth level with his cock. “Whatever you need,” she breathed, watching him stir, “I provide. Whatever you want”—she trailed the vein to the ridge of his penis with her tongue—“it’s my pleasure to give to you.”

While she went down on him, Ashley mentally reviewed her options. Wesley was proving to be a bit unreliable. Typical male. It was time for a backup plan. By the time she straddled his body and took him inside, she had her new strategy in place. As she rode him, Ashley explained how Wesley could snatch the human.

* * *

Rory trotted into the clearing to find his mate sitting, surrounded on all sides by the women. He tested their bond for any hints of distress emanating from Shay and found she was mostly amused. While she was occupied, he went to where his pants lay, shifted, and dressed.

The other men came and did the same, and soon were leading their mates away.

Figuring he might as well face the music, he strolled over to Shay and Laurie Bell, who were having an animated conversation about graphic art, of all things.

“Laurie Bell.” He nodded respectfully in greeting. Holding out a hand to Shay, he said, “It’s time to go.” She allowed him to help her up.

He reached to do the same for Laurie Bell, but she was already standing. “Rory, you have a lovely mate. I look forward to seeing more of the both of you.” She kissed both of their cheeks and then headed in the direction of most of the others.

Only Rory, Shay, and a few stragglers remained, standing in the weak moonlight of a half-moon.

“So”—Shay began—“color me confused. Have we been officially recognized or not?”

Rolling his eyes, he tugged Shay behind him, waving absently at the chorus of good-byes that rang out. The whole way he wondered how he was going to apologize for doing exactly what he’d promised he wouldn’t—claim Shay in front of the entire pack.

“Have we?” she persisted.

“The council doesn’t matter. The pack does. They’ll have to fall in line.”

He pushed through the woods, moving slowly, aware Shay’s night vision wasn’t as good as his.

“But Shannon said—”

He stopped abruptly and turned to her. “When did you speak to Shannon?”

“Today, while you were gone.”

Tensed, he asked, “Is she okay? Does she need anything?”

Shay gave him “the look.” The one that said he was a few cards short of a full deck. “I called her. She said if the council doesn’t recognize us, the pack won’t either and our child will be considered a bastard.”

He glanced around but, knowing his pack didn’t have to be visible to be able to hear, leaned close to her ear and murmured, “Let’s discuss this later when it’s just the two of us.”