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Nesch looked at Juba and scrawled the name “Swanson” on the legal tablet. Keeping his voice steady, he replied, “I sympathize with your position, general, but a deal is a deal. Would you please hold on just a moment? Someone else wishes to speak with you.”

Nesch covered the mouthpiece of the phone momentarily and whispered to Juba, “You were right! Swanson is involved in the missile pickup tomorrow.” He handed over the telephone.

“My name is Juba! You know who I am.” The declaration was cold, and stated with a snarl. “You have this one last opportunity to do as you are told.” Then Juba calmly recited details about the general’s wife and three young sons-their schools, birthdays, hobbies, friends, and other relatives-and dispassionately described how each would be killed, mentioning words like toenails, tonsils, and testicles. He advised the general that a pair of contract mercenaries were standing by near the family home and would turn off their cell phones at a specified time, beyond which Juba would be unable to stop them. He read out the proper address and also promised to personally execute the general.

“Make up your mind right now. You have something I want,” he said with smooth menace. “I have personally murdered thousands of people, general. Thousands! Killing your family will not alarm me in the least.”

The general agreed to carry out his agreement. He was sweating when he put the telephone down.

Similar persuasion was needed for a ranking bureaucrat in the Saudi Ministry of the Interior, who was stubborn and reluctant. When Juba was through dealing with him, that man also changed his mind and agreed to return immediately to his government office and accomplish his new task.

The work came together in a tight two-hour span. Juba, Dieter, the cook, and the maid boarded a small chartered plane that sped north from Jeddah to the town of Tabuk, which only had a population of a hundred thousand people but was the largest town in the entire desolate area. Its strategic value was that Tabuk lay less than two hundred and fifty miles from Jerusalem. Dieter shook hands with Juba as the terrorist left the plane, then made himself comfortable aboard the private jet, and accepted a drink of Scotch and ice from the maid. They would refuel in Amman, Jordan, then continue on the long journey to Switzerland and safety. He looked up another private number to call once they were on the ground and safe in Zurich. An old friend who worked for Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, would be very interested in this new information Nesch had to sell.


SWANSON FINISHED HIS SODA, crushed the can, and flipped it into a trash barrel lined with a black plastic garbage bag. “Jamal, are you tired of hanging around here?”

“Yep.” Civilian agents of the Central Intelligence Agency do not particularly like to be on American military bases. It makes them feel exposed, and Jamal had been trained to keep his cover safe by staying away from crowds of Americans, particularly soldiers.

“You have a company credit card?”

“Yep. Visa, AmEx, all of ’em. Platinum cards are almost as good as gold.” They contained neither his real name nor any clue as to his true employer.

“Any objection to taking us for a ride?”

Jamal raised a questioning eyebrow. “Nope.”

“Okay. Wait here a minute. Call downtown to the International and book us a couple of rooms for the night.” Swanson went back into the conference room, where Mishaal was still jawing away with the command and control bunch. It the prince wasn’t careful, he might get swept up in expanded military duties. Maybe that’s what he wanted; to climb the ladder a few more rungs. Kyle didn’t really care.

He pulled a small notebook from his combat vest and scribbled a note:


Mishaal kept an eye on the teleconference screens, where briefers were explaining some charts. He read the note and jotted:


Then he underlined the sentence. Twice.

Within a few minutes, Jamal was driving the Mercedes past the lush King Fahd Park and the bright lights of the Intercontinental loomed like a halo nearby. “And just why are we doing this?”

Kyle squirmed in his seat to get more comfortable. “Well, my young CIA officer, never let the other guy set the timetable for your own operations. We will check into our rooms, so if Mishaal asks to see the register, it will confirm that we are logged in. We take a quick shower and put on fresh clothes, then slip out a side entrance. I’m betting that the prince will be too courteous to interrupt our sleep and, therefore, will not actually call our rooms. That gives us plenty of time to drive to the capital.”

“Riyadh’s only a two-hour drive from here,” Jamal said. “We can be there by four in the morning.”

“Henry Tsang expects us at 0930, but we’re going to be early.”

“Yep.” Jamal pulled into the broad driveway of the hotel.

AN HOUR LATER, THEY joined the stream of traffic highballing along the hardball toward Riyadh. A steady column of headlights approached in the other lane, people traveling in the cool of the night hours, and a scarlet chain of tail-lights reached as far ahead as they could see. Everybody drove like devils were chasing them, racing toward their destination before the sun came up again. The air conditioner whirred in the enclosed Mercedes, not so much to keep out the air as to keep out clouds of diesel fumes from all of the trucks. Jamal had a stack of CDs and Kyle kept the music going. Garth Brooks was on a country-and-western mix, singing about having friends in low places. They buzzed along, taking it easy on the curving mountain roads and through the tunnels, and then hitting about 100 miles per hour where the land flattened and traffic spaced out. Dead snakes that had emerged from beneath the sand when the sun went down in search of food littered the road like sections of loose rope.

“My station chief is not happy that I’m working with you,” Jamal said.

“Bosses aren’t supposed to be happy. For a boss to be happy would mean he is satisfied, and that would mean he did not have enough to worry about. I think he has a few bigger fish to fry right now than bitching about the two of us working together.”

“As long as we get results.”

“Nobody can accuse us of not getting results, pal. They get over being mad.” To Kyle, there was a big difference between following orders blindly and actually accomplishing a mission. It was a matter of control. By definition, plans were made before something happened, as if some planner could peer into a crystal ball and accurately foretell the future. A desk person trying to micromanage a fluid situation in the field would always fail because unexpected events intervened. Situational adjustments had to be made on the fly. Snipers and scouts were trained to think on their own and adapt to a reality that ranged far beyond the scope of the think tanks that originally came up with a mission. Repeated successes in operations had bred in Swanson an attitude of supreme belief in the decisions that he made himself, a deep reservoir of confidence from which he could make withdrawals as needed. He was making just such a withdrawal tonight.

Jamal kept both hands loosely on the wheel as the Mercedes shot passed a tractor-trailer, rocking slightly in the backdraft. “They say you have worked for the Agency before in some tricky situations.”

“Then they talk too much.”

The CIA man nodded and kept his eyes on the road. “How are we going to get to Henry Tsang?”

“Good question. Most of the people who work at embassies do not live in the buildings. Their governments lease apartments nearby and use those residences for everything from storing extra booze for diplomatic parties to providing temporary quarters for transient personnel. They might summon them all into the embassy for protection if the city were burning, but it isn’t, so we won’t have to break into the Chinese Embassy. The apartment building where Tsang lives probably will just have some dude at a desk in the foyer, maybe an armed guard outside.”