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"You know," he said, "I've been used by women before. What man hasn't? I gave a year of my life to a girl who dated me because it pissed off her dad. I've slept with a hundred groupies who were just using me to say they fucked a rock star. But you..." He shook his head. "My god, Mindy. The coldness and the calculation that you put into it is beyond anything I've ever had to deal with before. I'm just a tool to you, nothing more. You played with my emotions and manipulated me just so you could position me in front of a camera for you. I don't think there's even a word for a girl like you."

"Jake," she said, softly. "You don't understand."

"I do understand," he said. "I'm gonna go call for a limo to come pick me up. I'll leave the Corvette outside with the key in it. When they send me the pink slip, I'll sign it over to you and have Shaver mail it to you." He turned to go.

"Jake," she said, "let me finish what I have to say."

"You have finished," he told her.

"No, I haven't, Jake. For God's sake, stop being so dramatic. That's my job! Turn around and look at me."

He stopped his trek toward the door. Slowly he turned around.

"I'm being honest now," she said. "Would you prefer that I lie to you and try to tell you a big bullshit story about how it was all a spur-of-the-moment thing to call Peterson up? I lied to you in the beginning and I started this relationship with you for less than honorable reasons. I admit that freely and I'm sorry that life is so unfair that people like me have to do things like that to people like you."

He said nothing, just continued to stare at her.

"But I'm not cold and emotionless, Jake. I started this relationship for the publicity, that's true, but as we went along I really learned to like you. I like you a lot, Jake. I like being with you, talking to you, and I especially like fucking you. You're the first man I've ever met who is able to keep up with me in bed. I didn't intend to fuck you after that day on the beach but having your hands all over me all day made me so horny for you that I had to have you. I was never faking anything in the bedroom with you. In fact, I'm wet right now just looking at you."

Jake had to fight down a tinge of desire that tried to flood him at her words. Looking at her beautiful face, seeing those smooth, sexy legs, the painted toenails, seeing the jiggling bulges beneath her short robe that told him there was nothing on beneath it, knowing the sensuousness and aggressive sexuality she was capable of, it was hard not to become aroused when she told him he was making her wet, but he kept his composure.

"It's over, Mindy," he told her. "I'm not a puppet on a string who jumps when you tell me to. I'm sorry that I'm screwing up your little plan, but you can count me out."

"Jake," she said, her brown eyes peering meaningfully into his, "you're being dramatic again. My plan has already been successful. There are naked pictures of you and I together. If you leave right now, it won't matter. The damage I wished to inflict upon my image has already been done."

"Good," he said. "Then you don't need me anymore."

"Exactly," she said. "You just made my point for me."

Jake stared at her in confusion. "How's that?"

"I don't need you anymore for what I originally intended," she said. "It's over and done. The pictures have been taken, my reputation has been irrevocably altered to what I wish. There is no reason for me to continue seeing you except for the obvious one."

"The obvious one?"

She smiled seductively. "I want to keep seeing you because I like you," she said. "I am in a state of incredible infatuation over you. I long to hear your voice every day, to feel your body against mine, to feel your cock driving into my body. Why do you think I bought you that car? I didn't have to do that in order for my plan to work. I mean, sure, it helped to create another sighting of us together, but I could've done that anywhere. I bought you the car because I'm hot for you and because I wanted to do something for you... something to make you... to make you like me."

He shook his head violently. "I can't be with you after this, Mindy. You took advantage of me, played me, made a fool out of me. I'm done playing games with you. It's time for me to go."

"You don't have to be faithful to me," she said, uncrossing her legs, letting her robe ride up a bit on her thighs. "I know you're going to go out on the road again. I know there are women you'll want to fuck. I'm not going to stop you from doing that. In fact, I encourage you to do it. Hell, its more practice for when you come back to me."

Jake looked at her, mouth agape. "This is insane," he said. "You think I'm going to keep seeing you after what you've just told me?"

"You don't have to love me or anything," she said. "You just have to fuck me. Admit it, I'm the best you've ever had, aren't I?"

He could hardly deny that. "You are very... enthusiastic about sex," he said. "But that doesn't change the fact that..."

"Why don't you fuck me right now, Jake?" she asked, letting her legs fall apart a little, just enough to let him visualize her upper thighs.

"Mindy," he said, dragging his eyes away from the appetizing sight. "I don't think you understand what I'm trying to say."

"I understand," she told him. "I understand everything. I had myself shaved today."

This threw him off track a bit. "Shaved?" he said.

"My pussy," she said. "It's all nice and smooth now. Not a hair on it. It's something I like to do every now and then. Today seemed to be the proper occasion. Would you like to see it?"

"No," he said. "I wouldn't."

But she knew otherwise. She slowly pulled the tie on her robe and let it fall open, baring her body to his gaze. She slowly spread her legs, showing him her swollen vaginal lips. Her entire crotch was indeed completely bare of hair.

"Jesus," he muttered, unable to drag his eyes away from it. In 1983 it was very rare for a woman to shave her genitals. Jake, despite all of the women he'd enjoyed over the past year and in his pre-fame life, had never seen a shaved pussy in the flesh. He found himself licking his lips, felt his manhood stirring in his jeans.

"You like it?" Mindy asked, opening her legs a little wider. "I think it's sexy."

"Its very nice," he said, his voice sounding far away. "But it doesn't change anything. You're just trying to use sex to get what you want from me."

"Did you notice," she asked, "that I said 'I had myself shaved'? I didn't do it myself."

"You... you didn't?"

She shook her head, letting the manicured middle finger of her left hand dip down and slide between her lips. She drug it slowly upward, over her clit and up onto the bare skin just above her slit. It left a trail of moisture behind. "Nope," she said. "Carmella does it for me." She put her finger in her mouth and licked the juices off.

Jake's little head was now quite in the game and was calling for a strategic huddle. He tried to fight the rebellion but his eyes could not stop staring at her smooth, sexy, aroused pussy. His mind had locked onto the thought of Carmella kneeling between Mindy's naked thighs and shaving her.

"That's right," Mindy said, putting her finger back down and stroking herself again. "Carmella was in here doing the deed for me. In fact, she was just finishing up when you buzzed the intercom. She took my razor and ran it all over me, from my ass to the top, and along the sides of my lips. She had to take my lips in her hands in order to pull them tight."

"Mindy..." he said, but he couldn't think of anything to say after it.

"I'm not into having sex with women, of course," she said, letting the tip of her finger slide between her lips. "Its been offered. Veronica wanted to eat me out in my trailer while we were filming Thinner Than Water. I turned her down — politely. But there is something about a woman's hands on my body that I like, even if I don't want their mouth and tongue on me. I let Veronica feel my tits once while we were showering. It felt nice. She played with herself while she squeezed them. Made herself come right there in the shower stall." She smiled with sexual nostalgia and slid her finger a little further inside of her pussy. "I will admit that was hot. I played with myself when she was done, right in front of her. She tried to kiss me but I wouldn't let her."