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"I don't really have the time," she'd snapped, although Jake had already been able to see a flicker of interest in her eyes.

"Come on," he'd goaded, taking her arm and leading her in that direction. "It's only 10:30. You can hang out for a little while, can't you?"

She had given a few more token protestations but it was clear during the entire exchange that she wanted to go to the yacht. He could see it in the way her nipples poked through her cotton shirt at the very suggestion, in the way her tongue kept coming out and licking at her lips. She could go on and on about how wrong and sinful they were, but the simple fact remained that she had become addicted to the pleasures of the flesh.

"I'll eat your pussy for you," he'd whispered in her ear. "Stick my face right up under your dress and lick you until you come."

A shudder had worked her way through her body. "Let's go," she'd said.

Now, ten minutes later, they were in the cramped bedroom portion of the cabin, Michelle sitting on the tiny bed, her legs spread wide, Jake kneeling on the floor between them. Her calf-length skirt had been pulled up around her waist and he was holding her white, cotton panties to the side, his tongue lapping up and down her swollen vaginal lips. Her blond pubic hair was matted with his saliva and her secretions. Her clit was swollen and protruding proudly from its hood, demanding its own attention.

"Oh, God," she moaned, her fingers running through his long hair, her breath tearing in and out of her body.

"Mmmm," he responded, giving an extra-long lick, his hands running up and down her sexy legs.

Soon the fingers of his right hand found their way to her slit. She was tight here, very tight, so tight that the first time they'd gone all the way it had taken him almost ten minutes to work his way completely inside of her. Feeling the firm clutch of her body on his fingers never failed to kick his passion up a few notches. It didn't fail now. His cock throbbed in anticipation of nestling there. He made a quick check to see if the condom he planned to use was still in his pocket-it was-and then attached his mouth to her clit, intending to suck the first orgasm of the night out of her.

It was only seconds before she began bucking against him, her hands now pulling on his hair, drawing his face in tighter and tighter. Her legs wrapped around his back, her feet rubbing up and down. A continuous moan began to come from her mouth, the pitch going higher and higher as the spasms of orgasm began to build.

She came with a scream, muted slightly by her forearm in her mouth, but loud enough that a couple out for a walk through the marina heard it and looked knowingly at each other. No sooner had the spasms died that he was on his feet, standing between her legs, the condom wrapper in one hand, his other hand going to the snap on his jeans. In less than fifteen seconds he would be capped and thrusting within her, his mouth attached to hers, those legs wrapped around his back.

But it was not to be. She put her hand on his, halting him in mid-un-snap. "No," she said, her face still flushed and sweaty but determination in her eyes.

"No?" he asked, confused. "What do you mean, no?"

"I have to go, Jake," she said, pushing her hips back, pulling her skirt down. "I shouldn't have even stayed this long."

"You're going to leave... now?" he asked incredulously. "We're kind of in the middle of something."

"Yes," she said. "We're in the middle of sinning before God. Only this time I have the strength to stop."

"You've got to be fucking kidding," he said.

"You don't need to swear at me," she said. "You know my views on pre-marital sex. You know I feel guilty when I sin with you. I'm not going to do it this time. I can't and I won't."

He trembled in place for a moment, strongly considering just dropping his pants, putting on the condom, and taking her anyway. She might protest a little but she would let him, especially once his cock entered her pussy. She would wrap those legs around him and beg him for more. But in the end he didn't do, couldn't commit what would technically qualify as rape. Instead, he slumped backwards, sitting down on a small chair against the bulkhead.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked, putting the condom back in his pocket. "Is this some kind of punishment?"

"No, Jake," she said. "I told you, I have to leave. I have an 8:20 class in the morning and I'm already out too late."

He shook his head angrily. "Why don't we cut the bullshit?" he suggested. "Tell me what's really bothering you." He snorted a little. "What's bothering you that's not normally bothering you, that is."

She opened her mouth, undoubtedly to insist that her 8:20 class was all that was on her mind, and then closed it again. She sighed, her hands smoothing her skirt out. "That song you played tonight," she said. "The new one."

"It's In The Book?" he asked, although he knew that was the one. It was the only new song they'd performed. And he had a pretty good idea why she wasn't too keen on it.

"That's the one," she confirmed. "It's about The Bible, isn't it?"

Now it was he who sighed, slumping a little further against the bulkhead. He had known this was going to come up at some point, he just hadn't thought she would pick up on the meaning of the lyrics in It's In The Book so quickly. The song was about the negative lessons The Bible taught, a well-researched and poignant tune that Jake-who had penned it-was quite proud of, but that any person who identified himself or herself as "a good Christian" would probably take offense to.

"Intolerance and hatred, bigotry and pain

It's in The Book... It's in The Book

Violence, oppression, jealousy, shame

Persecution in God's name,

It's in The Book... It's in The Book"

That was just one verse of the song. There were six others plus a particularly vehement bridge just prior to the guitar solo that was a borderline rant. In short, the song was an angry condemnation of fundamental Christianity and organized religion.

"Yes," Jake said. "It's about The Bible."

Michelle's face tightened up, her eyes narrowing to slits. "You're making fun of The Bible, Jake," she said. "Sweet Mary, Mother of God! Do you think that's funny or something?"

"Funny?" he asked. "Did it sound like I was trying to be funny? There's nothing in that song that isn't true, hon. The Bible does teach intolerance and hatred. It does teach bigotry and pain. Do you deny this?"

"You're taking things out of context!" she shouted. "And your doing it just so those Godless people out there will worship you even more. Don't you ever fear for your soul, Jake? Not even a little?"

"I'm not going to discuss religion with you," he told her. "We've already been over this again and again. My beliefs are not your beliefs. You've known that about me from the start. Why are you suddenly having a problem with it?"

"I've grown up since we started dating," she said. "You know, maturity? You ever heard of it? You certainly haven't developed any in this past year."

He took a deep breath, biting back on several hateful replies. Finally, he asked, "What is it you're trying to say?"

"I don't know," she said, a tear running down her face. "I've grown up, I've matured, I'm working my butt off to try to achieve my goals in life. I love you, Jake. I love you dearly, but look at what you're doing with your life. Look at yourself! You've dropped out of school and you have no intention of going back, do you?"

"If there comes a time I need to go back, I'll go back," he said. "Right now we're pulling off three sets a week, sometimes four. We have rehearsals two days a week and jam sessions where we try to put together new songs on the other days. This band is my job, Michelle. Don't you get that?"

"Oh I get it all right," she said. "And how much are you making at your job, Jake?"