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"Welcome to Hollywood," she told him. "Where any office boy or young mechanic can get fucked like a whore."

This too struck him as funny. They laughed together hysterically for the better part of two minutes.

"Oh wow," she said when they finally returned to normalcy. "I don't know what I'd do without good buds to get me through, or cheap beer." She slid over on the couch, until her leg was in contact with his. She turned toward him, a dreamy expression on her face. Her hand went to the side of his face, caressing him there, stroking him.

A moment later they were sharing their first kiss. It stretched out for some time, at first a gentle touching of lips, then a dance of tongues. She tasted of Skunkbud and spearmint chewing gum and she radiated eroticism from every pore as she began to heat up. He let his hands roam up and down her back, whispering over the cotton of her blouse. Her fingers went to his long hair and began to run through it.

"You are so sexy, Jake," she whispered to him when the kiss finally broke. "I always thought that, ever since you started working with us... but when I heard you sing... mmmm, when I heard you sing..."

She seemed incapable of completing the thought. Instead, she covered his mouth with hers once more. Her tongue slid back between his lips. They moved closer together, so her firm, feminine body was pressed against his. He let his hand drop down to her leg, just below the hem of her skirt. It was a soft, smooth, sexy leg, one of the finest he'd ever felt, perhaps the finest. But when he tried to slide his hand up higher, to put it under her skirt, her hand dropped down onto it, stopping him.

"No," she whispered softly, breaking the kiss but keeping her lips only a few millimeters from his. "Not tonight. Not on the first date."

"No?" he whispered back, unable to determine if she were teasing or not.

"No," she repeated. "I'm not that kind of girl." And then, having said that, her tongue slid out and licked slowly, sensuously across his upper lip.

He sucked it into his mouth and their kiss resumed, quickly becoming passionate, intense. Her hand went back up to his neck, where it caressed the skin there, her nails scratching at him lightly. He concluded that she really had been kidding about the first date prohibition. And besides, this wasn't really a date, was it? They had just come over to smoke a joint. He tried to push his hand upward on her leg again. Once again her hand slapped down on it, barring the ascension.

"Don't be naughty, Jake," she whispered, her tongue licking at his chin, sliding along the angle of his jaw to his ear. "First date gets first base only. That's the rule."

He groaned a little. His cock was rock-hard beneath his jeans and didn't much care for the idea that it would not get to play tonight. "Are there exceptions to the rule?" he asked her.

"No," she replied, licking at his earlobe, her fingers now scratching at the back of the hand that rested on her lower thigh. "Kissing only. No touching the private parts. No exceptions."

They continued to make out and she continued to deflect all of his efforts to move beyond first base. She allowed him to kiss her neck, to hold her by the waist, to run his hand up and down her legs below the skirt, but she refuted any attempts to touch her breasts or to slide his hands higher. Her hands were quite active as well. She ran them up and down his back, through his hair, even over his chest. But they went nowhere near his ass, let alone the bulge in his jeans. His erection was so intense that it was actually throbbing with the beat of his heart. He began to feel the sweet pain of blue balls for the first time since high school.

Finally, after nearly an hour, they broke apart. Jake was trembling with desire for her, especially since he could sense how turned-on she was as well. Her nipples were poking through her blouse. Her face and neck were flushed. Her lips were swollen and blood red even though her lipstick had long since been kissed clean off of them.

"Wasn't that fun, Jake?" she asked him, her breathing still heavy, her skirt still quite high on her legs.

He nodded. "Yeah," he breathed back. "But it could be funner."

She smiled sexily. "A second date might get you second base," she said. "If you're nice, that is."

"Is that a rule too?" he asked.

"That you have to be nice? That's always a rule."

"No," he said. "About second base."

"Don't you think second base is a good goal for a second date? I wouldn't want you to think I'm a slut or anything."

"I would never think that," he said.

"You guys all say that," she told him. "And you might even mean it, at least while you have a bulge like that in your jeans." She looked at it with interest, sighing a little.


"I guess you're gonna have to take care of that yourself, aren't you?"

"Uh... yeah, I suppose," he replied.

"I'm gonna have to take care of myself too," she said. "I'm so wet right now, you wouldn't believe it. My panties are absolutely soaked."

A tremor worked its way through him at these words. God, what she doing? She had to be the worst cock-tease he had ever encountered.

"Tell me something," she said, her hand dropping to his knee and caressing there, almost absently. "Did you really like my bathtub scene?"

"Oh yes," he said truthfully. "It was very hot."

"Did it make your cock hard when you saw it?"

He nodded. "Yes." And it was true. It was hard not to get a hard-on while watching a woman with a beautiful body soap her breasts, stomach, and pubic region while laying in a bathtub.

"It turns me on to think that I've made thousands of guys hard," she said. "Millions maybe. Does that make me sick?"

He shook his head. "No, not at all."

She gave her sexy smile again. "You know," she said, "I could use a bath about now. Maybe I could reenact that scene for you. Would you like that?"

"Re... reenact?" he asked. "You mean..."

"You can't touch me though," she said. "That would be going past first base and that's not allowed on a first date." She stood up. "But if you wanted to watch me do something I've already done on a movie set... well, that's not being a slut, is it?"

"Of course not," he blurted as an additional surge of blood went rushing into his nether regions.

"Wait until you hear the water turn off," she said. "And then come on in." She cast him a knowing look. "With your clothes on."

"Right," he said.

She sashayed into the bathroom. The door closed behind her. A second later he heard the sound of water running through the pipes. The minutes stretched out with agonizing slowness. Jake's mind whirred with thoughts of her undressing, of what he was going to see when he went in there, with thoughts of what might happen as a result. His cock did not deflate so much as an iota. Finally, after several forevers, the rush of water came to an end. He stood up and walked to the bathroom door, his hand coming down on the knob. He turned it and stepped inside.

The room was steamy and warm. The bathtub was smaller than the one that had been featured in the movie, but that detracted little from the eerily erotic deja vu he experienced as he looked down at her. She was posed just as she had been in the film, laying on her back in clear water, legs slightly apart, breasts just above the surface. She had a bar of soap in her hands and was rubbing it in lazy, opulent circles across her breasts, over her smooth belly, across the sparse black pubic hair. Her head was back, eyes half closed, a sexy, contented smile on her face.

"You're beautiful, Angie," he said, walking closer, staring at her unabashedly.

"Thank you," she said, making another circle with the soap, lingering near the pubic region this time, sighing a little as it passed lower, revealing just a hint of the pinkness beneath.

"God," Jake whispered, wanting more than anything to rip off his clothes and jump in the tub with her, to drive himself inside her body.

"That's close enough," she said when his knees touched the edge of the tub. "Just look at me. Just imagine what my body feels like, what my hands are feeling right now."