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"Oh... okay," he said, frowning a little, trying to remember exactly what day of the week it was and whether or not Angie would be working tonight. "I'll wait until we get back to the hotel."

Greg made no further comment on the telephone call. He simply hustled them into the showers.

It was as they were all naked and soaping themselves under the locker-room style shower heads that they heard voices coming from outside the doorway - voices and feminine giggles.

"What the hell?" Jake had time to ask before the door swung open and five naked girls came strolling in. There were two dyed blondes, one natural blonde, and two brunettes. All were curvy, large breasted, and quite attractive. Jack Ferguson, the head of tour security, was with them. He was still fully dressed.

"There they are, girls," Jack said. "As promised."

The girls squealed in delight and came rushing into the room.

"Groupies!" Darren yelled excitedly.

"All fuckin' right!" Matt shouted. "I'm now officially impressed. One of you girls come over here and suck me off!"

The led to an eruption of giggles and a brief argument between one of the brunettes and on of the unnatural blondes. The brunette apparently won. She walked over to Matt, dropped to her knees at his feet, and sucked his soft, but rapidly expanding penis into her mouth.

"Fuck yeah!" Matt said, his hand dropping to the back of her head. "I don't even wanna know your name, hon. In fact, don't talk to me at all. You say a fuckin' word and I'm kicking your ass outta here."

The rest of the girls entered the shower area. Three of them raced towards Jake - who was still trying to process all of this with his intoxicated mind. The natural blonde reached him first, thus staking her official claim.

"That was a bitchin show," she told him, her hands going to his soapy shoulders and rubbing.

"Uh... thanks," he stammered, taking a step backwards. She stepped with him, keeping hands in place.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" she asked, her rubs going down a little further, onto his upper chest and back.

Involuntarily his eyes did a quick scan. She was nineteen or twenty - twenty-one at the very most. Her breasts were well above average size, yet perky due to her youth. Her nipples were pink, perfect, and gloriously erect. Her stomach was flat and smooth, her bush sparse and light brown in color. Her legs were nothing short of fabulous. The sight of her, combined with the sensuous feel of her soft hands caressing him, caused blood to go slamming into his penis, making it twitch and dance.

"Mmmm," she said, looking down at it. "It looks like you do."

He started to speak - he really did - started to tell her that he was flattered by the attention but that he had a girlfriend back in Los Angeles - a girlfriend who definitely wouldn't approve of him showering naked with an attractive female in an auditorium locker room. But the girl didn't hear word one of what he said. She leaned into him, pushing her breasts against his chest where they began to slip and slide against the layer of soap there, the nipples tracing circles and ovals. Her mouth went to his neck, where it began to kiss and nibble. And her hand - that lovely, soft hand with the manicured nails - dropped down to his penis and began to stroke it with a pressure that was almost unbearable. His words trailed off and his arms went around her, pulling her soft, sexy body tighter against him. He slid his hands down to her ass and began to squeeze it.

"I just love your voice," she whispered to him as she continued kissing and licking his neck and his ears, as she rubbed the head of his cock against her stomach. "And the way you move up on stage. I was in the front row. Did you see me flash my titties at you?"

"Was that you?" Jake asked, although he had seen no such thing.

She giggled. "That was me. And when some of your sweat came down and landed on my arm it turned me on sooooo much. I licked it off."

Jake had no reply for this, he only groaned as her fingers found his balls and began to gently squeeze them. He turned his head to her, meaning to put his lips against hers but stopped at the last second, remembering the advice from Gordon Strong. Never kiss a groupie. He had no idea why Strong had told them that and it was obvious that it had been meant as a joke of some kind, but it was also advice that seemed to contain a strong grain of truth. He diverted his lips at the last moment and kissed her on the nose instead. This produced another giggle and then she slowly slid down his body, until she was kneeling before him. She sucked his erect cock into her mouth and began to bob up and down on it.

Jake sighed, a sound of pleasure mixed with repressed guilt at his weakness. He looked around at the others to keep his mind occupied and saw that Matt was slapping his cock across his groupie's face. Bill had paired up with the other brunette and was currently palpating and squeezing every portion of her body while explaining to her the path that nerve impulses took from the surface of her flesh to her brain and how her Bartholins gland was secreting slippery mucous to provide lubrication for sexual penetration. Coop, like Matt and Jake, was enjoying an enthusiastic blowjob from his groupie. And Darren had either forgotten the advice from Gordon Strong or was disregarding it. He was locked in a passionate embrace with one of the dyed blondes, his mouth firmly connected to hers, his tongue obviously driving as deep into her mouth as he could get it. Jack Ferguson, still fully dressed, was standing in the corner of the room, smoking a cigarette and drinking a bottle of beer. He was watching the whole thing impassively, with the eye of a man who had seen such shenanigans hundreds, maybe thousands of times before.

Darren suddenly broke the embrace he shared with his groupie. He put his hands on her shoulders and spun her around. "Bend over, bitch," he told her. "I'm gonna fuck you!"

The bitch in question obeyed without any sign of hesitation or offense. She even reached behind her and spread herself open. But before he could line himself up and enter her, Jack stood up and took a few steps forward.

"Stop right there, Darren," he yelled. "No fucking in the shower!"

"What?" Darren asked, turning angrily toward him. "What the fuck are you talking about. Where the fuck do you get off telling me..."

"You like paternity suits, do you?" Jack asked him calmly. "Or how about the drip? Or how about fucking AIDS?"

"I don't have any of that stuff," the groupie said haughtily.

"Maybe not, but you're of child-bearing age, aren't you? And getting knocked up by a rich rock star would get you out of this shitpot town you live in, wouldn't it? You were told the rules, sister. None of my musicians gets in your puss without a rubber."

"Well gimmee a fuckin' rubber then!" Darren pleaded.

"You son of a bitch!" his groupie yelled, standing up and turning angrily towards Jack, Darren forgotten. "How dare you talk to me like that - accuse me of that!"

"It's just my job, hon," Jack told her, blankly. "If you don't want to follow the rules, you can just get the fuck out of here. There's a hundred other girls out there who'd love to take your place."

"You can't do that!" the groupie yelled. "I sucked your fuckin' cock so I could get back here! We all sucked fuckin' cock to get back here! We had a fuckin' agreement!"

"And you just tried to violate the rules," Jack said.

"Wait a minute," Darren said, his face starting to turn a little green. "What do you mean you sucked his cock?" He turned to Jack. "What does she mean, she sucked your fuckin' cock?"

Jack shrugged. "The security boys and some of the higher seniority roadies are the ones who pick out a few girls to come meet you guys after the show," he told Darren. "It's been worked out over the years that there is a certain price to be paid for that privilege."

Darren looked like he was going to throw up now. "You mean... you mean..."

"You really shouldn't kiss groupies, Darren," Jack told him, a faint smile on his face. "Didn't anyone tell you that?"