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I gave her a soft kiss, and she said "Really, Uncle Ted — it's because you were here with me, and making me feel so good. When I could feel myself getting closer, I knew I didn't have to be afraid or nervous; and that you'd take care of me — and you did! It felt so good, what you were doing, and I could feel that it was almost going to happen, and it was starting to make me kind of crazy, I wanted it to happen so bad. Then I felt you suck on my tit that way, and when you kinda bit my nipple, everything just…exploded inside me!"

I couldn't resist smiling at her delight and enthusiasm, and asked "So, you think you'll be okay with finishing things yourself, now?"

She gave me a pleased grin before answering "Yeah, I think so. But I'll still want it to happen with you sometimes, too."

"I'm okay with that", I told her, "but let's not make it too often, okay? We don't want to make anybody mad or upset, do we?"

Only mildly chastised, she told me "No, I guess not."

I softly kissed her again, and the two of us lay there for several minutes before she quietly told me "I wish I could stay with you like this, but I guess I should go back upstairs so Mom doesn't get worried or anything."

After a few moments, we got out of bed, and I went with her back to where she'd left the clothing she'd taken off. When I sat in my recliner and blatantly watched her, she got a smile on her face and made a show out of it as she got her things back on. Dressed again, she came over and gave me a soft kiss on the lips before telling me "Thank you, Uncle Ted. That felt really good, what you did; and how you made me feel."

"I'm glad you liked it, and that I could help you, honey.", I told her. She gave me a pleased smile, and when she turned around, I gave her a soft pat on the butt as she started toward the stairs.

After giving it a couple of minutes in case she came down for something else, I went into my bathroom to deal with my own needs after what we'd done.

Later, after supper, when Teresa and I were alone in the living room, she told me "I have a pretty good idea of what Donna went to see you about, and I want to make sure you know that I'm okay with it. I saw how happy she was when she came back upstairs, and that just lets me know that I'm right to trust you the way I do. If or when Wendy or Karen come to you about anything like that, you don't have to worry about whether or not I'll have any problems — I won't. As long as you're not hurting them, and they're happy afterwards, I'm not going to object."

"I kinda figured, when she told me that you said you'd watch to make sure nobody bothered us."

She gave me a wry smile before saying "Like I said, I had a pretty good idea of what she was after; it seemed like a good idea to make sure she had whatever time and privacy she needed.

And on the subject of privacy, you haven't said anything to me about what happened with her -

and I do NOT need or want to know. Your time with her — or any of them, for that matter — is just for you and them."

I had to laugh, then tell her her "I'm glad to hear that. I was trying to figure out how to not tell you anything, if you HAD asked.", getting a small laugh from her. We looked at each other, and satisfied that we were both at the same place on the same page, we moved on to talk about other things.

After Donna learned what kind of pleasure she could experience, I really didn't figure that she'd need or want my assistance when she was perfectly capable of taking care of things herself. But several times after that, she would make it clear to me that she wanted us to have another session together. Whether it was down in my place, or in the privacy of her room when no one else was home, I was more than happy to go along with her desires. Along the way, I learned that she was willing and able to have orgasms that were appreciably stronger than the first; that only gave me the freedom and opportunity to enjoy the limited pleasures I got from her body even more.

Even with the activity between myself and Donna, I still had the benefit of seeing all of the girls in various states of undress, as well as the infrequent satisfaction of having them put my hand on their breast so that I would touch and caress it. With all of them patently unconcerned about me seeing them, I fell out of the habit of waiting for a response when I had to knock at one of their closed doors; I'd still knock, but if I didn't hear any response after a couple of seconds, I'd figure it was okay to open the door.

It was a day off from school for the girls, and I was taking some comp time from work so they'd have an adult around if they needed me while Teresa was at her job. Wendy had gone off to visit one of her friends, leaving me, Donna, and Karen in the house. As it got close to lunchtime, I started thinking about what to make for the three of us, and couldn't decide what would be good.

Figuring that one or the other of the girls might want something in particular, I went down to solicit their input. Donna's room was the first one down the hall, so I knocked on her door, then opened it and put my head in a couple seconds later. She wasn't in her room, and I just figured she was in the bathroom; closing her door again, I went to Karen's room next. Again, I knocked, and when I didn't hear any objection, opened it far enough to stick my head in — only to be greeted by the sight of Karen and Donna both stark naked on Karen's bed, legs spread wide, and each with one hand between her thighs and the other on her breast, busily masturbating themselves with their eyes closed.

I don't know if I made a noise that they heard, they just sensed my presence, or what, but it was only a second before their eyes flew open and they saw me looking at them. I quickly apologized, and when I started to withdraw, Donna told me "No, Uncle Ted, don't go! I think we need you in here!"

With the door between me and them, I asked "Are you sure? I didn't mean to interrupt, or anything."

It was Karen's voice that told me "It's okay, Uncle Ted… really. We… I need to talk to you, and ask you some stuff."

Baffled, it took me a few moments to work up the courage to go on into her room — where I saw that though they'd stopped their activities, they were both still sitting there with their legs parted.

Looking around, I saw that there was enough stuff on the chair in front of Karen's desk that clearing it for a place to sit wasn't viable. That meant that if I wanted to sit down, it would have to be on Karen's bed — something that I wasn't entirely happy about, considering the situation.

But since she'd said that she wanted to talk and ask me some questions, I figured I'd better make myself comfortable; I parked myself on the edge of the bed, next to Karen's knee, and managed to keep my eyes above her waist. When I looked into her face, I saw that she was completely unconcerned about what I'd seen her doing and what I might see OF her. A look at Donna told me that she had much the same attitude as her younger sister. My mind couldn't resist going off to visualize what the scene might have been if either of MY folks had witnessed my self-gratifications…

Pulling myself back together, I looked at Karen again and asked "What was it you wanted to talk to me about, honey?"

To my surprise, I saw her blush slightly before she told me "I've been touching myself, and it feels good and everything, but it doesn't seem to feel as good for me as when Donna does it for her." It took me a few seconds to understand that she had blushed not because she was embarrassed about touching herself, but because she was having trouble getting the results she wanted. Again, my mind had to head off in a different direction as I contemplated the significance and implications of that understanding…