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Keeping my face deadpan, I responded with "I dunno… the Easter Bunny, maybe?", making her and the girls all laugh.

"Well, wherever it came from, I want to thank them. This is perfect for a nice dinner!"

"That's good to hear", I told her. "We've got a reservation in" — checking my watch — "Twenty minutes, so we might want to get going."

After a round of kisses, Teresa held my arm on the way out to my car. During the drive, I glanced over several times, and saw how happy she was as we chatted. When we got to the restaurant, we had to wait only a couple of minutes before they showed us to our table.

It was a nice meal in a good restaurant, and it was easy to see that Teresa was having a great time. She got a little bit tipsy on the wine we had with our food; just enough that I didn't have any trouble talking her into the almost decadent dessert she started lusting at on the dessert cart.

Afterwards, we were back in my car when she asked "Where are you going? This isn't the way home!"

"I thought you might like to spend a little time out on the town tonight — a little dancing, maybe, and even a couple of drinks. But if you want to go home…"

"Don't you dare!", she exclaimed before she realized I was teasing her, then telling me "No, I don't want to go home, and yes, I would like some time out on the town. It's been entirely too long since I've been dancing, and a drink or two would be wonderful."

The place I took us to was geared more toward us "older folks" than the clubs the younger kids packed; the music was the kind of stuff that we were familiar with, and could dance to the way we were used to dancing. A bit shorter than I was, Teresa made for a nice bundle in my arms during the slow tunes, and both of us had a great time during the next few hours. Both of us kept our alcohol consumption down to purely social levels.

Still, we were "older folks", and the late hour and exercise finally began to take its toll on us.

When Teresa suggested that we get home before the girls phoned us in as missing persons, I agreed. On the drive home, she sat next to me with her hand on my leg, while I had my arm around her. As we got close to the house, Teresa told me "I had a great time tonight, Ted… the best I've had in, oh, forever. I'd have been happy just with that trip to the salon — but to not only get this dress, but the necklace the girls got me, and then have a night out like this… well, you've made this the best birthday I've had in a long, long time. I just want you to have some idea of how very happy you've made me tonight."

I spared her a quick kiss to the cheek before telling her "I'm glad to do it. You do so much — not just for me, but the girls, too — that you deserve at least this much happiness."

By then, we'd reached the street where we lived, and it wasn't until I'd parked the car and both of us were on the way to the door that either of us said anything. She stopped in the shadow of a small fir in the front yard, and when I stopped and turned to look at her, she told me "Ted, ever since you got here, I've wished to hell that I'd been the one that could have gone to college instead of my ditz sister — so that maybe it could have been me that met you, instead of her.

Then maybe both of us could have had a happy life together all this time, instead of both of us going through all the crap that we have. I can tell that you like me, and that you're happy to be in the house with us. I know the girls have to be watching for us after they heard the car pull in, and I want us to have a little privacy when I tell you that I like you, too… a lot."

With that, she reached up and pulled my head down to give me a kiss — one that made it amply clear that when she'd said "a lot", she'd meant it. I put my hands on her hips to steady her as our kiss lengthened; when it intensified and she began pressing herself against me, I moved them to her ass, pulling her closer as our mouths opened so that we could touch tongues for the first time ever. Even as we were checking out each others tonsils, I could feel her bust pressing into my chest while my hands squeezed the surprisingly firm globes of her ass. Several seconds later, at almost the same time, both of us realized that we were moving pretty fast and had better break it up. As Teresa was getting her dress smoothed out again, I told her "I'm sorry, Teresa. I guess I really shouldn't have done that."

I heard her laugh softly before answering "It wasn't just you, Ted. I'm the one that damn near dragged you down to the ground so I could kiss you, in the first place!"

With both of us looking presentable, Teresa took my arm, and neither of us said anything else as we made our way into the house. In the living room, all three of the girls were so obviously being casual as they watched TV that Teresa and I had to share an amused smile. Turning to where they were plainly just lounging, Teresa told them "Okay, it's time for you three to get to bed. You've got time to say good night to Ted if you hurry…"

In just a couple of minutes, all three of the girls and I had made our good nights. As we watched the last of them disappear down the hall, Teresa turned to me and said "I really am sorry about what happened outside, Ted. But I meant every word I told you, too — not just then, but in the car, about how happy you made me tonight."

Looking into her eyes, I assured her "And I meant what I said, too.", before giving her a brief, soft, and loving kiss on the lips. I couldn't fathom what I saw in her expression and eyes when I pulled my head back; after wishing her pleasant dreams, I turned and went downstairs. I didn't get to sleep as quickly as I would have liked — I couldn't forget how nice Teresa's body had felt next to mine, and how pretty she'd looked while we'd been dancing…

I'd gotten home early one afternoon after getting a project finished, and was sitting upstairs with the girls watching a local TV station's "Dialing for Dollars" movie. Donna was next to me, with Karen sitting in a chair while Wendy lay on the floor. When the program took a break, Wendy got up and started down the hall — apparently for a bathroom visit; moments later, Karen announced she was hungry and was going to fix herself a snack, then went into the kitchen. After a bit, Donna asked me "Would you do something for me, Uncle Ted?"

Figuring she just needed a ride someplace, or wanted me to take her to the mall, I asked "What's that, sweetheart?"

"I know that sometimes boys and girls, they, uh, do things to each other… with their, um, mouths. When you helped Karen, I saw that your fingers were shiny from her being wet inside and that you licked her off of them. You even looked like you liked it, even. I thought about that, and the other part, about boys and girls using their mouths on each other; and I was hoping that you would let me find out what that's like, too. Not just you doing it to me, either — I… I'd want to learn how to make you feel good, too."

Okay, I'll admit that I have my dense times, too — it took a few seconds for me to really understand that she wanted to find out what it was like when somebody (me!) ate her pussy, and start learning how to perform oral sex (again, with me).

While there was a desire to agree immediately, I couldn't forget the fact that I'd never done anything with her or her sisters that had involved my genitals. Sure, I'd seen all three of them naked, and had my hands on all three, and all over the older two (and even helped them have orgasms, more than once) — but they'd never seen ME naked (to the best of my knowledge, anyway), or had any kind of contact with me. The other things I'd done with them had been