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She remembered that I'd already told her that I'd do what she wanted, so she was simply looking at me with considerable interest as I continued "Like I said, it wasn't easy for me — particularly when I had to admit that what we'd already been doing was sexual. But I remembered some things that your mom has said, and thought about those, too; and I finally decided that if the three of you really want to know about stuff like that, then after all the other things we've done together, the best thing I could do to make sure you weren't hurt or scared by learning that stuff was if you learned it with me — because I know that if it's with me, then I can make sure that each of you understands that we're doing something special… not because it's us doing it, but because of why. When I touch you and help you have an orgasm, the most important part of it is that we love and trust each other, not that it's you and me, or that I am touching you. You understand what I'm saying?"

The expression of love on her face told me that she did, but I was still glad to hear her say "Yeah, I do, Uncle Ted. That's why I do come to you — because I do love you, and know that you love me. I don't think it would even feel as good as it does, if I didn't know you love me a much as you do."

I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead, then went on to say "That's what I figured, about the things I've done with you and your sisters, so far. But you remember that you told me that you knew us using our mouths on each other was something where I wouldn't be able to give you an answer right away, so I know you understood that it was important. Now, I said that I can help you learn about that. Telling you how much I had to think about it, and all that… that was so you would know why I can help you; if I hadn't thought about all the different things like I did, and for as long, I would have told you 'no'. Now I have to tell you what has to happen before I will do anything like that with you."

I could see the surprise on her face, as well as her concern, when I continued "If I'm going to do anything with you or your sisters from now on, it's going to be up to all of you to make sure it's okay with your mom for you to be with me longer, so that we don't feel like we have to hurry or anything." She said that sounded okay, and I told her "For that to really work, I think that it has to be okay for whichever one of you that wants to be with me to come down here any time, too…

even in the evening, or for the whole night. So you have to make sure your mom doesn't have any problem with that, too. I'm not going to ask her if it is, because I'm not the one asking for us to be together — you girls are. And I don't think she would tell me she doesn't mind, for the same reason. Now, any of you could just do it, but I think that you know that even if your mom thought it was okay the first couple of times, she'd be be mad if it kept happening without you saying something first. If she got mad at me, then I'd probably have to move out — which means that we wouldn't be able to do stuff together at all any more, and I probably wouldn't be able to see all of you as often. So even if it's hard to do, I think you see that it's still best if you check with her first, right?"

Donna assured me she did, and that she and her sisters would do as I said. Next, I told her "I know I've been a stinker about doing stuff with you girls before — and now you know some of why that was. But you also heard me tell you that I've decided it's okay for me to do things with you; and that means that if one of you wants me to do something with you, you aren't going to have to try to talk me into it. If I think you understand what you're asking, then I'll probably agree — so it's going to be up to each of you to think about what you want, and make sure of it, before you come to me. I'm still not going to do anything to actually hurt any of you, ever — but I'm not going to try to stop you from doing something dumb, or embarrassing, either. So if you're going to be 'grown up' enough to want me to do sex stuff with you, it's up to you to make sure you act grown up enough to think it through beforehand."

I watched as she mulled that one over for a bit before realizing that the freedom to do what she wanted came with the responsibility for the consequences of those actions. There was no mistaking how serious she was when she nodded, letting me know that I could continue "It doesn't have to be just one of you at a time. If there's something two, or even all three, of you want to know about, then it's okay with me. You don't have to do the same things, or be together the whole time, either. I'm not saying anything like that should happen, or that I want it to… just that it's okay with me. Whether it does, or when, or how, is up to you three."

"I understand, Uncle Ted.", she assured me.

"The last thing", I told her, "is that you and your sisters know your mom better than I do — at least about stuff like this. So it's going to be up to each of you to be SURE that you don't do anything with me that your mom wouldn't like. If you're wrong, then there's the same problem as about how much time you spend with me, only worse — your mom might decide that she IS mad or upset enough to make trouble for me with the police. You've said that you trust me, and now you know how important it is that I can trust you… and what can happen if that trust is ruined because somebody did something dumb, or forgot, or got mad."

Solemn again, Donna told me "I know what you're telling me, Uncle Ted, and how much trouble there can be if we aren't careful — that we have to take care of the serious parts before we can do the fun ones."

Smiling, I told her "That's exactly right. That's what really being grown up is all about. You just listened to me talk; now it's your turn. Is there anything you want to say to me? Or ask?"

"Not right now. Later, maybe."

"That's fine, dear. Any time any of you wants to talk to me, or ask me something, that's fine. It's just about doing stuff with each other that we have to think extra about.", I told her, before taking her in my arms and giving her a hug. She readily hugged me back, and I could see that although she was still serious about what we'd talked about, she was happy that it hadn't changed how I felt about her.

My change in attitude wasn't just about me and the girls; I also began making sure that I was doing my fair share about other things, too. I began to make the time to help with some of the household chores that weren't assigned to the girls — and reminding them of the ones they did have, when necessary; taking care of the myriad of small jobs that seemed to crop up in a house, like fixing a leaky faucet or oiling a noisy door hinge; cutting the grass myself, instead of renting a neighbor kid do it.

It was maybe a couple of weeks after I'd talked to Donna, and after the girls had gone to bed one evening, when Teresa told me "I don't know what's gotten into you, Ted, or what's changed… but I haven't missed noticing that you're being a lot more 'involved' around here lately. Don't get me wrong — I appreciate it; but I wonder what brought it on, too."

"Remember a couple weeks ago, when I was having a problem with one of the girls?"

She gave me a half-smile before answering "Yeah, I remember. You were zoned out on us all through supper, and disappeared downstairs right after. You weren't entirely with us even at breakfast the next morning."